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The Experience of Being In Love Is Not The Same For Everyone. Australian government gambling revenue This site requires JavaScript to function properly, earning critical acclaim and a Golden Globe nomination for Best Actor Musical or Comedy. If It s Lovin that You Want 3 What s Her Best Look, ...

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It begins: Australian net filters may block porn and gambling sites as well.

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The remote South Australian town of Ceduna will be the site of the first trial of the welfare debit card, which will hold 80 per cent of fortnightly payments and can't be used on alcohol or gambling.

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breaking: Australian Internet Censorship list leaked, contains over 50% legal sites including Wikipedia, Youtube, Gambling sites, Religious sites, Pro Euthenasia and Abortion sites, and even a QLD Dentist.

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Rio Tinto Chief Executive cries into his money after destroying culturally significant sight.

Rio Tinto Chief Executive cries into his money after destroying culturally significant sight. submitted by Tropicalfuckstorm to australia [link] [comments]

Standing to Port | Year in Review and Monthly FIRE Portfolio Update | December 2020

In order to arrive at what you do not know
You must go by a way which is the way of ignorance.
-T. S. Eliot, Four Quartets – East Coker
Year in Review
The year past has been extraordinary in so many ways, entirely separate from the progress to the goal of financial independence.
Part of the structure of the year has been seeing elements of this new reality bleed into markets and economic developments, affecting the portfolio in profound ways.
At the the broadest level, the year saw the passing of my portfolio objective, in a rapid unexpected way in December. In fact, as can be seen below, this year saw the crossing of the last two outstanding portfolio measures.
Progress against FI measures through 2020
Measure Portfolio All Assets
Portfolio objective – $2,180,000 (or $87,000 pa) 82%→104% 112%→136%
Credit card purchases – $71,000 pa 100%→127% 136%→166%
Total expenses – $89,000 pa 80%→102% 109%→133%
On an ‘All Assets’ basis – taking into account superannuation assets – the year saw further progress, to be well above the minimum levels required to sustain the portfolio income objective.
Course of the voyage
The progress of the year was steeped in volatility. This year saw the largest ever fall in the value of the portfolio, and also two of the largest ever monthly gains.
This volatility is clearly evidenced in the variations in the total end of month portfolio values in the chart below.
Overall the portfolio increased by over $500,000 through the full year. This is the largest rise in the value of the portfolio over a single year on record.
Quite simply, it has moved the portfolio to a different magnitude and scale of operation. The chart below of the overall value of the portfolio on a calendar year basis illustrates this alteration starkly.
It cannot be escaped that the largest single contributor to the increase over this year was a surge in the price of Bitcoin, leading to over $300,000 of the gains.
Equity markets, however, also pushed forward in the second half of the year, and the equity portfolio finished around $175,000 higher than the beginning of the year. The gold component of the portfolio also ended the year higher.
As the set out in the In Way of Harbour post two weeks ago, combined this progress resulted in the passing of the portfolio objective in mid-December.
Direction of portfolio contributions
This year portfolio contributions were directed to only two significant investments – the Vanguard exchange traded funds for Australian shares (VAS) and global shares (VGS).
This contrasts with the generally splintered nature of investments over the previous course of the journey, in which it was not unusual for more than four or five different vehicles to receive contributions. This can be seen by the chart below.
The split in contributions for this year reflected a dynamic asset allocation approach. Each fortnight, an updated excel spreadsheet helps show which component of the portfolio is lagging furthest below its target allocation. New investments are directed to this asset class.
A true and steady course pursued
This year has been an important one for the financial independence journey. In fact, arguably the most important.
Yet the journey this year has featured fewer adjustments and changes than any previously. Rather it has been a year of fairly steady mechanical actions, taken in pursuit of the overall portfolio plan.
As the journey has proceeded towards its destination, it has been a strength to have a simple approach of just investing twice per month in the asset class furthest from its target, and to pursue a pre-set allocation between Australian and international equities. As my examination of the equity portfolio found, this ensures investments are spread across nearly 6,000 different equity securities.
So to some extent, there has been an achievement of simply staying the course – and calmly implementing the plan, even as conditions through the year imposed the largest dollar losses the portfolio has ever seen.
Yet the recent recovery should not necessarily be seen as a ‘payoff’ or reward for this steady application. Markets might just as well have continued to fall. To look for patterns of justice or morality in market events is to make a fundamental category error, and any that do so should perhaps aim to read a well-chosen book instead.
Progress of the record
The year has also been a successful one for this record itself, the blog. Over the course of the year there has been 139,000 page views, with monthly pageviews rising from below 10,000 at the start of the year to be closer to 15,000 in recent months.
This is a modest size in Australian blogging, and indeed Australian FI blogging terms. Yet using sessions and session times can help put this into a more tangible perspective.
The time spent by visitors on the site is equivalent to one person sitting and continuously reading the blog for around eight months of standard working hours. Viewed in this way, such a dedicated reader obviously deserves considerable respect, and the best experience that can be provided.
Towards the horizon – future plans and goals
Over past weeks, as is my habit each year during this holiday break, I have been reviewing my investment policy and looking at possible new goals.
This has obviously been an especially salient exercise since the middle of this month. It has involved thinking carefully through and testing my plans, assumptions and potential asset allocation approaches.
A final jigsaw puzzle piece in this respect are distributions from funds and exchange traded funds. So, as previously, before finalising any new plans or approaches in a new post, I want to fit this missing piece into the picture. Unfortunately this entails waiting until all December distributions are finalised or announced. This will also lead into a regular portfolio income update.
I am looking forward to sharing these updated plans – including possibly new portfolio objectives – in the next week or so.
Monthly FIRE Portfolio Update - December 2020
If you are a boat that wants to sail in windy weather, you must be more stubborn than the waves.
-Mehmet Murat ildan
This is my forty-ninth monthly portfolio update. I complete this regular update to check progress against my goal.
Portfolio goal
My objective is to reach a portfolio of $2 180 000 by 1 July 2021. This would produce a real annual income of about $87 000 (in 2020 dollars).
This portfolio objective is based on an expected average real return of 3.99 per cent, or a nominal return of 6.49 per cent.
Portfolio summary Vanguard Lifestrategy High Growth Fund $795,506
Vanguard Lifestrategy Growth Fund $44,605
Vanguard Lifestrategy Balanced Fund $82,652
Vanguard Diversified Bonds Fund $109,841
Vanguard Australian Shares ETF (VAS) $267,825
Vanguard International Shares ETF (VGS) $107,732
Betashares Australia 200 ETF (A200) $259,920
Telstra shares (TLS) $1,599
Insurance Australia Group shares (IAG) $5,980
NIB Holdings shares (NHF) $7,212
Gold ETF (GOLD.ASX) $111,964
Secured physical gold $17,947
Ratesetter (P2P lending) $6,218
Bitcoin $420,440
Raiz app (Aggressive portfolio) $19,008
Spaceship Voyager app (Index portfolio) $3,081
BrickX (P2P rental real estate) $4,500
Total portfolio value $2,266,030 (+$180,228)
Asset allocation
Australian shares 38.7%
Global shares 21.3%
Emerging market shares 1.9%
International small companies 2.4%
Total international shares 25.7%
Total shares 64.4% (-10.6%)
Total property securities 0.2% (+0.2%)
Australian bonds 3.6%
International bonds 7.5%
Total bonds 11.1% (-3.9%)
Gold 5.7%
Bitcoin 18.6%
Gold and alternatives 24.3% (+14.3%)
Presented visually, the chart below is a high-level view of the current asset allocation of the portfolio.
This month has seen the second largest increase the portfolio in this four year record, immediately following the record growth in November.
The overall portfolio has increased by over $180,000, resulting in the meeting of the portfolio objective around half way through December, and notionally six months ahead of schedule. The portfolio grew 8.6 per cent over the month.
This growth has almost exclusively arisen from the substantial rise in the price of Bitcoin, with the holding increasing in value by around 50 per cent this month alone. Since March of this year, the value of these holdings have more than tripled. Compared to this, equities have generally been steady and unexceptional.
The advance in the value of Bitcoin has continued against the backdrop of continued monetary base expansion, trial adoption of it as a corporate treasury reserve by US business intelligence firm Microstrategy, and the continuing disappearance of yields on fixed interest securities. Some US financial commentators are even starting to discuss their experiments in ownership, while others remain highly skeptical.
The fixed interest components of the portfolio have remained stable, while the value of gold holdings has risen slightly.
This month also saw some other financial developments.
Neo-bank Xinja, in which I had around $50,000 of cash invested promptly notified account holders that it was shutting down. Media reports discussed the fall of the venture, but it was the only experience I have ever had of a bank actively shutting down, and inviting depositors to take their money elsewhere.
As a process, however, it was quite smooth, with Xinja obviously finding the business model of paying out relatively high introductory rates in a period of close to zero nominal rates increasingly difficult over time.
Additionally, this month I paused regular contributions to the Spaceship voyager app on the basis of focusing investments towards the major ETFs, and creating the flexibility in the future to sell or re-allocate these assets later, without any unnecessary realisations of capital gains.
Sailing out of trim revisited
Last month I entertained the twin questions: would crossing the portfolio objective ‘finishing line’ with an asset allocation quite different to the target allocation be a matter of little or great concern? And is it actually realistic to seek to avoid it?
The progress of the last month has been breathtaking, and forced such questions out of the realm of the hypothetical, to be active issues of consideration in my upcoming investment policy review.
The chart below sets out the annual portfolio asset allocation over the past 13 years.
What can be seen is that the rise of Bitcoin as part of the portfolio has as a arithmetic consequence lowered the asset allocation of equities. The same phenomenon occurred in January 2018, at a previous high. In pure equity allocation terms, therefore the portfolio enters this year less exposed to equity markets than at any time over the past three years.
This might in some ways be viewed as a relatively ‘defensive’ positioning, at least in the sense that around 35 per cent of assets are exposed to non-equity market factors. Yet it is worth looking below the surface, and testing this.
In fact, for much of this year the correlation between Bitcoin and Australian share holdings has been relatively high – around 0.6 for the second half of the year. In other words, Bitcoin has tended to rise and fall with Australian shares rather than moving in the opposite direction. By contrast, gold has acted more in line with its usual role, with a negative correlation to shares.
Recent movements have left the absolute level of portfolio variance at all time highs. Here – set out in the chart below – the measure is the summed absolute value of all variances between target and actual allocation percentages.
From a range of 5 to 15 per cent since early 2019 it has moved above 25 per cent.
To put this in context, portfolio variance in percentage terms now sits at levels last experienced in 2013-2016, a period in which fixed interest returns and some inattention had led to much higher bond allocations than ultimately sought. In absolute dollar terms, variances have broken decisively higher, exceeding $600,000 this month, from levels of around $100,000 to $200,000 over the past two years.
This month seeking to lean against these variances led to continued purchases of Vanguard exchange traded funds, with units bought using Selfwealth* in the international shares ETF (VGS).
Trends in average credit card expenses
Trends in credit card expenditures remain little changed, noting that figures next month will reflect higher expenditure over the Christmas break period.
Consistent with recent months, however, average monthly expenditure on credit cards has continued to fall. As can be seen, the moving average level of distributions since the beginning of this record is also currently declining, reflecting some larger one-off distribution payments in the data sample being excluded over time.
When the more variable monthly estimates are examined below, total expenditure continues to track at levels just above estimated distributions, while credit card expenses remain comfortably met.
Both of the charts above are likely to shift slightly as assumptions around distributions over the July to December period are replaced by actual distributions. To the extent that these have fallen below projections, progress will look a little worse, though the impact on the first chart is likely to be marginal.
Progress Measure Portfolio All Assets
Portfolio objective – $2,180,000 (or $87,000 pa) 103.9% 135.8%
Credit card purchases – $71,000 pa 126.8% 165.8%
Total expenses – $89,000 pa 101.6% 132.8%
The year opened with some idle musings on the ‘what if’ scenarios of mild or serious equity market falls. In March, these scenarios were effectively tested and played out on the portfolio. Similarly the last few months have seen some early thinking on the then scenario of unexpected Bitcoin gains pushing the portfolio over the finish line.
That record does not so much increase my confidence in predictions as suggest caution about any next speculation on what the next month or year might hold.
Perhaps on a psychological level markets seem especially delicately poised at rich valuations, just because the portfolio has just recently passed its target goal. Certainly there is some evidence that the equity risk premium – the expected equity return over risk-free bonds – remains stubbornly high, and with a lower dispersion than normal around various (imperfect) estimation approaches.
Meanwhile, as portfolio distributions for the second half of the year are finalised, there is some interesting indications from both forecast Vanguard international share ETF distributions and other evidence that dividends from the US – for the moment – have been less affected than dividends from elsewhere by the economic impacts of COVID-19 and lockdowns.
This month I have been reading a biography of famed stock speculator, financier and US presidential counsellor Bernard Baruch. Along the same lines, I have also spent much time listening to Joseph Noel Walker’s brilliant podcast interviews with economists Vernon Smith and Ed Glaeser on bubbles and gambling respectively.
Such readings and podcasts are perhaps an attempt to prepare for windy weather ahead. To reinforce the stubborn efforts made through this year to reach the financial independence goal now passed. As the new year begins, my attention turns to new plans and objectives, with greater humility around the capacity of any plan to define the progress of this stage of the voyage.
The post, links and full charts can be seen here.
submitted by thefiexpl to fiaustralia [link] [comments]

