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My modest guide to developing a healthier relationship with the Internet

I used to spend a lot of time online. I'd wake up and swap from one app to the next for an hour, sometimes for 2-3 rounds. I'd lay down of my couch whenever I'd have 5 minutes and end up spending 2 hours reading useless stuff. I'd spend entire days on YouTube, especially when I was hungover. I was sleeping like shit and eating like shit. I had a hard time focusing on single tasks, which made writing my master's thesis (in literature & philosophy, mind you) impossible. I tried to quit half a dozen times without success. I would delete all apps and install blockers, but eventually, inexorably, I would relapse. I felt like shit, and the fact that I failed at quitting would make me feel even worse.
What you want is a reliable system, somewhat rigid but flexible enough to be applied to multiple platforms. At some point, I had no choice but to find a way to learn how to focus again to avoid academic failure, so I came up with a much different strategy, one that I rarely see here. Over time, I kinda intellectualized what worked for me into a comprehensible system, so here it is lads. The system is composed of a theorical and a practical part, the former being the foundational ideas behind the latter, which is the concrete actions you take to reduce your screentime.
But Beforehand, you want to go through a phase of evaluation: - Step -1: Install StayFree or another usage tracker on your phone, collect data for a few days, then evaluate where your time is the most wasted, which apps need to be cut. - Step 0: Take a moment to ponder why you spend so much time on these apps. Introspect, light up some good 10% sativa 5% CBD dontdodrugskids and write down. It might be depression, social anxiety or boredom. But I can pretty much garantee that we all spend so much time on YouTube, Facebook et al. because it's too goddamn comfortable. Not only is the World Wide Web physically non-demanding, it's most often mentally non-challenging. The perfect formula; a state of bliss that the lazy mind will always long to go back to. This realization was absolutely essential as it shaped everything that's to come.

Theorical foundations

1. Turning the addiction upside-down
This will be controversial, but I don't believe in cold turkey as an efficient method of stopping internet addiction. It didn't work for me and I have reason to think it might not for a majority of people. I tried deleting the apps, but no matter how much barriers I'd install, I'd eventually get around them. As I just said, the Internet is too comfortable. There's a reason why we ditch hobbies like reading, writing, arts, playing music, sports, stuff we actually enjoy, to spend our time aimlessly consuming vacuous content. These hobbies might be fun, but they're hard. Turns out (shocking!) that the most long-term rewarding experiences of life are often its hardest. For the WWW surfer, the Internet is a space of no risk, where you can "achieve" stuff without ever failing. I found that by removing the addictive platforms altogether, they'd always keep their aura of comfort in my mind, and whenever arduous days would come, they'd act as a shelter to crawl back to.
What you want instead, is to disarm the addictive nature of these platforms by modifying their interface and removing what makes them comfortable. That way, when you feel down, they won't be that warm, cozy cover to crawl back to, they'll be a cold, hostile place that offer no comfort. It's basically done by removing all the mindless content and taking back control over what you see. There's many ways to do it; I'll talk about this in detail in the practical section. It's basically a guerilla battle between you and the casino designers of the GAFAM. I used to unconsciously click on the Facebook icon 30 times a day for no reason; I couldn't do anything about it, it was mechanical, muscle memory. By removing the app, I'd end up using chrome. By changing Facebook itself, I'd still open the app only to realize it had become this dry environment and I'd close it immediately.
It is well known on this sub that the WWW is a sea of worthless information. It has the problem of being 1) mostly vacuous, 2) too proliferating and 3) too diverse. The issue is twofold: quality and quantity. This is exactly what we will target. The whole strategy is to reduce the amount of information available to us and increase the qualitative value of what's left.
2. The philosopher's stance
Become a philosopher online. Question everything you do, why you do it, what you'll really get out of it. Think of it as doing your groceries: do you just pick random stuff here and there and call it quits? No, you plan ahead your meals, "tuesday night I'll eat spaghetti so I need pasta and sauce, then wednesday...". Consume online content like you do your groceries. "What personal purpose does watching this YouTube video would have?" This is the part that will require an active consistent effort, but, a bit like meditation, over time you'll start noticing how your mind works. I still remember after a few days of "dulling" my YouTube recommendations, one video got through the "defenses", something like "THE 10 MOST CANADIAN THINGS EVER!!!!" with the most outrageous thumbnail, like a fucking grizzly bear mauling a national guard riding a moose or some shit, and my mind immediately went HOLY FUCK I WANNA SEE THAT. Like drugs in a sea of boring content.
Issue of quantity: being conscious about your online actions also means reflecting on what type of content you deem worthy or not of watching/reading. Ideally, the online content would support your IRL hobbies and goals; in that sense, the Internet should become an educative tool. To help reduce the proliferation and diversity of information, I imposed myself a rule of 5: no more than 5 subscriptions. You could make it the rule of 3, 6, whatever. Stay low, and ideally remain in the space of one field so you disarm the diversity issue.
Issue of quality: It is with this mindfulness that you will filter the rest of the content by constantly pre-evaluating its quality, objectively and relatively to your goals. Don't kid yourself here, you really need to be a severe judge. I wanted my YouTube to become a philosophy educational tool, but I didn't just subscribe to Wisecrack, Philosophy of Life, or other shitty washed down-channel; I went for recorded university lectures or in-depths presentations, the kind of videos that last 45 minutes, with 29 views and have only power point as visual aid. I would expect a physician to pursue information deeper than Vsauce. You get the drift. True high-quality content is out there, and if it's not (depending on your interests), then there's no point to be there.
Of course, staying 24/7 alert about what you do online can be pretty difficult, so we'll adopt some fail-safe procedures to ensure/help mindfulness. This will be done mostly by adding the number of steps leading to content consumption through exploiting certain built-in features.
3. Healthy replacements
I won't talk much about this since it's pretty self-explanatory and has been covered extensively. When you remove 95% of your WWW usage, you'll have time, a lot of time. Please, find (or rediscover) healthy hobbies as replacements. Yes, keeping up with those hobbies will be hard, especially after your mind has been accustomed to the brainless surfing of social media.

