Chinese Gambling Game. - Crossword Clue Answers ...

chinese gambling game crossword clue answer

chinese gambling game crossword clue answer - win

The results are in! The first survey is here!

Hey everybody. I've done my best to compile the data into imgur album. I'll be adding the other text answers below.
I'll admit, surveys aren't my strong suit, but I was curious about what the community thought.
You have my sincerest apologies for how long this took. Responses were longer than I expected, there were a few issues with the data collection, and other life events I couldn't control. At the end of the day, no excuses, sorry, I love you
I removed specific names from the parts that were about bad experiences. Sorry folks, it's how I roll.
Without further ado, here's the link to the album. I recommend going through the album first.


Here is the text from the responses:
If you answered more than 0 for either of the previous two questions (about reviewing habits), why?
It's extremely important that someone's first or second experience is a positive one.
The room had a poorly presented puzzle and this puzzle had a "time penalty" which ate a load of our escape time, felt like a rip off. Also, unthematic puzzles. Also, the room reused riddles from The Hobbit.
Poor puzzle design, lack of challenge
They are all all cheap and bad.
Not worth the money, poor set design, broken puzzles, shitty game moderators
Often time the experience is not worth the money. You can only tell after playing if they owner is just trying to get money by putting together a low effort experience or if they are really trying to make it worthwhile.
The games were not properly observed by the GM
The room was poorly made and there were better rooms near by for the same price. I wanted to make sure my friends had fun.
The room was bland and boring, puzzles were not inventive, logic was weird
Sloppy rooms
Terrible puzzles and flow. Better local options.
Poor quality escape rooms should not be supported and shouldn't ruin other peoples' idea of what an escape room is or should be. This should be limited to especially bad rooms (imho).
Poor quality
I recommend things based on what I think people will like. For some groups, an escape room is not something I think they'll like.
The local one isn't good
Some places are simply terrible, with no effort (or money) put into game design.
Rooms that often require weak leaps in logic can be discouraging to players, and result in more headache and annoyance than enjoyment. Make the rooms logical, don't go off on too many tangents with puzzles. You'll overwhelm players.
Everything in that room felt like some cheap time consumer (cross checking 5 separate tables 4 times over for a single word, as an example) The room felt like you could recreate All of the puzzles with a pen, some paper and some lock boxes, if your room is going to have just as much content as a choose your adventure book then why not do that, why should you spend the time making your room a reality if it could be more fun as an exit game puzzle (which are escape rooms in a box). (I will give them credit for one puzzle where you need to get some light machine working, but since all the components were available from the start there was really no point in having it other to artificially waste your time)
This one escape room was so poorly done I had to give it a bad review. Tedious puzzles, cramped room the size of a closet, broken locks, dollar store props, and expensive. Overall terrible experience and I wanted others to avoid the same.
Never left online feedback
every room has been a three or over. Only one room I was disappointed in but I still recommend folks go just let them know that I wasn't fold of that one
One escape room that I've done is purely in it for the money. No attention to puzzle structure, immersion, anything. They are capitalizing on the fact that most of their customers have never done an escape room.
Describe your best escape room experience, and what made it that way?
I once went to an immersive theatre escape room, Strange Bird in Houston. The experience started at the door and didn't stop until we left. The game felt real, the actors gave it stakes, and the puzzles made sense. I played a pivotal role in a story in that game, rather than just winning a themed puzzle room. It was memorable.
Time Run 1 had a cool plot and many fun puzzles
Secret Chamber’s cuthulu room DFW. Excellent game quality, awesome set. Fully immersive.
I don't have a specific memory. The best part is usually when we go out after and laugh at ourselves.
A talented NPC that led us in the room in-character, then acted as a hint source throughout the entire game, always sticking to character.
The best one involved superb set design and immersion.
First one was a decent room, good theme, good puzzles and we completed it
CHROMWELL ESTATE ANAHIEM CA, live actor really was phenomenal. actor came out in a very unsuspecting way, actor was actually the owner and wanted to see first hand how their puzzles were doing and if anything needed to be changed
The best was where we felt like we were a part of an interactive story and that it wasn't so focused on puzzles as it was on bringing the narrative to the next stage and seeing the room reacting to it.
In a time travel room the GM said "begin" and then someone came from inside the room and said she had broken a tape player. The GM said no worries and told us to play around it. Turns out we had to "go back in time" and warn the actor not to break the player, as a puzzle. That was instantly my favorite puzzle.
The dig at escape the room Boston, Mars escape st the escape game in Nashville, TN, or The Basement in LA. It was a mix of build/set/game master
a room that had great puzzle flow which means keep you immersed in the experience
High tech
The experience begins when you enter the lounge, themed lobby, game master in character, fully immersive surprises, great set design, aha moments, secret rooms, lighting and sound effects.