Popular Builder Solitaire Card Games

Solitaire is the much beloved choice for killing time in the office or at the home computer. The three most popular solitaire card games are Klondike, Spider, and FreeCell, and these enjoy dizzying heights of popularity as a result of being included as part of Microsoft Windows in the 1990s (for more on this, see this article). What these three games have in common is that they all fit the "builder" genre. That means that they follow the basic formula of many solitaire games, where the overall objective is to arrange cards in ascending order from Ace through to King, for each of the four separate suits. Typically this is done by placing and moving cards within a tableau of rows and columns of cards, where the cards are often arranged in descending order, sometimes with an additional requirement of alternating colours.
Klondike, Spider, and FreeCell are by no means unique in this regard, and the genre of "building" games is the most popular archetype within the larger world of solitaire card games. Not all solitaire card games are builder games, but builder games are the most common and arguably the most loved. So which other solitaire games of this type should you know about and should you try first? I've explored the world of solitaire card games extensively myself, and also examined numerous lists about the most popular ones, to help you begin your experience with the best of the best, rather than waste your time with mediocre or obscure games. The six builder games covered in this article are time-tested classics that are most well-known and loved, and represent the best "next step" for anyone wanting to branch out after enjoying Klondike, Spider, or FreeCell.
Each of the builder games discussed here represents a small category of its own, because there are many popular variations and related games for each, which I will cover as well. As with my previous articles on solitaire games games, the accompanying links go to, which is a website where you can play these games for free. But because these games are so common and well known, you'll find that they are included in most software and websites that offer collections of solitaire card games.

== Games With One Deck ==

Overview: Baker's Dozen also represents a family of games that plays much like Forty Thieves (see below), but with a single deck. While some variations have a stock, in Baker's Dozen and its most closely related games all the cards are face up, so you have complete information to work with.
Game-play: The tableau consists of thirteen columns of four overlapping and face-up cards each, while the four foundations begin empty. To ensure that the tableau doesn't lock up too quickly, Kings are automatically placed to the bottom of each column when they are turned up. Just like in Forty Thieves, only the single top card of each column may be moved, and columns are built downwards, in any colour and suit. Empty spaces in the tableau may not be filled. As you'd expect, the aim is to get the entire deck onto the four foundations, building up each from Ace to King, with each being built upwards by value.
Variations: Portuguese Solitaire makes Baker's Dozen slightly easier by allowing empty spaces in the tableau to be filled with Kings, while Spanish Patience allows building on the foundations regardless of suit. Baker's Two Deck is effectively the same as Baker's Dozen but using two decks, with eight foundations and a tableau consisting of ten columns with 10 or 11 cards each.
My thoughts: Because this only involves a single deck, Baker's Dozen is much quicker to play than Forty Thieves, and the chances of success are also significantly higher, with as many as 2 of 3 games being easily winnable. The fact that Kings begin at the bottom of the tableau ensures that you don't get stuck too quickly, and being able to build down in the tableau independent of suit ensures a great amount of flexibility. At the same time managing the tableau carefully is still important, especially in cases where empty spaces don't get filled. This makes Baker's Dozen a quicker, simpler, and more accessible game than Forty Thieves and its many variants, while still remaining rewarding and satisfying to play.
Related games: Castles in Spain requires building down in the tableau to be with alternate colours, and in most versions of this game all but the top card of each column in the tableau begins face-down. Quite similar is Martha and its harder sibling Stewart, where every second card in the tableau begins face-down. Good Measure is a more difficult variation of Baker's Dozen, since it uses ten columns of five cards each, and has more strict rules for building on the foundations; Canister has only eight columns with even more cards on each.
Bisley: Special mention can be made of Bisley, which is a classic but more difficult game in this family. In Bisley you use a tableau of thirteen columns of four cards each to build upwards on the four Aces, and simultaneously build downwards on the Kings whenever they become available.
Overview: Canfield is one of the all time greats among solitaire games, and is a genuine classic. Also known under names like Demon, Fascination, or Thirteen, you'll find that it appears in almost every book with solitaire card games. According to legend, the game owes its origin and name to Richard A. Canfield, a 19th century gambler. For an initial outlay of $52, Canfield offered gamblers a reward of $5 for every card successfully played to the foundations, with a $500 pot for successfully playing all 52 cards to the foundations. Anything more than 10 cards played to the foundations would get you out of the red, but in most cases the game favoured the casino, indicating how hard the game can be to play.
Game-play: Game-play is much like Klondike, with the aim of building up all four suits in order. The key difference is the starting set-up, because there is a single face-down reserve of 13 cards (sometimes called the "demon"), with a 14th card turned up as the first foundation card. The foundations begin with the cards corresponding to the rank of this initially turned up card (rather than the usual Ace), and the idea is to build upwards from there, if necessary "turning the corner" from King through to Ace. Also different from Klondike is the starting tableau, which consists of just four face up cards alongside the reserve. The stock is turned up three cards at a time as in standard Klondike, with as many re-deals as necessary. Any space that appears in the tableau is immediately filled by the top card of the reserve pile, which is always kept face-up.
Variations: Given how challenging it can take to win a standard game of Canfield, a number of variants exist that simplify the game slightly, increasing your chances of playing cards to the foundations. Canfield's gambling house is said to have given players the option of going through the stock three times when dealing three cards at a time, or just a single time when dealing one card at a time, and it has been estimated that most games would only see 5 or 6 cards played. The game becomes slightly easier with Canfield Rush, where the cards are first dealt three at a time, then two at a time, and then individually in a final deal of the stock.
My thoughts: Canfield does have a strong connection to Klondike, but has a smaller tableau to work with, while also providing a much smaller number of cards (only 13) that are face-down in the tableau at the start of the game. The real key is finding a way to make these cards available and get these into the game. Given how hard the original game is, I prefer playing with the rule that allows dealing of cards individually, and cycling through the stock as often as necessary. Some of the related games discussed below, such as Rainbow and Storehouse, significantly improve your winning chances, and can be very satisfying to play. Certainly if you enjoy Klondike, this game is a great next step to try.
Related games: In Rainbow (also called Rainbow Canfield), cards may be built downwards in the tableau regardless of suit (some versions still require alternating colour), making it much easier to manipulate cards and work your way through the stock and the reserve. Additionally, cards from the reserve aren't automatically added to the tableau, giving you more control and adding strategic options. In most versions of Storehouse (also called Thirteen-Up), you get an additional head-start by placing your initial four cards on the foundations at the outset, while cards from the stock are turned up one at a time. The big difference in this game is that you must build down by suit in the tableau, which really changes how the game feels, because playing from the tableau to the foundation usually involves a whole string of cards at once. Eagle Wing (also called Thirteen-Down) is somewhat similar to Storehouse, and has a uniquely shaped tableau. Dutchess (sometimes spelled Duchess), is a Canfield style game that adds a reserve of four fans, while American Toad is an easy-to-win version of Canfield with two decks.
Two Players: Canfield has been adapted for a multi-player game under the common name Pounce, and is also known as Nerts or Racing Demon. A commercial version exists under the name Solitaire Frenzy, and the published game Dutch Blitz is also a close relative. In Pounce, each player uses his own deck and tableau, playing simultaneously and real time onto shared foundations, with the goal is to be the first to get rid of your reserve pile. You can play with as many as half a dozen players or more, and the frenzied action typically proves to be enormous fun!
FAN GAMES (La Belle Lucie)
Overview: La Belle Lucie, also called in English "Lovely Lucy" or "Beautiful Lutecia", is a classic representative of the family of games typically described as Fan games. It's one of the more difficult games in the genre to win, and thus some of its variants and closely related games have arguably become more popular than Lovely Lucy itself. But this classic game of French origin is a good archetype of the genre, and you'll find it included in most books with patience games, and on most solitaire websites and software. Effectively this game is just a tableau of 17 columns of three cards each (plus a column with a single card), but the fan-style arrangement with horizontally overlapping cards that is traditionally associated with this game is a signature feature.
Game-play: A single deck is dealt face-up into 17 "fans", each consisting of three overlapping cards, plus an 18th column with just one card. Only one card can be transferred within the tableau at a time, so sequences can't be moved, and building happens downwards according to suit. Empty spaces in the tableau may not be filled. The aim is to build up four foundations by suit from Ace to King. Under the most commonly played rules, once you are unable to place or move any more cards, you take all the cards from the tableau and redeal them into fans with three cards each; there are two such re-deals.
Variations: Three Shuffles and a Draw (also called Lovely Lucy With a Draw) adds a merci play, where you can move a single blocked card once during the course of the game. While La Belle Lucie is sometimes called The Fan, this is also the name of a popular variation which allows exposed Kings to be played to empty spaces in the tableau, making the game less frustrating and far more achievable. Trefoil is identical to La Belle Lucie except that the Aces begin on the foundations, resulting in an initial tableau of just 16 fans.
My thoughts: This is a terrific single-deck game, because you have perfect information given that all the cards are face-up, and the large number of columns/fans means that buried cards have at most only a couple of cards blocking them. La Belle Lucie is very difficult to win under the original and strict rules, especially because empty fans may not be refilled, and cards beneath an unplayable exposed card (e.g. a King) are permanently inaccessible. The merci rule that lets you unblock one card is virtually essential, and usually a standard way of playing, but even after two redeals the game can still be hard to finish, depending on the draw. Some of the variants and related games that simplify things slightly are more satisfying. This is one of my favourite solitaire games to play with a single deck, since it is less luck-dependent than many other popular single-deck games like Klondike.
Related games: One of the more popular games in this family is Super Flower Garden, where building downward is permitted regardless of suit; with good play under these rules the game can be completed almost every single time. Shamrocks takes the essence of La Belle Lucie, but implements several other changes to make the game much easier: Kings are moved to the bottom of the fan during the deal, and you may build up as well as down on the fans (which are limited in size to 3 cards) and can ignore suits; to prevent it being too easy there are no redeals.
Similar games: Games in the Baker's Dozen family (covered previously above) are sometimes classified as Fan games as well, because the game-play is quite similar, with 13 columns/fans of four cards each, but the absence of re-deals gives them a different feel. Bristol is often played with a tableau consisting of fans as well, but there are only eight fans of three cards each, while the rest of the deck functions as a stock that you deal onto three waste or reserve piles. Despite some hidden information, those who appreciate Fan games are likely to appreciate Bristol as well. Intelligence is a two-deck game in the style of La Belle Lucie, while the relatively easy two-deck game Buffalo Bill relies on reserve cells rather than tableau building.
CASTLE GAMES (Beleaguered Castle)
Overview: Beleaguered Castle is the most famous member of what can be called the "Castle" family of solitaire games, and is a classic game that you'll find in most books of Patience. This game sometimes also goes under the alternative names of Laying Siege and Sham Battle. It is an excellent example of an open solitaire game, because all the cards are dealt face-up at the start, so you begin with perfect information.
Game-play: With the four Aces placed in a vertical column as foundations, the rest of the cards are dealt face-up into four rows of six overlapping cards each on either side, forming a tableau consisting of two "wings". As expected, the goal is to build all four foundations in order from Ace through King. Cards may only be moved within the tableau one at a time, rather than in stacks, so only the end card of each row within the tableau may be moved, either to the foundations, to another row in descending sequence regardless of suit, or to an empty space in the tableau.
Variations: In Streets and Alleys, the Aces don't begin in the starting foundations at all, but are included in the initial tableau of dealt cards, so that the four rows on the left side of the foundations each consist of seven cards each rather than six. Thomas Warfield's Stronghold adds a storage cell to Streets and Alleys, to give more strategic options for movement. Citadel improves Beleaguered Castle's initial position slightly by allowing you to build straight to the foundations during the deal, while Selective Castle lets you choose the rank of the foundation cards after the deal. Some solitaire sites offer a Beleaguered Cities variant (sometimes simply called Castle), which makes the game much easier by allowing you to build in ascending or descending sequence (still regardless of suit), and this ensures that you can nearly always complete the game successfully.
My thoughts: Despite the unusual signature "wing" setup, strictly speaking the mechanics of Beleagured Castle are like most other solitaire games (especially Forty Thieves, see below), but with a single deck, eight columns of six cards each, and no stock. The strict rules for movement and building within the tableau make this a very difficult game to complete successfully. Ideally you want to be able to get one of the rows entirely clear, to give you more options for manipulation within the tableau. Even so, being only able to move the outside card on each row is quite limiting, and as a result you will often be thwarted by the luck of the draw early on, especially if high cards bury some lower cards, and so this classic game can be somewhat frustrating. You'll often find yourself quickly redealing and starting over, hoping for better luck the next time around; one advantage of a digital version is that you can keep redealing until you get a deal that seems like a reasonable starting draw. The simpler variant Castle is a good place to start with this game, since it increases your chances of success drastically.
Related games: Fortress operates on a similar concept, but there are five rows on each side of the foundations instead of four. In addition, you are restricted to building on the same suit, but you may build in ascending or descending sequence. Aces start within the tableau (thus two rows have six instead of five cards). The variant Chessboard applies the same principle as Selective Castle, by letting you choose the rank of the foundation cards after the deal (building around the corner on the foundations as required), in order to take better advantage of the cards you have been dealt. Zerline is a German game where Queens are high, and helps by adding a four-card storage area.
Overview: Sir Tommy (Old Patience, Try Again, Numerica) is also known as Old Patience, which reflects its origin as the oldest known patience game, and possible ancestor of all others. The average person may not have heard of it, but it deserves a place on this list because this is a game from which so many other solitaire games are derived, including many more familiar ones. It is at the head of a family of games where cards in the tableau can't be moved after being placed, and that's a unique quality that also makes it quite challenging to win.
Game-play: Suits are irrelevant in this game, and the aim is to build four foundations from Ace to King. You deal the deck face-up one at a time, and the tableau has four columns (or waste piles); dealt cards can be played on any column but cannot be moved from one to another. So while it's still technically a building game because you are building up the foundations, there is no packing in the tableau to assist you with this.
Variations: Some variants (e.g. Auld Lang Syne, Tam O'Shanter) turn Sir Tommy into even an simpler luck-based game nearly impossible to win, while others are extremely strategic like the well-known Calculation. Amazons is an interesting version played with a smaller deck that has the goal of building to the Queens (= Amazons), and is best played digitally given the amount of redealing. Other variants make the game easier (and for me, more enjoyable) by increasing the number of tableaus (Strategy, Lady Betty, and Last Chance) or redeals (Acquaintance), or make it more interesting by requiring building by colours (Puss in the Corner, and Colours, Alternate).
My thoughts: Good players can win as many as 20% of their games, and storing cards in the right order on the four columns is critical, because you want to avoid having low valued cards blocked by higher ones, or having too many cards of the same number in one column. Reserving a pile for Kings and another for high cards is often a good strategy. Even so, it's a hard game to win and can be frustrating. I recommend trying some of the easier variants as a way to enjoy this game; there's a good reason so many variants have evolved from the original over time. It's a large family that includes many solitaire variants, and these are well worth trying and exploring.
Related games: Several two-deck games are in the Sir Tommy family, including Fanny, Frog (also called Toad), Fly, and Grand Duchess, most of which involve using a reserve. Several two-deck games use similar mechanics but operate with a larger 20 card tableau in the style of the simple game Carpet, but involve building both up and down on the foundations; for me personally these are the most fun of all Sir Tommy variants, and include Twenty (also called Sly Fox), Colorado, Grandmother's Patience (also called Grandmamma's Game), and Grandfather's Patience - all excellent games.
Calculation: Calculation deserves special mention, and has become a classic in its own right. What makes it unique is that the foundations are built up by one, two, three, and four respectively, and it requires a lot of skill. The variant Betsy Ross is more luck-dependent but is also easier to complete successfully.
Overview: Yukon first appeared in a 1949 book on solitaire games, and has since exploded in popularity. This single deck solitaire game was partly inspired by Klondike, which is of course the most popular solitaire card game of all time. But because Yukon has no stock and more flexible rules for movement of stacks within the tableau, it allows a lot more scope for thinking.
Game-play: While inspired and indebted to Klondike, Yukon creates a game with a very different feel by removing the requirement that stacks of cards must be in alternating sequence in order to be moved. In other words, you can move any stack to a legal card within the tableau, regardless of the sequence of the cards in that stack. While this makes the game easier, another significant change makes it harder: there is no stock that you deal. So all the cards are in the tableau at the outset, and you'll have to manipulate the tableau cleverly to uncover face-down cards and build all four suits onto the four foundations from Ace through King.
Variations: To make Yukon slightly easier, a couple of variants alter things slightly to simplify the gameplay, such as removing the requirement that only Kings can be placed in an empty space in the tableau (this variation is sometimes called Great River). Some digital implementations give the option of reducing the number of suits used, such as in Yukon One Suit, which you can nearly always win, while still having to think carefully.
My thoughts: The rules for manipulating the tableau give you more options than Klondike, and thus more to consider and think about. Both Yukon and Russian Solitaire (mentioned under "related games" below) are extremely popular solitaire games, because they are simultaneously more challenging and more rewarding than Klondike style games. Skill plays more of a role, and there are players so dedicated to Yukon that they have played it thousands of times. In regular Yukon you can expect to win as much as 1 in 4 games, but the added level of difficulty in Russian Solitaire reduces that to as little as once in 20 games. The key is to bring the face-down cards into play as soon as possible.
Related games: Russian Solitaire makes Yukon harder by only allowing you to build down in the tableau with cards of the same suit, instead of in alternating colours, and it is an extremely popular game in its own right. This requirement is also in place with Alaska, but may build in ascending or descending order in the tableau, which makes it easier to win than Russian Solitaire. Australian Patience is another popular spin-off from Yukon, and adds a stock which is dealt one at a time, while the entire 7x4 tableau starts face up; however this can feel like it's more about careful observation than decision making. Many other Yukon inspired games exist, including games which add things like a reserve, storage cells, or extra decks.
Scorpion: Special mention should be made of popular game Scorpion, which some categorize as part of the Yukon family, and the rules for moving unarranged stacks in Yukon may even originate in Scorpion. However, Scorpion uses Spider's requirement that stacks from Ace to King of the same suit must be assembled within the tableau before being discarded. Scorpion variants include Wasp, Three Blind Mice, Chinese Solitaire, and others.