Concrete actions

Now for the practical part. Every platform requires a different strategy using a plethora of tweaking and addons, so I'll share exactly what worked for me. This was tailored to my personal addictions, so you might have to adjust your strategy if you want to cut back on stuff I had no problem with. Unfortunately, phones are designed with much less flexibility given to the user; this is where you'll need to get creative.
YouTube was definitely the biggest internet addiction I had to deal with, hence this is where I put the most effort. I can say confidently that I managed to reduce my YouTube usage to like 2-5% of what it was. I'm quite proud of my strategy here.
You don't want to block YouTube because it's pretty useful when you want to show a video to a friend, to listen to music, or to search actual useful info (such as tutorials). Anyway, it would always be accessible with incognito mode or the browser on phone. Instead, for desktop, install Hide Recommendations addon. This addon is brilliant. This will center the video on the screen, remove Home & sidebar recommendations and comments, effectively transforming desktop YT into a search engine only. When you arrive on the homepage, all you'll see is the search bar. By doing this, you remove the ability to watch random content, as all you can watch is what you actively seek. Conscious actions.
Phone app is another story. Ultimately, the best would be a lightweight client apk that would have the same effect as HideRec, but I never found that was doing this/working/kept updated. If any of you has something I'm open for suggestions. So what I did was to take complete control over the recommendations. Here's what I exactly did:
- Unsuscribe from every channel. - History > Clear all watch history (don't pause watch history just yet), then Clear all search history (same) - (You might want to delete all cookies. I don't know if YT uses it for recommendations and can't remember if I did this.) - Find some high-quality content (this step is crucial so make sure to set your standards high; in my case it was recorded university lectures) and watch them. Suscribe to a few good channels (<= 5). Actually, you don't really need to watch them, just chain-open the videos so you are artificially creating a watch history. - YouTube will not want to recommend those videos to you as true high-quality content has usually low user participation, but eventually the algorithm will have no choice but to show it. Meanwhile, since your watch history is still young, it will pop up trending videos for a while. Make sure to not watch any of those as they would corrupt your recommendations like cancer. When you see them, click on the three dots and select Not interested. You will filter out the crap over time. Stay alert. - After a while, your recommendations will consist exclusively of true high-quality content. When that happens, go back to history and pause watch history & search history. - If you can't find any high-quality content for your fields of interests, an alternative is the sabotage technique. Basically, you choose a subject that absolutely bores you and do the same process.
Congratulations, you have now dealt with the problem of poor quality. Now we tackle the issue of quantity. This is where you adopt the philosopher's stance I was talking about. "Is this video really gonna teach me something useful in relation to my goals?" To help you do this, use the Watch later feature: every time something interesting pops up, don't watch it immediately, put it in the watch later list. Schedule a timeframe for watching YT and review your list then. You will realize that you in fact have no interest in most videos after you slept on it. If you do choose to watch one, immediately go full screen; don't look at related videos and don't look at comments. Only when the video is over you might review if reading the comments would serve a purpose; this will reinforce your ability to focus on a single task. I have no manipulation technique to help here, sorry.
YouTube can be very useful when manipulated to its full potential. All I had for a long time was 60 minutes lectures about Leibniz. I learned a lot about certain fields of philosophy with YT, many of that knowledge ending up being directly included in my master's thesis. Over time, you will lose complete interest in YT since watching it will be as hard, if not harder, than your healthy replacements.
Quick note: you can also go to Settings > Notifications and turn down Recommended videos. In conjuction with the watch history paused, I found that this effectively froze my recommendations in time. With this, I've been having the same uninteresting videos on my homepage for a year. However, it seems the algorithm cheats a bit here, especially recently, as it gradually adds related videos to what I watch (music mostly). You still get the odd trending recommendation once in a while.