Saw based theme. Just because it was so unique and different.
I liked "Goszdu Mission: White" in Budapest. You enter a white room that appears to have no interesting features at all, and eventually you start making progress and discovery.
Surprise elements
Favorite experience was a blend of awesome customer service, awesome narrative, awesome puzzle flow.
The room also had a cinematic sound track that evolved as more and more puzzles werr solved.
the experience is enhanced by the people I play with
Excellent story, clear flow of puzzles, and great set up
Enchambered (Sac), design was Hollywood immersive set quality, staff was awesome (CS); puzzles were both simple and hard, secret delight in multi room.
Enough puzzles to keep everyone 10 busy doing something so we all don’t huddle around one puzzle.
Electronic, ambient effects.
The whole game atmosphere was so immersive, it convinced you that you would die if you didn't get out.
Multiple points of terror, and with multiple puzzles that I'd never seen before. Also A+ acting by staff on top of an incredible room design. Lastly, a huge twist, where players essentially chose their fate.
My best escape room experience goes to Raleigh Room Escapes "Escape The Tramping Ground" which had amazing source material in North Carolina folklore, a full theatrical presentation in briefing (Live actors) and a room that was absolutely thematic and in some cases downright terrifying.
I will try not to spoil anything, There were lots of challenges involving object selection and finding objects hidden around the room and sorting them based on a sound file, there were hidden entrances and fricking laser puzzles and a lot of puzzle types for a wide range of puzzle solvers
I played a claustrophobia-style room where the set was so high tech that the walls literally moved in throughout the game!
Great immersion, forget you are playing a game. Needs good narrative / set + good puzzle flow
Best escape room experience was in a room that had a in-story way to interact with the employees and he was a great actor.
Pirate themed room that had well integrated puzzles that flowed nicely
Dragon’s Lair from Maze Rooms Los Angeles. The set was awesome and our gamemaster was probably the nicest gamemaster ever.
the set made the best room. I compare this company to being a "professional" production vs a "highschool" production. they are all good but this one is above and beyond. they have "professional' style sets
everything not to be used is glued down as opposed to tape or etc.have video intro instead of staff just speaking. combination of finding keys and finding codes not just one or the other. good variety of puzzles and rarely any that are just laminated sheets of types info. everything ties together in each of the rooms. MULTIPLE ROOMS make a big difference even if the amount of puzzles is the same a two part room is better than all in one room with no continuation IMO.
My latest escape room experience. While we didn't actually manage to escape in time, I found most of the puzzles in the room to be a good blend of challenging, yet solvable, with a unique setting (a Chinese restaurant/secret gambling ring). There were a few puzzles in the room that when we discovered, it was a huge moment for our team, and the majority of the puzzles were very well themed to the story. My personal favorite puzzle involved discovering some arrows for a directional lock.
Prison escape that required team collaboration
Describe your worst experience, and what made it that way?
Once played a game that was all ciphers. Ciphers are extremely popular in escape rooms: they take up time because they're never well-clued and can be created on the cheap, relying mostly on drawing symbols on things and laminating paper. It grated on us. One of the ciphers took 4 people 15 minutes to complete.
See earlier in survey
Alice in Wonderland room in SLC. Linear puzzle path, grouped with people who didn’t know what to do but were arrogant and wouldn’t let you try a puzzle, puzzles were broken, clues were inconsistent, game master was constantly distracting us, customer service was awful, lots of money spent in the wrong areas, and they tied their gamemaster’s pay to their trip advisor reviews and attempted to guilt us into leaving good reviews that way.
I did not like one puzzle where 2 members of our group were in another room and my we had to wait for them to get their puzzle done. We did nothing for 30 minutes. You should ALWAYS allow all people in the room to be able to work on all puzzles in my opinion.
Lots of items which looked like they might be relevant, but were red herrings. Technical issues making us doubt whether or not other things were working. Refusal to give any hint after time was out, as players are scored and invited to come play again. (Don't count on that, buddy.)
The worst ones are the ones that look like something I could build at home.
Multiple non working puzzles, inability to tell if we were doing something wrong or puzzle broken
Tons of locks, ugly undecorated office, math problems, suduku, crosswords, black lights being used to search for tiny markings around the room, they had all the things I just don't find very fun.
When I requested help the GM asked where I was, and had to get a book to find out how to help us. It was completely unprofessional.
All locks and keys, crappy, slapped together sets, and math/complex Cyphers (in the same puzzle)
half-working props, zero puzzle flow, or puzzle flow for a single unlock had 4-5 puzzles underneath. Chain puzzles are not easy to implement.
Boring/lazy decor
Dimlit basement, logic leaps, broken direction lock
puzzles that don't make sense, broken props, unresponsive GM
Zombie one as I found it too difficult to piece the puzzles together despite having all the parts.
A cramped, two-person room where the only communication was a walkie-talkie -- and then we accidentally lost the correct channel and had no way of communicating with the outside. We got stuck on a puzzle and realized that without a way to get hints, we'd just be sitting there for 40 minutes. Eventually we banged on the wall repeatedly to get attention.