== Games With Two Decks ==

FORTY THIEVES (Napoleon at St Helena)
Overview: Forty Thieves is a popular and classic game played with two decks, and is also included in most books with patience games. It also goes under the alternate name Napoleon at St Helena (not to be confused with a different solitaire game called "Saint Helena" or "Napoleon's Favorite"), and tradition says that this is the solitaire game Napoleon played while in exile on the island of St Helena. The game also goes under other names, including Roosevelt at San Juan. Its simple rules means that many variations exist, many of which are among the more strategic and satisfying versions of solitaire games that you'll find anywhere. Carefully working through the stock pile and manipulating the discard pile are a big element of successful play.
Game-play: A tableau is dealt with ten columns, each with four overlapping and face-up cards. Strict tableau building rules apply, because only the single top card of each column may be moved, and only onto a card that is the next highest rank of the same suit; any card can be placed into a space that becomes available in the tableau. The remaining stock of 64 cards is turned up one card at a time, with no redeals. The goal is to get all the cards onto the eight foundations from Ace through King in each suit.
Variations: In its strict and classic form, even with good play Forty Thieves is difficult to win, so many variants exist that seek to make the game easier. In some of these, the Aces begin as starting foundations ( San Juan Hill). In others, the tableau is not built down by cards of the same suit but by alternating colours (e.g. Streets), or by any suit other than its matching one (Indian). Some variations allow entire sequences of cards to be moved (Josephine, Forty Bandits, Ali Baba), or combine this with having tableau building in alternating colours (Number Ten, Rank and File, Emperor) or tableau building in any suit (Little Forty). In other variations, multiple redeals of the stock are permitted.
My thoughts: Game-play is very tight in the strict form of the game. It's not always a good idea to play a card just because you can, because you may block cards within the tableau that you need. You also need to pay close attention to duplicates, since two decks are in play. As a result, careful planning and consideration is needed. Unused stock typically ends up into an increasingly large face-up discard pile, but in the latter parts of the game skilful play often makes it possible to dig back through this and complete the game. This usually proves most satisfying when playing with one of the variants that makes the game slightly easier, to increase your chances of pulling out a win. Even with these variants, you'll have to play skillfully, making the Forty Thieves family of solitaire games one of the more popular choices for those who like a longer experience that is thoughtful, challenging, and yet solvable, and where skill plays even more of a role than luck.
More variations: Instead of 10 tableau piles, some variations increase this to 12 piles (Blockade, Napoleon's Square, Corona) or 13 piles (Lucas, Waning Moon); or decrease it to 9 piles (Maria) or 8 piles (Forty and Eight, Congress, Parliament, Diplomat, Red and Black), each with different combinations of rules for tableau building. Games with just 6 piles (Blind Alleys, Pas Seul) or 5 piles (Double Rail) begin to feel much like Klondike.
Related games: Many other games take the Forty Thieves style concept and adjust it in more significant ways. In Interchange (more difficult), Breakwater, and Alternations, the initial tableau includes face-down and face-up cards. The very popular Thieves of Egypt begins with a pyramid shaped tableau. Busy Aces is a straight forward game in the style of Forty Thieves that is at the head of its own family, which includes the much simpler Fortune's Favor, a simple game ideal for beginners. For a terrific overview of all the Forty Thieves related games and their different nuances, consult Thomas Warfield's excellent complete guide to Forty Thieves types games.
This is by no means a comprehensive list that includes all builder-style solitaire games. But along with Klondike, Spider, and FreeCell, these seven additional games - Baker's Dozen, Beleaguered Castle,Canfield, Forty Thieves, La Belle Lucie, Sir Tommy, Yukon, and Forty Thieves - and the many related games that belong to their families, are the most common and popular forms of solitaire games that involve building. They have inspired many solitaire games like them, and have stood the test of time well.
If you enjoy Klondike, which is the most popular version of solitaire in the world, then Canfield and Yukon are natural games to explore next. Beleaguered Castle can be a little frustrating due to the strict rules and dependency on the luck of the draw, and even the other games in its family can be quite challenging. I'd recommend it only for more experienced and dedicated players, and would instead suggest next exploring Baker's Dozen and the games in the "Fan" family inspired by La Belle Lucie.
Their style of play is somewhat similar to Forty Thieves and its many siblings, which double the number of cards in the game by adding a second deck, and also adds a stock pile and discard pile you must manage. Forty Thieves type games are among the best you'll find for those who like a more challenging, thoughtful, and longer solitaire experience.
Author's note: I first published this article at PlayingCardDecks here.
submitted by EndersGame_Reviewer to solitaire [link] [comments]

$MP == Must Play --> MP Materials DD

Here’s what’s up. For the next energy/tech economy to manifest we’re going to need a lot of “Rare Earth Elements” (REEs; meme potential endless 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 ). REEs are used in most high-end consumer electronics, advanced renewable energy tech, and energy storage tech these days. REEs Neodymium and Praseodymium are critical to the manufacture of strong magnets 🧲 for turbines (wind, hydro, gas, etc), and EVs, due to their high efficiency and high energy density. REEs such as Dysprosium are used to increase the operating temperature of the magnets for high-temp applications. Other REEs are used in the production of smart phones, hard disk drives, military defense systems, and even medical equipment. OK, you get it, they’re useful, and used A LOT. So, what’s the big deal?
The majority of REE production is concentrated in just two countries: China (85%) and Australia (~10%), with the rest scattered around the world (Russia, Brazil, India, etc). “In 2010 China significantly restricted their rare earth exports. That was done to ensure a supply of rare earths for domestic manufacturing and for environmental reasons. This shift by China triggered panic buying, and some rare earth prices shot up exponentially.” – As the demand for the above tech increases, so will the demand for REEs. 🚀🚀🚀
How rare are REEs? Honestly, it depends on the element in question. The main factor that puts them into this category isn’t necessarily their abundance, it’s the economics of extraction. They’re difficult to find in concentrations that are worth mining and processing. This decreases supply and drives up the price, causing them to be effectively “rare.” Why mention this, you ask?
Because the money is to be found in new raw ore processing/recycling technologies. So we need better ways to extract REEs from raw ore, and we need better ways to recycle the REEs that are tied up in waste-tech. We’re at a point with our tech consumption that we’ve all probably had at least 1 old smart phone; chances are you’ve had 3-4 at this point. Currently, companies cannibalize the phones for useful parts, refurb, or throw them away. But this is a HUGE waste of REEs. Additionally, currently, there are no commercial capabilities to separate and process HREEs outside of China.
Enter MP Materials ($MP)– the only owner of an active REE mine in the US. They recently went public and have been on a steady climb since (up 100% in ~6wks), but I see more room to run. They also recently announced plans to have operational separation capabilities by the end of 2020 (no news as of 12/30). Having an operational REE mine is a HUGE deal, since the development of additional mines in the US has been stymied. China can (and will) manipulate the prices to make further mine development uneconomical, but they can’t price MP out of production entirely (esp with the US gov’t backing them). They hold investment contracts with the DoD related to these separation technologies as it’s seen as pertaining to national security. 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
Did a quick search for other DDs on MP; I believe these are complimentary to mine and not redundant.