Let's be honest, Facebook is cancer, but it's useful. At the time, I needed Facebook for my job (we had a group for shift changes). So I made an empty account and deactivated my main account. Don't accept anybody's friend request: your alt is not there to become a new account. Since Facebook won't have anything to show you, and will know very little about you, it will pop up poorly targeted ads (the ones that the marketer has chosen too little attributes).
Where I live, Facebook is used as the main social calendar organizer. If you're not of Facebook, you won't get invited to parties, and people don't really remember to invite you by messaging. It ended up being pretty isolating (fine in my case because I needed the time to write, but not efficient if you want to be more social). Some features, such as Marketplace and searching public events in your area (a traveller's treasure), are pretty cool.
Addons can hide the newsfeed, but your phone will still show it. As I said earlier, deleting the app wasn't useful. The common trick here is to unfollow (not unfriend) from all your friends, pages and groups. The result is the same as with YouTube: you can still access all the content but you claim complete control over what you see. Click on the down arrow in the top-right corner > News Feed Preferences > Unfollow people and groups to hide their posts. You'll have to unfollow everyone manually. It takes a while but it's worth it. Works for desktop and mobile. Make it boring.
I really don't know what to say here. This social media serves no purpose but to make everybody miserable, and humanity as a whole would be better if it got rid of this garbage app altogether. Fuck Instagram, fuck influencers, and fuck Zuck. Delete it.
I was a latecomer to Instagram and never got addicted, so I have no suggestion if you are. This is where I deleted the app instead of making boring like the rest of my system. I did end up using the browser once in a while, especially when I wanted to look up girls I met (guilty lol). But I'd guess unfollowing everybody and not posting would do the trick. Insist on not using it for messaging, as it lures you in its snares. Standalone messaging apps only.
Ah, Reddit...! Perhaps the sneakiest one. Some subs have been treasures of information. The real problem is the homepage, where info goes in all directions (quantity and diversity issue). So first, purge your subscriptions to come down to 5 subs (or 3, or whatever). Even better if you focus on a single subject. For example, you could concentrate on outdoors and only keep CampingGear, Bushcraft and Ultralight. Try to steer away from subs that are too general, as they usually usually present the quantity and diversity issue themselves. Avoid all at all cost. You can also block home and all, but this only works on desktop. For mobile, refocusing your subs is the way to go. Keep questioning your actions as always. Digital minimalism.

Moving forward

I will absolutely stand behind my system instead of cold turkey, no matter what. Cold turkey is a radical option, but there lies its problem. Changing your beliefs towards the WWW and rewriring your brain takes time. Cold turkey, in that sense, is a method that ironically give into this culture of instant gratification that the Internet is the symptom and part of the cause. We want immediate change, but this line of thinking is inefficient. Even heavy drug addicts don't go cold turkey in rehab (given a progressive rehab center). Manipulating your interfaces into making them boring, on the contrary, is a sustainable method; the drug itself becomes uninteresting. As long as you maintain them in this dull state, you have no incentive to spend more time there. In my experience, this minimal maintenance and the conscious critical thinking require much less willpower than cold turkey. I did give up a little during covid confinment (I thought fuck it, nothing to do), suscribed to more than 5 subs, got into facebook debates, but thanks my dull interfaces, my usage went back to maybe 20% instead of 100%.
That doesn't mean that the desire to go back to comfortable, easy, no-risk activities will go away. I'm pretty sure our ancestors battled with the same demons as us, in other forms (perhaps poorly designed). You could end up spending all your free time watching TV and you wouldn't be much better off. Getting off the Internet is only part of a larger, constant fight. That's life.
I welcome any question, comment, suggestion.
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