Poor follow through with theme
A bad GM ruined what would have been a decent experience. We had it explined to us after we completed the room, that we should have done better since we were enthusiasts and that we didn't solve one of the puzzles correctly. It totally killed the mood with our whole group.
too many clues offered without us specifically asking for them
The game master. She wasn't watching, didn't know where we were up to, and instead of giving us clues, gave us the answer. When she did prompt us, the prompts weren't integral to getting through the room. Room too small, claustrophobic. Hint system requiring host to come into room and break experience instead of clever hint delivery (via old phone, parrot, etc)
Shitty props with cords easily visible (and acting as tripping hazards), puzzles where you were boned if you moved any parts of the puzzle around from where they were placed originally, multiple broken props, outright copyright infringement, and lots of ESL-level English. Also, completing a room in 20 minutes doesn't leave you feeling like you got your money's worth.
My worst experience may be the result of my team since I ended up bringing my grandparents into the room, but the puzzles required some very bad leaps in logic and some of the puzzles were very low quality in general.
I think I already explained it in the last section
I played a room in [there aren't a lot of EGs in this city, so I've removed the name. Message me if that's an issue.] Ontario that had a tiny cramped room the size of a closet (supposedly for 4 players) that had tedious puzzles--one literally had you go page by page through a phone book!
1)Too easy (26 minutes with me and beginners) and very linear (only one thing to do at a time and it's pretty obvious as you only have what is needed). 2)impossible to understand what to do alone (we were amongst the supposedly 5% to win and we were constantly being told what to do)
A room that was very well presented but had puzzles that required knowledge from outside the escape room. Only room I havent completed in time.
Spy theme with mismatched puzzles and no decoration [redacted. Message me if this is an issue] Our gamemaster was late (I didn’t really mind since we were the last group of the night), but the set is just too freaky for my taste.
was actually the same place that always has my best experiences. the only room I hadn't been to there yet and was just expecting more. The second room was very short (2 puzzles) and expected more so used extra clue for the first room and ended up not needing to because got out of the second so quick. a BIG part of why is was disappointing was the clue giver ( this company has a physical door bell and a staff member comes in the room) I prefer clues this way as opposed to being on screen or over the speakers HOWEVER this particular person gave the hint and then stuck around I would say "hovering" until we completed the puzzle that the hint came from. If they had given the clue and then left it would have been a much better experience I think.
The worst escape room I've completed was a spy-themed escape. While the set design in the room was very good, and there were some unique elements to discover, there were two things that caused me to enjoy the room a little less. The main room was themed as a bank vault, and while the puzzles in the room lent themselves to the theme well, I found the room to be somewhat lacking in details, and the lighting in the room was a bit too dark for my tastes, making the room seem a little more stressful. The second thing was a tricky lock. It got to the point where we only had to solve this lock to finish the game, but it was a very finicky combination lock, taking us a good portion of time to get to work, and almost costing us the win. A Sherlock Holmes room that payed no attention to anachronisms; for example, the room had a plastic red IKEA chair for Sherlock's desk chair. The desk itself was a 19th century roll top. What era was this story taking place??
Use this section to add anything you'd like, clarify your answers, or incorporate anything the survey has missed or glossed over. All of your answers will be read and considered when compiling the final data.
I can't tell you how many games I've played where the game master says "Wow! That was the first time anyone's solved that puzzle without a hint!" Really? Then it's BROKEN. IT'S A BROKEN PUZZLE. Asking for a hint should not be a mandatory part of the game. I've also heard of plenty of escape rooms opening from the beta period WITHOUT A SINGLE TEAM HAVING WON THE GAME YET. Then...what was beta for? How do you know anyone CAN solve it? The industry is full of puzzle amateurs, people calling it "good," no matter the feedback they later get from the real world. "Because it's supposed to be hard."
I think 1-4 rooms is too big of a gap for the first question. I would say, 0, 1, 2, then 3-5, or something like that. I'm VERY curious how this info adds up for people who have ONLY played 1 room and have NOTHING else to base their answers on. (Response from me, the survey master: Very fair point, I’ll be sure to adjust the responses accordingly next time.)
No question about room duration? My favorite rooms are the longer ones (90 min) but there aren't that many… (Response from me, the survey master: Also true. I guess it’s my own bias that rooms are generally 60 minutes long. My mistake, I’ll definitely add something like this in next time.)
I think it would be better to include a full list of puzzle types and have people either say they like or dislike it. Just be sure to go into detail with them, because there are good and bad uses of each puzzle type, it would just be interesting to see what others think about them in general. (Response from me, the survey master: Fair point, will do!)
submitted by SirIsaacBrock to escaperooms [link] [comments]