Additional companies to keep an eye on:
Lynas Corporation $LYSCY (market cap ~$2.7B) – Australian REE mining company (close global ally of US). Has MOUs with smaller US companies aiming to develop HREE separation and processing capacity in Texas.
AMG Critical Materials Company (market cap ~$840M) – Lithium and silicon production, sub of much larger company with innovative manufacturing/R&D etc.
Texas Mineral Resources (market cap $124M) – also opening a pilot plant in the US for separating REEs, ore sourced from US.
Rare Earth Element Ltd (market cap ~$115M) - developing mine in Wyoming for HREEs. Rare Element Resources is developing separation and processing capabilities with proprietary technology. Pilot demonstration of separations tech in Canada and Germany.
Ucore Rare Metals (market cap $33M)- developing mine in AK for HREEs (come online in 3-4 years). Building pilot plant in US for separating LREEs and HREEs
Private, non-traded companies:
Momentum Technologies – has capabilities to produce Rare Earth Oxides (not previously mentioned) from a variety of feedstocks (raw and recycled).
Electron Energy Company – manufactures samarium cobalt magnets, actively stockpiles rare earth metals to prevent supply disruption – carrying between six to twelve months supply.,Uses%20of%20Rare%20Earth%20Elements,fluorescent%20lighting%20and%20much%20more.

Positions: Shares MP (I’m too poor to gamble with too many options)
TLDR; Domestic production/recycling/separation/processing of Rare Earth Elements is $$$$$$ REEEEEEEEEEE to the moon.
submitted by SpaceWasteCadet to wallstreetbets [link] [comments] secures £500K funding round to launch brand globally secures £500K funding round to launch brand globally
Cricket Betting, one of the world’s most prominent specialist cricket blogs, is set to expand its global reach having secured a significant funding round. The start-up, which has been operational for less than one year, has raised over £500K of private investment to support its next growth phase.
Having first launched in India, where it has attracted a significant social media following, the Cricket Betting team will now target a worldwide audience of cricket fans across the UK, Asia, and Australia. publishes match predictions, live scores, live commentary, in-play cricket odds comparison, and iBetting operator comparisons. Cricket Betting is a media company and do not offer actual gambling services but help iBetting operators acquire players.
Global Expansion & Enhanced Services
The Cricket Betting team has used the first portion of their £500K cash injection to purchase the domain. Cricket Betting founder Ben Brown said “We’ve learned a lot over the last year and believe we’ve developed the necessary knowledge and experience to bring our brand to a global audience. Cricket Betting has a significant following in India, but we recognise the opportunities that exist in other cricket playing nations across the world.”
The site is partnering with many of the world’s foremost sports betting platforms to provide cricket fans up to the second prematch and in-play odds checker.
The latest funding round enables the Cricket Betting team to enhance their existing product and introduce new services. They intend to relaunch next year with improved design and UX, along with a range of new functions including covering more matches, a cricket betting calculator, and a more enhanced cricket match analysis. The investment will also help fund online marketing campaigns and social media activity.
A Specialist Cricket Betting Aggregator and News Site
Cricket Betting was founded by cricket fans for cricket fans. The team recognised an opportunity to build an integrated resource combining news, head to head analysis, live scores, live commentary, and live odds comparison tool for those who like to bet on the sport. The site has amassed 150,000 Facebook followers and a significant number of regular readers who enjoy a mixture of news, opinion, tips, and sports betting site reviews. With the increased capital behind them, the team intends to launch the site across other markets.
Cricket is a hugely popular sport across the UK, Australia, South Asia, and Southern Africa, with initiatives like the Indian Premier League and Australian Big Bash, attracting a wider fanbase and opening up new betting markets. Cricket Betting can become the world’s leading cricket punters resource by reaching target audiences with quality content.
submitted by PRPressIndia to u/PRPressIndia [link] [comments]

I need your help and advise

I’m 23 Australian and I’m having a really hard time. I’d really appreciate everyone’s advise and opinion.
So my story is a long one but I’ll try make a long story short.
In the year 2000 When I was 2 years old my father had a horrible car accident on an old country road, he lost half of his arm. He nearly died and was airlifted to a near by hospital. The doctors immediately put him under and began surgery. The surgery went for 24 hours and the doctors nearly lost him multiple times. Thank god that he managed to pull through and the surgey was a success. The doctors sowed his arm back on and luckily he had gained his mobility in his arm. He is currently 60 years old and working and doing very well.
During that time he was in hospital my mother used to have to find any random baby sitters for me. Any single person she could find to take care of me because my dad was a destroyed mess and there is no way a 2 year old could see that image. Not to my mothers knowledge, some of those baby sitters who took care of me didn’t treat me so well. This caused extreme anxiety from being away from my mother growing up. When I was 5-6 I couldn’t leave my mothers side for a second. If she left me even to walk from her room to the kitchen I would have a full blown anxiety attack and start screaming and crying. It wasn’t a good situation for my mother and my parents relationship. I’d have to sleep next to her every night. Ultimately this meant that I could not attend school as it would get to the point where I would get violent.
She eventually tried to homeschool me but unfortunately it just never worked out and I got an extremely poor formal education. However I ended up growing out of the emotional baggage I had and the anxiety stopped when I hit around 9 years old. I was ready to go to school but by then I was so far behind all the other kids that it almost seemed useless. I tried to get extra attention from teachers but it never worked out.
I slowly bludged and copied my way through school and ended up dropping out in year 8, which is equivalent of early middle school, I was About 14. I got a job mowing lawns and ended up quitting that, and just ended up becoming addicted to drugs and hanging out with criminals much older then me, and doing some ridiculous shit. I don’t regret that stuff because The street smarts and character that I developed made me the man I am today. But looking back I wish I was an A grade student aswell.
I ended up straightening myself out later on in life when I was about 17, getting off the drugs, started lifting weights and had a couple of mma/boxing fights to get me back in a healthy direction. By 18 I had met my sweet heart who I am still with. She’s my angel and sent me on the right direction. I swore that one day I would give her the good life no matter how average my life had been before I met her.
I knew that having a job and career probably wasn’t my path and how I would achieve success. Every time I got a job I got the exact same anxiety feeling of being at school without my mother.
So I dived into entrepreneurship. I wrote a book but never published it, I started a small fencing busniess, but it went under, I tried selling things online with e-commerce, and lots of other things.
I’ve failed all these attempts at busniess and I know that one day I will start a busniess and it will be a success. I’d like to open a gym one day and franchise it out. But that’s for another time.
Right now my goal in life is to become a successful real estate investor. I’m starting to get older and I really want to start making progress and I know that most millionaires make there money from realestate. I wake up at 4:00 every morning and go to the gym then after read realestate books before going to work.
Last year In September I bought my first investment property and plan on buying another one this year.
As for what job I do at the moment I work in construction.
I had a good job as a sales manager for rockstar energy in 2019. I wanted to give the corporate world a go but I knew that the only thing I was qualified to do was sales. I could learn that because I didn’t need an education or be smart. Just needed to know how to talk to people. I read 10 sales books in a month then called up a shitty door to door sales company selling solar panels, they gave me a job and that was enough experience to lie on my resume. I managed to lie through an interview at rockstar energy and land a very good corporate job.
Long story short I unfortunately lost that job. In an attempt to be an Entrepreneur, I started a distribution business importing Turkish Redbull and selling it to the same clients I was selling rockstar too. Such as Bp, 711, United etc. this was a failure as it’s illegal to sell Turkish Redbull here and I also lost a lot of money and my job once I was found out.
After loosing this job I was devastated. I was a dumb poor kid that had finally made it to a really good job and my family and girlfriend was so proud of me, and I fucked it all up.
After that I said I needed to get serious, I can’t play games like that, I need to focus on becoming successful and take calculated moves instead of big gambles.
So after I got fired I ended up getting a job doing landscape maintenance, mowing lawns, cutting hedges doing irrigation. The only job I’ve ever really enjoyed. And I managed to buy an investment property on that wage. I was taking home about $1000 a week which is not bad for a 23 year old but In reality I know that when me and my girlfriend move in together and potentially have kids as well as funding the real estate portfolio, that income is not gonna be nearly enough.
So end of 2020 I made a phone call and managed to get a job as an apprentice as a civil landscaper. Doing much much bigger projects. The pay currently is about the same as I was doing landscape maintenance, but im a first year apprentice, every year the pay goes up and the fully qualified civil landscapers make anywhere from $1600-$2500 a week take home after tax. This is the kind of money where you can live a good life and provide.
However I’ve never hated anything in my life so badly as this job. I want to beat the fucking shit out of my co workers, the job sites are an hour drive away minimum, the hours are 6:45am-5:30 pm Monday - Saturday. and the work is shit. My relationship is suffering because I barely see her. My house is a mess because I’m never home. I’m up at 4:00 in the gym at 4:30, read for an hour, leave for work, get there, finish at 5;30, get home at 7:00, make lunch and then go to bed at 8:00. It’s sad But it has that 6 figure income potential. The hours won’t always be like this but currently they are. I go from pure anger to balling my eyes out every day. I feel exactly like I did when my mother used to leave me at those strangers house as a kid.
I’ve told my dad recently how much I hate this job and he has said me and him should start a busniess together building fences like I originally did. The money can be pretty good and I have potential to make $1600-$2000 a week but probably not after tax. But still a good living. I’d have more flexibility in my life and could do more with my time. However it makes getting lending from the banks extremely hard. Getting loans as a busniess owner compared to an employee makes it 10x harder, even if I make my dad the owner of the busniess and me the employee the banks still will check in and make it harder. And my original plan is to keep investing in real estate, that’s my ticket to success anyway.
And then my old boss is calling me asking me to come back and mow lawns and cut hedges for $1000 a week. Although I’d like to do that, I can’t take the risk. What if real estate doesn’t go to plan and I end up failing and My back up plan is just mowing lawns. How could I feed my family on that wage ?
I feel like I’m about to have a mental break down. I’m scared I hate my life and feel suicidal (don’t worry I’m not going to do it)
The main issue is my over thinking, there are pros and cons to each option and they are tearing me apart, I don’t know what to do. All day it runs through my mind on which direction to take. I know I should probably see a shrink and I will but regardless if they calm me down they still don’t have the answers and that’s what I need.
I just want to be successful.
what do you guys think ?
submitted by Cucked192 to careeradvice [link] [comments]

Best Online Casino Australia [AUS Casinos & Pokies Reddit]

Hey Reddit guys and girls. Looking for the best online casino in Australia, go!
Yeah, just wondering if there even are any good online casinos left in Australia because I haven’t been able to find one since the laws changed! The one I used to use (can’t even remember its name and this was a few years ago) doesn’t even exist anymore!
submitted by pokerface212 to casualgambling [link] [comments]

I want to gamble once. Slot machine promotions?

Anyone know of any legitimate sites that provide sign-up promotions (e.g. $500 credits)?
I want to test my luck and play some online slot machines. This is purely a financial move. I understand the cognitive pitfalls of gambling (loss chasing, gambler's fallacy, illusion of control, etc), and I don't want to get hooked. Ideally, I use the free promotion credits, i.e. the aforementioned $500, to play, win some, cash out, and quit the site.

Edit: Thank you everyone for the comments. I've decided to not try online gambling, so please do not send me promotions via DM.

submitted by drew91reddit to gambling [link] [comments]

Website design in Leicester and around the East Midlands

Website design in Leicester and around the East Midlands

How to accelerate ecommerce growth
How to accelerate ecommerce growth. To enable speed in e-commerce, companies need to get a bewildering number of things right. But we’ve found that three elements are particularly important: a test-and-learn culture, operations to support rapid reaction, and a customer-first commitment.

Testing and learning

Research shows that more than 50 percent of companies whose revenue growth is in the top 10 percent are more effective than their industry peers at testing ideas, measuring results, and executing changes to products, services, and ways of working. A prerequisite of successful testing and learning is an acceptance of failure as the cost of uncovering new knowledge. Recent McKinsey research shows, in fact, that respondents at successful organizations are more than twice as likely as their peers elsewhere to strongly agree that employees are rewarded for taking an appropriate level of risk. Digital natives have this mindset as part of their DNA and support it in three ways.

Embed learning

A culture of learning has to extend to every corner of an organization, but it starts with leadership. At top-performing companies, senior leaders continuously scan for new tools and practices that can accelerate performance, taking the time to learn a new solution at least monthly, compared with quarterly at slower-moving companies. They also take steps to spread knowledge. When Procter & Gamble set about building a digital culture, the consumer-packaged-goods (CPG) giant, founded in the 19th century, started with learning. It created an array of platforms, programs, and training modules to broadcast knowledge and extend training throughout the organization. Its Digital Genius Academy, for example, aimed to upskill everyone in the company in online sales and marketing fundamentals. Another program paired middle and senior managers with digital-subject-matter experts, who were usually junior, to ensure knowledge traveled both up and down the hierarchy.

Reward experimentation, even when it fails

A cornerstone of digital culture is the ability to continuously improve and innovate. Teams are empowered to test, learn, and improve without the need for a cumbersome approval process, allowing them to test new go-to-market approaches, improve the e-commerce platform, or even get new products to market first. Incentives need to be in place to support this approach. At ShopRunner, for example, executives are asked in their reviews to describe recent failures. If the failures hadn’t cost the company money, the executives didn’t get their bonuses. Incentives include providing employees with ownership and decision rights. Atlassian, an Australian enterprise-software company, hosts quarterly ShipIt Days, in which employees have 24 hours to work on anything innovative they want, provided it relates to an Atlassian product, and then present the work to the company. The company also allows employees to spend 20 percent of their time developing their own innovative ideas.

Rapid-reaction operations

Truly digital players have fully integrated e-commerce and digital sales with the rest of the value chain. This allows them to quickly react to new customer demand, adapt existing offerings, introduce new products and services, and deliver them to customers fast.
Doing this well starts with being able to spot opportunities quickly. That requires good data and a commitment to using it. Nearly half of the best-performing companies in a recent survey, in fact, collect and analyze customer data at least weekly, compared with just 16 percent on average. Companies then need to have the operational flexibility to move quickly to go after those opportunities. Take Vistaprint, a global e-commerce company that produces customized marketing materials for small businesses. Driven by the COVID-19 pandemic, in late March, Vistaprint supported a local fire department in Ontario, Canada, in developing face shields for frontline workers. By early April, after this successful run, it had reconfigured its Ontario manufacturing site and produced its first 3,000 shields for the Ontario health system. Learning from the experience, it has now scaled its mask-making operations, offering customized, stylish face masks globally.
Agility in operations and supply chain has a cumulative strategic advantage. By the time a competitor shows up with a me-too product, the first mover will have rolled out scores of improved versions and already established a solid go-to-market approach. We found that during the crisis, many companies were able to make changes to their e-commerce front-end capabilities but struggled to adapt their logistics to support the surge in demand.
Walmart, known for its ubiquitous big-box stores, has invested heavily in digital operations over the past decade. Its digital process has been put to the test during the COVID-19 crisis. When its 45 online fulfillment centers were pushed beyond capacity, the retailer turned its physical stores into mini warehouses, which allowed the company to expand its “ship from store” offer to 2,500 retail locations.
These tasks are never “done.” It’s important to continually monitor and measure results and push for improvements.

Action focused on delighting customers

One reason that focusing on the customer accelerates a business’s pace is that it helps to provide clarity and focus about what is needed and cuts down on doing things that don’t add value.
Successful digital innovators treat customer satisfaction as a primary business goal. In practice, that means investing heavily in analyzing and mitigating any customer friction points and embracing a zero-defects mentality. How do they do that? The best companies intimately understand their customers’ experience, focus on the details of what their customers really want, and layer in data to fill out the picture. To drive this focus, they use data and analytics to synchronize the e-commerce experience with physical stores, social media, inside sales, customer care, and other customer-facing channels, making it seamless for the customer to shift among them.
A good example of this focus on what the customer wants is Best Buy, a US consumer-electronics retailer. When COVID-19 hit, customers could no longer come to Best Buy stores, but they were still shopping online and wanted their products quickly. So, in just 48 hours in March, Best Buy built and rolled out a contactless curbside pickup service that has since been extended to 1,000 stores. The effort included everything from new staging areas in the stores to new roles for sales associates. Best Buy’s US online sales increased more than 250 percent, and about 50 percent were fulfilled via curbside pickup.
For businesses today (both B2C and B2B), omnichannel has become a cornerstone of great customer experience. A recent research study says 40 to 65 percent of consumers intend to continue using contactless services, such as buy online and pick up in store and curbside pickup, even after the crisis is over.

How to make the change

Becoming a fast-moving e-commerce company requires a lot of things to happen at most large companies. However, we have found that executives should focus on getting three things right.

Understand what good looks like

As simple as this may seem, many executives have real trouble knowing what excellence is in the digital realm. Even for the most experienced executives, it is crucial to step out of the day-to-day, look outside the organization, and reimagine the business. That can happen in many ways, from setting up an internal group of experts, or “tiger team,” to review the business independently to visiting top-performing companies to see how it’s done. One large consulting firm decided it needed to move away from using a cost-plus pricing model to becoming a digital-enabled solutions provider. This involved a hard look at what other forward-thinking firms were doing to serve their customers and what actions the company would need to take in order to carry out the internal shift.

Be comfortable testing your way to the answer

Even when a company has a vision of where it wants to go and what good looks like, leadership may find it difficult, even impossible, to chart a direct path to get there. In digital, so much is unknown that traditional planning—sizing up a potential opportunity and developing the capabilities to seize it—isn’t possible. This is where a test-and-learn mindset is most valuable. By creating a safe place for line leaders to “test the ground” through small pilot programs and learning from their success or failure, leaders can course-correct until the best path forward becomes clear. When done well, this begets an iterative cycle of testing, learning, and planning—for example, developing a series of A/B tests or testing minimum viable products in the marketplace.
Because executives are uncomfortable with uncertainty and unfamiliar with the idea of testing their way to a plan, however, they often either starve the effort of the necessary resources or recklessly throw money and time at it without any guardrails. The test-and-learn approach is most effective when it has some basic disciplines combined with the appropriate investment and freedom to fail and succeed.

Walk in your customer’s shoes

Most executives will say that their companies are customer-centric, but often the reality is that business pressures, stakeholder demands, and market forces are top of mind. Even when leaders do commit to trying to better understand the customer (think Undercover Boss), they generally just end up experiencing the employee’s perspective, not the customer’s. For example, visits to the front line to listen to customer complaints or serve customers in stores may provide a window into employee–customer interactions, but they fall short of developing deep customer insights.
Instead, we’ve found it’s much more eye opening to analyze individual customer journeys in depth for one to two hours with six to eight company leaders. This allows executives to really question each step of the process and understand what the customer is experiencing. At one company, executives listened to a single interactive-voice-response (IVR) experience and learned that it wasn’t until 45 seconds into the call that the customer was able to make the first choice. That simple example with a single customer drove home the nature of the pain point. The team prioritized streamlining the IVR process so that the first interaction could happen within ten seconds.
Any effort to quickly scale e-commerce requires significant resources, from new kinds of talent to data analytics to IT infrastructure. While those resources are critical, we continue to believe that a learning mindset that values speed over perfection, embraces failure as much as success, and empowers team members is even more critical, and you can start the change today. Without that mindset, all the resources in the world will not result in a truly digital organization.

We hope you enjoyed this article, intended to help improve our client’s profitability. It reflects the care SwiftERM offer. If you haven’t already done so, then please enjoy a FREE month’s trial and let us know what you think. Register

submitted by SwiftERM to u/SwiftERM [link] [comments]

[AUS] Question about Bitcoin Gambling

Hi there,
Was wondering if there was any way around online bitcoin gambling sites in Australia? As typically Australians are banned.
A VPN could be easy, however i'm concerned about withdrawing the winnings.
Anyone with expertise with advise is appreciated :)
submitted by InvestorsMotivation to Bitcoin [link] [comments]

Zac Barnes (18) jumped out of a car never to be seen again. What happened to Zac?

Classic 'first time poster, long time lurker' warning! Please feel free to give me feedback on the post but be kind.

On Friday the 11th of November, 2016, Karen said goodbye to her son Zac, as she dropped him off at work. Two days later, Zac jumped out of his friends car and disappeared into night, never to be seen again. What happened to Zac?