chinese gambling game crossword clue answer video

Crossword clues for 'CHINESE GAMBLING GAME' Clue Answer; Chinese gambling game (6) FANTAN: Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for CHINESE GAMBLING GAME [fantan] We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word fantan will help you to finish your crossword today. We've arranged the synonyms in length order so that they ... Crossword Clue The crossword clue Chinese gambling game. with 6 letters was last seen on the January 01, 1962.We think the likely answer to this clue is FANTAN.Below are all possible answers to this clue ordered by its rank. You can easily improve your search by specifying the number of letters in the answer. The Crossword Solver found 20 answers to the Chinese gambling region crossword clue. The Crossword Solver finds answers to American-style crosswords, British-style crosswords, general knowledge crosswords and cryptic crossword puzzles. Enter the answer length or the answer pattern to get better results. Click the answer to find similar crossword clues. The system found 25 answers for chinese game crossword clue. Our system collect crossword clues from most populer crossword, cryptic puzzle, quick/small crossword that found in Daily Mail, Daily Telegraph, Daily Express, Daily Mirror, Herald-Sun, The Courier-Mail and others popular newspaper. On this page you will find the solution to Chinese gambling mecca crossword clue crossword clue. This clue was last seen on April 10 2019 on New York Times’s Crossword. If you have any other question or need extra help, please feel free to contact us or use the search box/calendar for any clue. We found one answer for the crossword clue Chinese gambling game. Are you looking for more answers, or do you have a question for other crossword enthusiasts? Use the “Crossword Q & A” community to ask for help. If you haven't solved the crossword clue Chinese gambling game yet try to search our Crossword Dictionary by entering the letters you already know! The system found 25 answers for chinese game crossword clue. Our system collect crossword clues from most populer crossword, cryptic puzzle, quick/small crossword that found in Daily Mail, Daily Telegraph, Daily Express, Daily Mirror, Herald-Sun, The Courier-Mail, Dominion Post and many others popular newspaper. Here is the answer for: Chinese gambling region crossword clue answers, solutions for the popular game Universal Crossword. This clue belongs to Universal Crossword December 17 2020 Answers. In case something is wrong or missing you are kindly requested to leave a message below and one of our staff members will be more than happy to help you out. If you haven't solved the crossword clue Chinese game yet try to search our Crossword Dictionary by entering the letters you already know! (Enter a dot for each missing letters, e.g. “P.ZZ..” will find “PUZZLE”.) Also look at the related clues for crossword clues with similar answers to “Chinese game” Contribute to Crossword Clues The Crossword Solver found 20 answers to the chinese gambling game crossword clue. The Crossword Solver finds answers to American-style crosswords, British-style crosswords, general knowledge crosswords and cryptic crossword puzzles. Enter the answer length or the answer pattern to get better results. Click the answer to find similar crossword clues.

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