Zac Barnes was born on May 22, 1998, to childhood sweethearts who eventually came to have four children, all boys – Jarred (23), Cody (21), Zac (18), and Liam (16). The family grew up in Metford, Maitland, New South Wales, Australia. Metford was a suburb of ~5000 people within the city of Maitland of roughly 80,000 people. The town is ~150km (~100miles) north of Sydney and sat on the Hunter river, approximately a 30 minute drive from the beach to the east.
As a child, Zac would be the one following his mother around and latched to her leg. Unfortunately, their father became involved in heroin and for the boys safety, Karen took her children and left that environment. Regardless, she held no ill will towards him and left it up to her boys as to their relationship with their father. Zac chose not to have anything to do with him.
When Zac was about 7, Karen and Mick began dating. Initially hesitant of Mick and protective of his mother, Zac eventually welcomed Mick’s strong character and inherited this trait from his step-father. Zac became known for standing up to bullies and for what he thought was right.
Karen and Mick welcomed two daughters, Makayla and Mia, who adored Zac. It was a busy household in Metford, with 6 children under the one roof.
With brown hair, brown eyes and a fair complexion, Zac was never shy of attention from the girls - which he was quite proud of. As a true aussie larrikin, he loved the beach, hanging out with his mates & playing rugby league. Despite his lively antics, Zac liked things orderly and clean according to his family. His drink of choice was a VB and much to his mother’s dismay, one day he had the beer logo tattooed on the back of his right calf.
At the age of 17, Zac began an apprenticeship in bricklaying - the same job as his brother Cody. He loved the job and was great at it – as he would tell anyone who would listen. He grew his hair out to form dreadlocks that were often filled with dust from the days work. Earning his own income, Zac was a partier. His mother admitted that they rarely saw him on weekends. Often he would go straight from work on a Friday to a mates place and stay there for the weekend. When Zac began partying, his mother had stressed to him never to try and get home if he had been drinking. She didn’t want him getting into a car with other drunk kids or anything and emphasised that she would rather have him spend the night at a friends place instead. Her children’s safety was Karen’s top concern.
His mother never worried as every Sunday, like clockwork, Zac would reappear, often hungover and ready for a feed, a shower, and to prepare for work the next day.
After his 18th birthday, Zac opted for a new look and had his mother painstakingly comb his dreadlocks out. After several hours work, they went to the hairdresser and Zac had his last haircut. This clean cut image of Zac is the main picture that is circulated in his missing photos as it was taken 3 weeks before his disappearance.
The Disappearance
Zac (18) overslept on Friday the 11th of November and so his mother offered to drive him to work. All he took with him was some cash, leaving his wallet and ID at home. His mum has said that his phone was broken at the time.
From work he went to lunch with his work crew and enjoyed a pub meal and drink with them. Zac left work early that day as apparently, he felt it was unsafe to continue because he’d had a drink at lunch. A work colleague drove him to a friend’s place in east Maitland.
From here, things tend to get a bit murky and there is much less information available.
Zac was spotted at the same friend’s house in East Maitland on Saturday night and his brother reports that he was still on social media as he had seen his snapchat. It’s never explained how he was able to check his snapchat given his mother had said his phone was broken.
At about 6pm on Sunday, his mother Karen and brother Cody began to worry after Zac didn’t come home to lunch and hadn’t communicated in a while. Given his phone was broken, they began trying to contact him and reaching out to his friends over facebook. Eventually they got word that he had been seen at the friends place in East Maitland on Saturday night.
Cody asked a nearby friend, Bree, to go around to the house to check on Zac.
There is not much information out there about Bree’s relationship to Zac or the family but she had been in contact with him over the weekend. At approximately 1am on Sunday, Zac had sent out a snapchat to Bree that said “dead”. Bree responded with “are you okay?” to which Zac replied “F- no”. From then on there was no further communication from Zac over any social media.
Bree reached the East Maitland house where Zac had been reported to be staying. He peeped through the blinds, looking scared, and shutting them quickly. Another male answered the door and hesitantly let Bree in. Zac looked extremely worried and was ‘acting unusual’ saying that Bree shouldn’t be there. Bree reported that Zac said hurtful things including “I’ll bite your face if I get in the car with you”. They had never fought before. Zac became increasingly agitated. Seeing she wasn’t getting anywhere, she told Zac his mum was worried about him. He walked to the front door, put on his work boots and walked over to a silver 2 door hatchback. The two men at the house followed him to the car and all three got in.
According to the two friends he was with, waking up on Sunday he had appeared fine. Over the course of the day his mood suddenly shifted, becoming increasingly distressed and he wanted to leave to get a train at the nearby Thornton Station.
On the way to the station, Zac asked his friends to stop the car before he jumped out and ran off near the intersection of Haussman Drive and Tripp Close. This was the last time Zac was seen.
One side of the intersection is residential, while the other has a short strip of land with shrubbery and then a tall wall. Beyond the wall is a railway line and beyond that is bushland including a deep, murky swamp. It was initially reported that Zac jumped out of the car at a different site closer to an old quarry that’s also quite dangerous.
The police and community have since combed through the area. The deep bodies of water around the area have been searched by divers and “sonically” according to Zac’s mother, however as previously mentioned, the water is deep and murky and difficult to navigate. The quarry has never been dredged.
All the above information was combined from a variety of sources but the official missing persons states that Zac Barnes was last seen wearing a faded blue singlet and dark blue boardshorts at 8pm on the 13th of November 2016 at Thornton NSW. The tattoo of the VB logo on his back right calf is a distinguishing feature. Zac would be 22 today.
  1. He ran away
Zac’s mother has stated that she was not aware of any mental issues and it wasn’t something that her family was afraid of. Immediately prior to his disappearance he was acting increasingly agitated. Now there have been a couple of ideas floating around to explain why he was so distressed and none of them have been largely substantiated.
The first that gained traction was that Zac was involved in online pokergames and owed someone money. One article claims that he thought when Bree came to check on him on Sunday, Bree was associated with the people who he owed and was scouting him out for them. In addition to this, there were rumours floating around that he had lost his job on Friday (no reason has been added to this) and he was worried to go home and tell his family. This theory explains Zac’s sudden change in demeanour on the Sunday with people hypothesising that he either tried to run away from his debt or came to a more sinister end. Both of these notions have been widely discredited by both his friends and family. They’ve come out as saying that he didn’t owe a significant amount of money and it wasn’t that big of an issue to him. All in all, it sounds like the rumour mill has simply gotten out of control here and was likely perpetuated by mainstream media. Additionally, his family have said if he did try to run away, he would have come home on Monday as for all he knew, everyone would have been out and he could have grabbed some supplies such as his credit card, ID, food, toothbrush etc – but nothing of his has ever been touched since.
A couple of articles have cropped up saying that Zac was involved with drugs, which would certainly explain the unusual behaviour. His mother has explained that not unlike most teenagers, she believes that Zac would likely have experimented with drugs but only socially and would not be heavily involved nor addicted in any way. As Karen described, although the area is known to have an ice problem, due to his father’s heroin addiction, Zac wouldn’t have done anything too extreme. Regardless, I do think that sometimes people do react in completely unpredictable ways to some drugs and if they had been in play here, could’ve caused Zac to become unusually agitated and paranoid and may have led him to attempting to escape whatever danger he perceived. This may also account for suddenly jumping out of the car and running into the bush as his friends described. He may have even been slightly disorientated and thought he could navigate from that drop off point to his home through the bushland – not intending to run away but simply trying to get home to Metford.
Regardless of the cause, if he did jump out of the car, as his friends say, and run into the bushland alone there seems to be only two outcomes: he got out of town without anyone noticing or whilst trying to navigate the bushland, hurt himself and was unable to get help (no phone).
Whilst there have been several unconfirmed sightings of Zac around Australia, police have said it is unlikely that he would have been able to get on the train unnoticed.
  1. His friends lied
I think this is the more obvious theory, and given facebook posts by his friends and family, one that they believe. The two friends that drove Zac to the intersection and saw him jump out suddenly were the only witnesses to this. Although initially cooperative with police, they distanced themselves more and more from the situation. As Zac’s family admits, they did hound the friends with questions (as you could imagine with your son/brother missing) and the friends became less and less helpful as time passed. Eventually they ended up unfriending or unfollowing Zac and his associated missing persons page on facebook. Karen has kept their identities hidden to prevent any sort of witch hunt. There is also the discrepancy of a different drop off points reported by the friends – although changes in witnesses stories are not uncommon, it does lend undermine their story slightly.
Additionally, the story of Zac jumping out of the car suddenly, is, to put it simply, unbelievable. All sources lack any substantial detail on this story.
There is the question of why they let their friend go into the bushland alone, in the dark, when he was acting so erratically. A 2 door hatchback was described as the last car he was seen in – this means it’s likely one of them had to exit the car in order to let him out. Even if they hadn’t been thinking clearly at the time to let him out of the car, there is no mention of them attempting to follow him or anything similar.
Unfortunately, I do think the answer of what happened to Zac likely lies with the friends. If their whole story of letting Zac out at this point is untrue, they were able to lead the investigation in a different direction, potentially cover up something more sinister. There are several baseless theories out there that his friends dropped him off with whoever he owed money to but I think the rumour mill is spinning on this again.
No motive by Zac’s friends in the car has ever gained traction across any of the sources, which creates doubts that the friends had any involvement. Even so, with such an unbelievable story resulting in no new evidence or clues, it is likely that these two friends know more than they’re telling.
This case draws at the heartstrings – a mother endlessly waiting for her son to come home. Some may jump on the drug or gambling aspect of the story, and although there are circumstances in which these would cause an individual to go missing, I do think the resolution to this case lies with his friends and potentially the greater public. Was there someone out there who saw something and didn’t realise it?
This case is filled with rumours, gossip, and vague, unsubstantiated stories, none of which resolve Zac's sudden disappearance, leaving his family and friends still wondering, What happened to Zac?

If you know anything, please report to Australian crime stoppers here
The family are now waiting to hear whether a coroner inquest will be granted. Usually at no cost for families they expect to challenge the brief and have set up a gofund me to aid with legal representation:
- The “What happened to Zac?” podcast at
submitted by YellowJelloStapler to UnresolvedMysteries [link] [comments]

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submitted by Tawdry_Bath_ to SlotIdnSport333 [link] [comments]

Mental health helplines & resources (updated with region-specific links for England and country-specific for the rest of the UK)

Here I will include a master post of UK mental health helplines/resources, feel free to message me directly if there is anything you would like me to add to this post or if you notice any contact or relevant information has changed since creating this. If you would like quick support on this site for legal or DWP related issues please consider checking out DWPhelp or LegalAdviceUK
If you live in England, you can refer yourself to an NHS psychological therapies service (IAPT).
If you would like to view some country-specific helplines&resources:
Mental health helplines:
Shout is the UK’s first 24/7 text service, free on all major mobile networks, for anyone in crisis anytime, anywhere. We can help with urgent issues such as: suicidal thoughts, abuse or assault, self-harm, bullying and relationship challenges
Text Shout to 85258
Mental Health Matters
Helpline for people with mental health problems, their carers, families and friends. The Team can offer emotional guidance and information and help people who may be feeling low, anxious or stressed or in extreme emotional distress and feel that there is nowhere else to turn. Support is also provided to people caring for another person and finding it difficult to cope. The service is confidential unless it is considered there is a risk to yourself or others. Webchat available 24/7
Phone: click here to find the different numbers for the geographical areas covered Email: [email protected]
We offer confidential emotional support to children, young adults and adults by telephone, email and post. We work with callers to develop healthy, positive coping strategies, an inner feeling of strength and increased self esteem to encourage healing, recovery and moving forward with life.
Phone: 01708 765200 (hours variable - ring for details)
Email: [email protected]
The Silver Line
The Silver Line operates the only confidential, free helpline for older people across the UK that's open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days of the year. We also offer telephone friendship where we match volunteers with older people based on their interests, facilitated group calls, and help to connect people with local services in their area.
Phone: 0800 4 70 80 90 Email: [email protected]
Breathing Space
A confidential phoneline for anyone in Scotland over the age of 16, feeling low, anxious or depressed.
Phone: 0800 838587 (weekdays mon-thurs 6pm until 2am. Weekend Friday 6pm-Monday 6am)
C.A.L.L. Mental health helpline
Offers emotional support and information/literature on Mental Health and related matters to the people of Wales. Anyone concerned about their own mental health or that of a relative or friend can access the service. C.A.L.L. Helpline offers a confidential listening and support service.
Phone: 0800 132 737 or text help to 81066
Lifeline Helpline
Lifeline is the Northern Ireland crisis response helpline service for people who are experiencing distress or despair. No matter what your age or where you live in Northern Ireland, if you are or someone you know is in distress or despair, Lifeline is here to help.
Phone: 0808 808 8000 or 18001 0808 808 8000 for Deaf and hard of hearing Textphone users. (24 hours a day, seven days a week)
One parent families Scotland
The Lone Parent Helpline provides advice and support to single parents. Call us about anything from dealing with a break-up, sorting out child maintenance, understanding benefits, money when having a baby, studying or moving into work. We provide a free confidential friendly service that provides advice and supports your wellbeing whatever you are going through.
Phone: 0808 801 0323 (Monday to Friday 9.30am to 4pm)
Email: [email protected]
RABI Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution
Time is a precious commodity, especially in farming. But it’s something our staff will happily give you.
When you call you’ll speak to a member of our dedicated welfare team. We understand that making that very first call – and talking about personal things with someone you don’t know – might sound daunting. However, it’s 100% confidential, so you’ll be free to discuss what’s on your mind without judgement. We won’t disclose any information to third parties without your explicit permission and calls are not recorded. We’ll do our very best to make you feel at ease, listening with courtesy, sympathy and respect.
Phone: 0808 281 9490 (9am-5pm weekdays) Email: [email protected]
The Drinks Trust:
We are the drinks industry community organisation, providing care and support to the people who form the drinks industry workforce, both past and present. The Trust provides individuals with services across vocational, well-being, financial and practical support. These services are intended to assist with and improve the circumstances of those who receive them
Phone: 0800 915 4610
Email: [email protected]
Contact form - To be eligible, you must have worked for at least two years full-time or four years part-time in the UK drinks industry.
Anxiety UK
Charity providing support if you've been diagnosed with an anxiety condition.
Phone: 03444 775 774 (Mon to Fri, 9.30am to 5.30pm)
Bipolar UK
A charity helping people living with manic depression or bipolar disorder.
Peer support line: Arrange a call back from our Peer Support Line. Book in a call with our chatbot- simply type in 'I would like to speak to someone' and select a date and time that works best for you.
Email us: [email protected]
Carers UK
We provide an expert telephone advice and support service. You can talk to us, no matter where you are in the UK or how complex your query is. We do benefits checks, and advise on financial and practical matters related to caring.
Phone: 0808 808 7777 (Mon-Fri 9am until 6pm)
Email: [email protected]
Online forum: here
Our helpline is for people in the UK who are down or have hit a wall for any reason, who need to talk or find information and support.
Phone: 0800 58 58 58 (5pm to midnight - 365 days a year)
Shelter helps millions of people every year struggling with bad housing or homelessness through our advice, support, and legal services
England&Scotland phone number: 08088004444 (8am - 8pm on weekdays and 9am - 5pm weekends).
Wales phone number: 08000 495495 (9.30am – 4.00pm, Monday to Friday)
For similar housing support in Ireland and NI: Ireland and Northern Ireland
Promotes the views and needs of people with mental health problems.
Phone: 0300 123 3393 (Mon to Fri, 9am to 6pm)
Mind Cymru: 0292-0395-123 (
No Panic
Voluntary charity offering support for sufferers of panic attacks and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). Offers a course to help overcome your phobia/OCD. Includes a helpline.
Phone: 0844 967 4848 (daily, 10am to 10pm)
OCD Action
Support for people with OCD. Includes information on treatment and online resources.
Phone: 0845 390 6232 (Mon to Fri, 9.30am to 5pm)
A charity run by people with OCD, for people with OCD. Includes facts, news and treatments.
Phone: 0845 120 3778 (Mon to Fri, 9am to 5pm)
HOPELINEUK is a confidential support and advice service for children and young people under the age of 35 who are experiencing thoughts of suicide, or anyone concerned that a young person could be thinking about suicide.
Phone: HOPElineUK 0800 068 4141 (9:00 am to 12:00 am midnight)
Text: 07860 039 967
Email: [email protected]
Rethink Mental Illness
Support and advice for people living with mental illness.
Phone: 0300 5000 927 (Mon to Fri, 9.30am to 4pm)
Confidential support for people experiencing feelings of distress or despair.
Phone: 116 123 (free 24-hour helpline)
Emotional support, information and guidance for people affected by mental illness, their families and carers.
SANEline: 0300 304 7000 (daily, 4.30 to 10.30pm)
Textcare: comfort and care via text message, sent when the person needs it most: (
Information on child and adolescent mental health. Services for parents and professionals.
Phone: Parents' helpline 0808 802 5544 (Mon to Fri, 9.30am to 4pm)
Veterans Gateway
The first point of contact for veterans seeking support. We put veterans and their families in touch with the organisations best placed to help with the information, advice and support they need – from healthcare and housing to employability, finances, personal relationships and more.
Phone: 0808 802 1212 Text: 81212 Email: submit here Live chat: here
First Person Plural
First Person Plural (FPP) specialises in working for and on behalf of all those affected by Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) and similar complex trauma-related dissociative identity conditions. These similar conditions include type 1 Dissociative Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (DDNOS), and a type of Other Specified Dissociative Disorder (OSDD) which is described as DID-like.
Phone: 01902810082 (if we do not pick up leave a message and we will contact you as soon as possible but this might not be for a few days as our office is not staffed everyday) Email: [email protected] Twitter: @DissociationFPP
LGBT+ helplines:
Switchboard LGBT
Switchboard provides a one-stop listening service for LGBT+ people on the phone, by email and through Instant Messaging.
Phone: 03003300630 (Open 10:00-22:00 every day)
Email: [email protected]
MindLine Trans+ is a confidential emotional, mental health support helpline for people who identify as Transgender, Agender, Gender Fluid, Non-binary..
Phone: 03003305468 (Mondays and Fridays from 8pm to midnight.)
Mermaids UK
Mermaids provides a helpline aimed at supporting transgender youth up to and including the age of 19, their families and professionals working with them.
Phone: 0808 801 0400 (Open Monday - Friday; 9am - 9pm)
Email: [email protected]
Abuse helplines (child, sexual, domestic violence):
Children's charity dedicated to ending child abuse and child cruelty.
Phone: 0800 1111 for Childline for children (24-hour helpline)
0808 800 5000 for adults concerned about a child (24-hour helpline)
Advice on dealing with domestic violence.
Phone: 0808 2000 247 (24-hour helpline)
Women's Aid
Women’s Aid is the national charity working to end domestic abuse against women and children.
Email: [email protected] Live chat: Our hours are Monday to Friday 10:00am - 4:00pm, Saturday and Sunday 10:00am-12:00pm. Here
Respect Men's advice line
The Men’s Advice Line is a confidential helpline for male victims of domestic abuse and those supporting them. We offer advice and emotional support to men who experience abuse, and signpost to other vital services that help keep them and their children safe.
Call: 0808 8010327 or visit: here
Respect phoneline
The Respect Phoneline is an anonymous and confidential helpline for men and women who are harming their partners and families. We provide specialist advice and guidance to help people change their behaviours and support for those working with domestic abuse perpetrators.
Call: 0808 8024040 or visit: here
Honour based abuse/violence, forced marriage and/or female genital mutilation helplines
Freedom Charity
We aim to empower young people to feel they have the tools and confidence to support each other and have practical ways in which they can help their best friend around the issues of family relationships which can lead to early and forced marriage and dishonour based violence
Phone: 0845 607 0133 ; or text "4freedom"to 88802 (24-hour helpline)
Halo Project
Halo Project Charity is a national project that will support victims of honour-based violence, forced marriages and FGM by providing appropriate advice and support to victims. We will also work with key partners to provide required interventions and advice necessary for the protection and safety of victims.
Phone: 01642 683 045 (9am-5pm)
Karma Nirvana
Karma Nirvana is an award-winning National charity supporting victims of honour-based abuse and forced marriage. Honour crimes are not determined by age, faith, gender or sexuality, we support and work with all victims
Phone: 0800 5999 247 (Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm)
Addiction helplines (drugs, alcohol, gambling):
Alcoholics Anonymous
Phone: 0845 769 7555 (24-hour helpline)
Gamblers Anonymous
Phone: 0330 094 0322
Narcotics Anonymous
Phone: 0300 999 1212 (daily 10am to midnight)
Support for families, friends and partners affected by someone else’s addiction to drugs or alcohol.
Phone: 0300 888 3853
Al-Anon UK&Eire
We are here for anyone affected by someone else's drinking. Our Helpline is manned by a team of friendly and helpful volunteers who are also members of Al-Anon. They will listen and be happy to answer your questions
Phone: 0800 0086 811 (10am-10pm, 365 days a year)
Email: [email protected]
Alzheimer's helpline:
Alzheimer's Society
Provides information on dementia, including factsheets and helplines.
Phone: 0300 222 1122 (Mon to Fri, 9am to 5pm. Weekends, 10am to 4pm)
Bereavement helplines:
Cruse Bereavement Care
Phone: 0808 808 1677 (Mon to Fri, 9am to 5pm)
Email: [email protected]
Blue Cross for pets
If you have lost, or are facing saying goodbye to, a much loved pet and need somebody to talk to, our Pet Bereavement Support Service is here for you every day from 8.30am – 8.30pm
Phone: 0800 096 6606
Email: [email protected]
The Compassionate Friends
The Compassionate Friends is a charitable organisation of bereaved parents, siblings and grandparents dedicated to the support and care of other similarly bereaved family members who have suffered the death of a child or children of any age and from any cause
Phone: 0345 120 3785 (9:30am - 4:30pm Mon to Fri)
Email: [email protected]
Crime victims helplines:
Rape Crisis
To find your local services phone: 0808 802 9999 (daily, 12 to 2.30pm, 7 to 9.30pm)
Victim Support
Phone: 0808 168 9111 (24-hour helpline)
Eating disorders helpline:
Phone: 0808 801 0677 (adults) or 0808 801 0711 (for under-18s)
Learning disabilities helpline:
Charity working with people with a learning disability, their families and carers.
Phone: 0808 808 1111 (Mon to Fri, 9am to 5pm)
Parenting helpline:
Family Lives
Family Lives offers a confidential and free helpline service for families in England and Wales (previously known as Parentline). Please call us on 0808 800 2222 for emotional support, information, advice and guidance on any aspect of parenting and family life. Our helpline service is open 9am-9pm Monday to Friday and 10am-3pm Saturday and Sunday
Callers in Wales: If you would like to access this service in Welsh, find out how to request a call back here
Callers in Scotland: for callers from Scotland, Children 1st run Parentline Scotland and you may wish to contact them on 08000 28 22 33 Monday to Friday from 9am - 9pm.
Online chat: available 1:30pm-5:30pm every weekday excluding bank holidays here
Email: [email protected]
Online forum: here
Relationships helpline:
The UK's largest provider of relationship support.
Mental health resources:
submitted by Paranoiadestroyer to bristol [link] [comments]

Scammer: The comprehensive timeline

Decided to take a scroll stroll through CC's Instagram, and I've compiled with dates what I think is the complete timeline for Scammer. I think I might be missing a few things, as CC does tend to delete posts and edit captions, and these screenshots of the grid are all from today (8/9/2020). Please add on images in the comments of anything you have saved that I may have missed and what dates those occurred at! I've also specified where each image has come from (the imgur album should be in order), so it will say next to the update if she posted in on the grid (shorthand= BG). I skimmed all her captions since December for any scammer mention, so if it's not included, no other update exists (currently.) Links to individual images are posted as "X" next to the description.
I will continue to update ths post until Scammer has been finalized and received by customers.
The full receipt gallery: Receipt-Imgur
The Scammer Timeline:
12/17/2019: Caroline has AWWL listed on her site as coming soon. Scammer is not yet conceptualized- website X
12/18/2019: Caroline talks about publishing something and is worried that no one will read it-BG X
12/23/2019: Caroline announces a “small book” that will self-publish in January-BG X
12/29/2019: Posts first scammer cover and announced the presale will start on Jan 15th, i.e. the scammiversary-BG X
12/31/2019: There will be two separate books, AWWL and Scammer. Scammer will cover all of 2019.- BG X
1/7/2020: Caroline announces she will stay in Sarasota until she finishes scammer. It is unclear what day she returned to NYC-BG X
1/14/2020: Announces preorders for Scammer will start tomorrow-BG X
1/15/2020: launches and preorders officially open, with the infamous cover reveal coming soon-BG X
1/15/2020: Caroline gets press coverage about scammer, from sites like Buzzfeed, Nylon, and Guardian. None of the press gets an excerpt or review copy of the text.-BG (Nylon) (Paper) (Dazed) (Buzzfeed) (Guardian)
1/18/2020: Scammer is now available for international preorder-BG X
1/21/2020: Announces scammer will only be sold as preorders, and not carried in any store.-BG X
1/27/2020: All orders of scammer will be signed with a “love note” from caroline.-BG X
1/29/2020: Claims again that all copies of scammer will come with handwritten notes-BG X
1/29/2020: Claims AWWL is still under contract with Flatiron, and is a different manuscript than Scammer-BG X
1/31/2020: Announces first “giveaway” of a free special edition BB if you purchase 4 copies of scammer.-BG X
2/14/2020: a buzzfeed article is published in which Caroline claims Scammer would be out "as late as April" but will probably be out sooner. (Buzzfeed Pt. 2)
2/23/2020: Seven days until preorders for Scammer end “forever” -BG X
2/23/2020: Typos are my brand hats are announced as included with the purchase of two copies of scammer. Caroline claims that they will not be for sale but are an exclusive gift with scammer. -BG X
2/23/2020: Caroline posts the lonely boy zines hardcover for scammer. She does not offer any corrections/answers in the comments of people asking if this is the actual printed manuscript, implying by omission it is.-BG X
2/24/2020: Cancels Sarasota trip to edit the scammer manuscript in New York instead. Claims it will take 1 week. -BG X
2/24/2020: Announces that if you buy 3 copies of scammer, you will receive a mantra card (separate from the handwritten notes included in all copies, regardless of quantity ordered). Also announces that the free gifts stack, i.e. if you order 4 copies, you get the hat, card and BB. -BG X
2/28/2020: The first order of Scammer sold out (???) and it is now up for restock- BG X
3/1/2020: “today is the last day you can buy scammer” -BGX
3/2/2020: extends preorder deadline to today. Claims she will travel to NYC in March to sign the copies, and will ship “ON TIME” in early April.-BGX
3/11/2020: updated added to the website that preorders of scammer will end on 2/26/2019 and the book will ship in spring 2020, tentatively on 4/1/2020. - website.X
3/19/2020: Posts cover reveal of scammer, which is the same as the previous cover art posted. Claims book is copy edited and ready to go, but the printers are closed. This is the first BG announcement of refunds being available by emailing Ari. Claims all preorders have finally closed, 17 days after her initially announcing preorders are closed. -BG X
3/22/2020: Adam (her manager) emails a snarker back who sent an inquiry about purchasing Scammer after the preorder date ended. Adam responds that it is too late and that the order has already been sent to the printer. X
4/1/2020 (exact date unclear): Posts announcement on her website that she is combining scammer and IAMCC into one manuscript. IAMCC will be free if you have paid for scammer and is only available online. -websiteX
6/1/2020: Takes a break from scammer because of BLM?-story post X
6/8/2020: “Scammer is shipping later this month.” Caroline is no longer signing the book copies, and instead is switching to the “sticker fortune cookies”. Still claims all copies will come with something with her signature on.-BG X
6/24/2020: confirms in comment thread on a grid post that she is still planning on shipping Scammer by the end of the month. This has since been deleted and is no longer on her account. (Citation needed)
6/28/2020: Finished signing all the stickers. Says that the shipping journey will begin tomorrow, again does not clarify to the questions in the comments about what is shipping, the stickers or the book itself- BG X
7/1/2020: Caroline makes Cathy drive her to the post office in an adult fairy costume…No mention in the comments what she actually shipped, with the caption deliberately ambiguous.- BG X
7/3/2020: Caroline posts asking for a copy editor for her IAMCC essay, it is unclear if Scammer is also getting copy edited.-Story post X
7/6/2020: Announces that this is the final week to change your address or cancel your order by emailing Brigid before the 10th. -BG X
7/11/2020: Claims extra stickers are available if you still want to preorder Scammer, and still has the preorder option available on her website. -Story post X
7/20/2020: Updated on the website that the book is “estimated to ship August 31st”. Refunds are still advertised. No mention of this on her Instagram. -website X
7/21/2020: Typos are my brand hats are available to purchase on her site, despite claims that they are an exclusive gift for scammer. The first customer photo of just the hat is posted. -Story X
8/2/2020: Posts that scammer is getting “extra material”. Advertises that preorders are still available -story X
8/8/2020: Makes video claiming she is "reworking" Scammer, because she wants to make it about 2020, and not a tell all of her scam workshops, father’s passing, and the cut article. She claims a genre pivot. -BG X
(Notable missing item -- her commenting that it "will for sure ship at the end of the month" as a reply to someone on a grid post. I remember seeing it, but cannot for the life of me find it in her posts/as a screenshot)
EDITED from original posting: additions to the timeline after August 10th
8/20/2020: Caroline posts the official CC calendar of dates. A date for the release of scammer is notably absent, though the caption says "something big" is coming September 10th. There is speculation in the posts comments that this is scammers official release date, and caroline does not respond to any. Website still has the 31st estimated ship date posted.- BG X
8/21/2020: Caroline finally replies to a comment asking when scammer will arrive with "it's coming. Ask Brigid if you want a refund." She does not give any solid date or time, with 10 days to the alleged ship date.-BG X
8/22/2020: Caroline posts a Cambridge memory on her story about being part of a hunt club, and plugs that you should buy scammer because of the stories. Previously, she has claimed all Cambridge stories are part of AAWL, and she was adamant that they were going to be two separate books. In the next slide, she links the pre-order page for scammer, which is still open and accepting orders, 9 days until they are supposedly shipping. -story X
8/23/2020: someone comments and asks if there is a blurb they can read for scammer to see what its about. Caroline replies "no, its a gamble", despite her website claiming IACC ( which is back behind a paywall) would be included in scammer. X
8/29/20: After radio silence for ~4 days from Caroline, Brigid posts on Caroline's account for her, claiming she is very busy writing in preparation for the 31st.- story X
8/31/2020: Caroline does not post anything on instagram, big grid or stories, but is still active deleting comments. Scammer is still available to preorder.
9/2/2020: the first article has been posted asking "where is scammer?" has been posted by an Australian media site. So far there is no coverage from larger sites. * Article updated at the end of September(Mama Mia)
9/3/2020: Brigid replies to a direct mesaage asking for an update with the claim that it will ship sometime next week, and Caroline will "probably" give an update soon. Caroline is still MIA.-DM X
9/4/2020: Caroline returns the internet with a Scammer update in the form of 14 minute video. She claims the delays to scammer occurred after finding out her mother's cancer has returned in early August. The new anticipated ship date is Septemebr 17th, and she's changing the dedication to honor her mother now instead.-BG X X
9/17/2020: Caroline makes no mention of Scammer and does not respond to any comments about it shipping, but does post a bunch of tiktoks, a YouTube video, and multiple portraits of herself.
9/18/2020: Caroline posts an email screenshot she sent to her team, saying she was not going to get any work done today, sent at ~11 pm. The subject of the email is copy editing, implying the work she is not doing is editing Scammer, 1 day after its has already "shipped"-BG X
9/23/2020: Caroline posts a screenshot of a word document, claiming the page pictured will be an exclusive title page for the first edition printing, and will not be in subsequent print runs. This directly contradicts her claims that there will only be one printing and you must preorder it to recieve a copy or miss out on it "forever". The page makes a joke aboit how only a crazy person would have hung along through all the delays without getting a refund. She posts to her story claiming she is writing today, 6 days after the new new new ship date. -BG + storyX
9/25/2020: Caroline posts two stories about "limping" through the end of writting Scammer. In the second photo, she does not blur out the page count and it has 358 as the page total.-Story X
10/1/2020: Caroline posts a video about dreamer bbs, where she screenrecords her site. Scammer is still available for pre-order, but she scrolls by without acknowledgment.-story X
10/6/2020: at 4am after drinkingX, Caroline posts a grid post with the title for the first chapter of Scammer. The title is "I was Caroline Gotschall" and she's tagged 5 locations that go with the chapter. She accompanies these locations with stock images+ a photo of her father's house and calls it a chapter lookbook/preview. She also posts the opening line for the book, "When the curtain comes up, everything is a mess." which is directly plagiarizing the opening line of her annotated SCHOOL GIRL chapters, which she has previously sold for $4.99 a chapter. In a separate grid post, she posts a text conversation with an unknown person, asking if they've edited work she's sent them.-BG +story+ etsy pages X
10/8/2020: Caroline makes a post about Rowing Blazers and makes a joke in the caption about how she "makes books never" and then says kidding and that it's "almost here"-BG X
10/8/2020: Caroline posts a "lookbook" for Chapter 5 and titles it The Cantabrigian Princess, with the opening line "Put Cantabrigian Princess on my tombstone." This lookbook includes more stock photos of England and a book cover she photoshopped of Oscar Wilde. Caroline responds to a fan comment about Flatiron owning the rights to her Cambridge years with " A lot has changed this year".-BG+story X
10/8/2020: Caroline makes a long post about how she was unable to make the "revised" ship date of August 31st because of her Mom's cancer diagnosis. She asks that you request a refund with Brigid if you are impatient, and does not give any hard deadlines, again using the caretaking as a reason. She claims the original plan was to make Scammer 140 pages, but now it will be 350ish (microsoft word pages) once she "limps through the end of 2020". She says she plans to release more titles and lookbooks through out the next few weeks, and that her first book "will come very soon".-BG X
10/8/2020: Caroline posts the chapter 6 lookbook, which is another Cambridge chapter titled Hogwarts High Baroque. It again is a collection of stock images and screenshots from the Harry Potter movies. She posts the opening two "paragraphs", which are lines pulled directly from her I Am CC essay part 1, an old Instagram caption from 2019, and Prozac Nation.-BG +storyX
10/9/2020: Caroline posts a photo of her laptop with the screen blurred. At the top, you can see the document is titled Scammer Final. The only words you can see in the document itself are the ones she's already posted on her Instagram, and she has control-F up for "drug dealer". Caroline responds to a fan comment questioning the timeline that Scammer was at the printers in March. Caroline confirms she turned scammer into IAMCC at that time instead for her covid fundraiser, despite being adamant that they were two separate manuscripts. She also claims shes been working slowly on it when she hasn't been too busy caring for her mom, despite tbe fact that IAMCC stopped updating in May and Caroline not taking over caretaker duties until late September.-Story X
10/11/2020: Caroline posts her chapter 9 preview, which is titled "On Suicide". This chapter is about her father's passing, and the lookbook is images of his house, a selfie of Caroline, and his autopsy report. The excerpt is verbatim her opening paragraph from IAMCC part 2.5.-BG X
10/11/2020: Caroline posts her chapter 13 lookbook, titled "La La Sand." The images are from her trip to LA to meet with talent agents and be zany and sexual in the desert, as well as when she crashed a tailgate at Yale. The writing preview is one sentence pulled from a previous caption.-BG X
10/15/2020: Caroline posts a series of stories about how she thinks Scammer will be the next American Psycho. She advertises that you can still pre-order Scammer or request a refund from Brigid. She also says it will "arrive at your doorstep when it's ready", giving no new shipping estimate besides... Eventually?-StoryX
10/21/2020: after going off the grid for a few days, Caroline returns to announce her newest lover and makes a snide remark about how her book is late, and then promptly goes off grid again-BG X
10/23/2020: Caroline posts three paragraphs of writing, claiming it is "her most beautiful prose yet", and also claims her new ~lover~ is the new Natalie. It is unclear if that means that lover is editing/writing with her like OG Nataile did, or if they are just her new muse. Regardless, the words are a bit jumbled, but do not appear to have been plagerized from herself, which makes this the first original writing excerpt from Scammer .-BG X
10/27/2020: Caroline posts a series of stories at 1 am about writing. She captions it about drinking and taking her antidepressants at the same time is the only way to write, with multiple hard seltzer cans, a beer can, and wine bottle visible in the images. She also posts three books with annotations: Educated by Tara Westover, The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath, and Oxford: the Last Hurrah by Daffyd Jones. People have noted the writing excerpt posted on 10/23 sounded similar to Plath's style and word choices. She tags her manager in one photo asking if he can get her a role on a reality show as a reward for finishing Scammer eventually.-Stories X
11/8/2020: Caroline announces she's finally ready to write scammer, and that it will now be between 400-450 pages. Because she is upping the length, and since the quality "is better than ever", she is also going to increase the price, claiming this has to happen due to shipping costs for a heavier book. You can still purchase Scammer for $25 as of right now, and she posted two different swipe up links. She does not say what the new price will be, nor give any estimated shipping date.-BG + stories X
11/29/2020: Caroline responds to a comment on tiktok asking about Scammer with "how bizarre" which was the audio from the tiktok. She has not posted about Scammer on her Instagram nor responded to any comments concerning it since early November.-Tiktok X
12/2/2020: Caroline posts a nude with the caption that she managed to pay off her debt to Flatiron by earning 100k on Onlyfans this summer. Despite the inconsistencies with that claim, she says she now re-owns the rights to her Cambridge stories. She says she will include this material in Scammer now, again despite saying early this year she was going to publish this material as And We Were Like. Scammer is now "THEE book" that will encompass her entire life story.-BG X
12/2/2020: Mama Mia publishes a new article about Scammer that acts as a follow up to the article published in September. Mama Mia
12/7/2020: Caroline starts a new "art" venture, a flower fairy/faerie series, where she cuts fairies from Cicely Mary Barker books/postcards and puts them on gradient wrapping paper surrounded by Scammer quotes. The full transcription of quotes can be found here These quotes are some recycled ones from IAMCC and SCHOOL GIRL, but some are new lines, and almost all of them make zero sense as stand alone art without the context of a whole paragraph. These are $65 a piece, and are reminiscent of her selling individual decorated pages of the school girl proposal-BG. X
12/18/2020: Caroline announces the bouncing of Brigid and the hiring of Bradley, making this the 3rd assistant who now is responsible for Scammer refunds. She tags Bradley's account as the new contact point, but not before first asking for praise on Scammer. So far, she is still actively refunding people for Scammer.-BG X
1/2/2021: Caroline takes an year long hour break from writing to promote her next art grift. Presumably the writing break is from writing Scammer, though she has yet to mention it by name in close to a month.-story X
1/20/2021: Caroline pivots to Pinterest, and her bio there mentions Scammer. "And We Were Like is the name of the book I've been trying my whole life to write. It still isn't finished. But Scammer will probably be done soon if you would like to preorder." Caroline responds to a comment asking about Scammer saying to contact Bradley for a refund. X
1/27/2021: Caroline updates her Patreon to include new tiers. In all of these tiers, she promises essays, some up to twice weekly, titled "Heart History". The topics for these essays include material that was supposedly going to be covered by Scammer. In her first patreon post, she admits that Scammer is not finished, nor is it close to being finished ~~nor will these essays every actually be finished~~. She hopes writing these essays will help motivate her to finish Scammer, with the first few essays coming from scraps from "earlier drafts" of Scammer, though it appears more likely that she is now just going to be charging for the same written material for a 3rd time.-Patreon X
1/29/2021: Caroline posts a photo of Red Scare Anna, and in the comments someone asks about Scammer, and Caroline replies that there is chapter all about her Red Scare live show called "Call her Red Scare."- BG X
1/30/2021: Caroline revives another old school grift, the "Reading Makes you Hotter" instagram sans Summer Dawn, where she promises to upload unhinged book reviews. The first post is a picture of the Scammer Notebook by Realitea on Etsy, however she does not tag Realitea on the post or clarify to those asking in the comments if it's actually a proof of the written Scammer. -BG (RMYH account) X
submitted by Poniesandproteins to SmolBeanSnark [link] [comments]

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