LoL Patch 10.10 Kassadin Build Guide - ARAM EUW - METAsrc

best kassadin euw

best kassadin euw - win

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new playstile

yo guys,
Kassadin isn't a scaling champion anymore
it's not s8, really, now the best way of playing him is skipping the Tear and fighting constantly over farming safely on sidelanes
you may ask am I dumb? actually I am but I'm not the one who invited this build and playstyle
it was Permaban and I don't think I have to tell you who he is but just in case, he's the best Kassadin in the world peaking at rank 1 that's top 15 EUW right now
it's suprisingly not that hard to adapt and I needed like 3 games to settle in but I really recommend watching some of his videos before
Start with Dark Seal + refilable potion
if AD ranged matchup, Cloth Armor + 3 potions
Everfrost -> Lucidity Boots -> Zhonya -> Lich Bane

Runes and skills:
vs AD: Electrocute, Taste of Blood, Eyeball Collector, Ravenous Hunter, Bone Playing, Overgrowth
[E max]
vs AP: Fleet Footwork, Overheal, Tenacity, Coup the Grace, Taste of Blood, Ravenous Hunter
submitted by plnsk to KassadinMains [link] [comments]

Suggestion needed for champs' pool expansion/modification

Hello everyone, I'm a gold player in EUW. I main top since S2 and apart from S3, when I played a ton of Ryze mid and Jayce/Zac top, my picks stayed more or less the same. At the moment my champs' pool looks like this:
- Wukong (I stomp my lane or at least win it 60-70% of the time, I almost always survive it to outscale the eventual bully. I translate kinda well into midgame roaming and drakes). - Renekton (I strongly stomp my lane 80% of the time, I don't translate my advantage perfectly in late game apart from pressuring top and jungle. Still very good winrate).
- Garen (generic solid pick, not too much to say about it). - Darius (it's a bit of a coin flip, depending on how junglers play. For this reason, I'm not ultraconfident with him as much as with the rest of the list, even if I know I'm mechanically decent with the champ). - Shen (almost never pick him, too scared at my elo in soloq). - Malphite (pocket pick for particular occasions, for this reason I almost always stomp hard, but I don't feel like it's my best pick because of this). - Pantheon (added him back since rework this preseason, dunno if the success I had with him is because of how broken he was).
- Jayce - Morde - Rumble - Teemo
-Ryze - Trundle - Shyvana (tried her out to see if the good old tanky on-hit Shyv top was playable, honestly felt like it's a dead pick). - Jax
- BRUISER HYDRA LEONA KEK (jokes apart, this stuff is broken in the right hands lol).

I can also play some midlaners, in particular Fizz/Kassadin/Lux.
Based on this analysis, who do you think I should add in the pool? Should I remove someone? I feel like I'm missing a proper tank, and I have a bit too many bullies.
In general my playstyle it's very based on full aggression/trading, and I have insane advantage stats in gold and fighting early game. I normally try to use this in the map mostly redirecting my jungler to other lanes and objectives, dragging the enemy jungler toplane. My worst game skill is for sure vision. I also feel like I have a decent knowledge of the game macros compared to the average player in gold, but I clearly fail in translating them to the mid/late game, if I put it in comparison with other moments of the game.
I would like to try to hit Diamond this year for the first time and I'm sure you guys can help me with some suggestions!
submitted by Ascended91 to top_mains [link] [comments]

I hit plat with Ryze after 85 games (62% wr): My verdict

I'm not proud of how long it took but oh well, considering he's the worst win-rate champ in plat elo right now, I'll take it as a win. Here's a few things I learnt.
That's all I can think of for now, feel free to ask any questions about builds or whatever and I'll answer them. I'll drop my OPGG and twitch links so you can take a look if you're interested. I've been streaming the later part of my climb recently and I'll keep streaming as I go along. Hopefully I can make a challenge for Diamond in the coming weeks provided my studies don't pile up massively.
submitted by thestephdex to RyzeMains [link] [comments]

Analysis on tank items (PBE)

I'm going to start this off with a "TL;DR" list of my quick opinion of all of the items. Whether they are buffed or nerfed and whether the new items are good or bad. Also if I post all of the maths here the post will get much, much too wordy so I might write that up to put into the comments.
I'm just a diamond top lane main on EUW so feel free to disagree. I just want to talk about the notion that all tank items are nerfed.
If you need to see the new items here is a useful website:

Mythics I will regard as new items:

More detailed analysis:Knight's Vow: (Hard nerf)
Zeke's Convergence (Buff)
Abyssal Mask (Adjusted)
Frozen Heart (Hard Nerf)
Randuin's Omen (Buffed)
Thornmail: (Adjusted)
Force of Nature (Niche)
Spirit Visage (Adjusted)
Deadman's Plate (Adjusted)
Warmog's Armour (Nerfed)
Gargoyle Stoneplate (Adjusted / Buffed)
Shureliya's Battlesong: (Meh)
Locket of the Iron Solari (OP)
Sunfire Cape (Strong)
Frostfire Gauntlet (Meh)
Turbo Chemtank (Meh)

The Problem on PBE
First of all there's 2 real problems.
The first is an overreaction to certain things because they sound a certain way or because things have been tuned since people made their judgement that it is OP.
Most notably, Eclipse:
Eclipse does 8% max HP physical damage and offers 4% armour pen per other completed item for a maximum of 16% unless they sell boots. I have seen this brought up to discuss how this means that assassins are going to start assassinating tanks.
Being real, an assassin with Eclipse is going to be hard to kill for the tank especially if they lack Grievous Wounds. But is the tank going to be easy to kill for the assassin? No, not really.
A 1 item tank will have some 130 armour if they go tabi. Eclipse's lethality will negate probably 14 of that and they will not have any %pen yet. Your 8% max HP proc against a 2k HP tank (remember, 1 item) is doing 160 damage pre-resists. A fighter with Trinity Force has at LEAST 80 base AD, plus an extra 30% with the passive stacked up. The eclipse proc is literally doing less damage than a trinity force proc and is on 4x the CD.
As for penetration, Lord Dominik's is currently 35%. Serylda's is 30% and you can get 16% from Eclipse. They stack multiplicatively. This means at full build that assassin has 40% armour penetration just 5% more than they have now and they're committing 2 items to it. And yes, they could go Lord Dominik's Regards for the bonus damage based on %HP. You can combine it with The Collector (which is 5% max HP true damage btw - much more theatening to tanks than Eclipse unless you proc Eclipse like 3+ times) and Shieldbow to play silly memey armour pentration crit builds and those will kill tanks much better than eclipse builds
Secondly, Matchmaking:
PBE games are usually very unbalanced. People lag, play badly and abuse bugs. As a result PBE games are incredibly snowbally and people get very very fed even compared to on live.
So how do I think tanks will be on live?
All-in-all I think tanks will actually come out a little weaker. Mythics have problems with their resist profiles that there isn't a good answer to and it feels like you will rarely want to rush your mythic in the same way that many classes will. Fighters building Divine Sunderer will give you a huge amount of grief at one item and they will likely go into BC second. I think tanks are generally more punishable in lane than they were in S10 and do not get anything meaningful to compensate.
There is also a serious problem with tank mana sustain basically consisting of "corrupting potion" and some kind of mana regen rune that suits the tank in question (Manaflow/PoM/Biscuits). Some AP tanks do ofc get access to Doran's Ring also.
ADCs are a little worse at killing tanks than before due to lower crit modifiers which might make scaling as a tank feel a little better. Kraken Slayer looks intimidating but it mostly just gives a lot of AS. The actual on-hit damage is quite underwhelming and does not contribute a major portion of ADC damage.
submitted by Severje to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

Your team picked mostly AD, and you’re bottom lane. Who are the best mages you can pick and find lots of success with? (APC tierlist)

Hey, in this list I will tell you some of my favorite AP carries and the pros and cons with picking them. Of course take this with a grain of salt, this is the ones I’ve found the most success with. I also sort them by winrate. Please make suggestions, if you find any problems with the post. Thanks in advance.
Tl;dr: Karthus, Cassiopeia, Ziggs, Syndra, Veigar, Heimerdinger, Swain, Taliyah are the best APCs.
S tier (God tier):
A tier (Very good):
B tier (Good):
•Twisted fate
•Aurelion Sol
C tier (not optimal):
Let’s go over the S tier, Cassiopeia, Karthus, Veigar and Ziggs.
Cassiopeia has always been a stable pick bottomlane, she’s a medium range mage with some crowd control in her kit and insane DPS, she’s arguably the best scaling mage in the game. The problems with her bottom lane is that she needs 2-3 items to be effective, she’s extremely hard to play, you must be able to kite, hit your Q consistently, and be able to land your ultimate. She’s very good at escaping from ganks thanks to her W’s grounding effect, she doesn’t really have any hard match up and synergies well with any support, especially with engage supports. Runes it’s either Conquerer or Phase rush. You scale better with Conquerer but Phase Rush makes it easier to kite and gives you more mobility. Cassiopeia is a champion that can without a doubt hard carry games.
Karthus. You probably don’t see him bot lane a lot, but he’s extremely strong. Namely one player comes to mind that has played him consistently and reached a 90% winrate in challenger. PornstarZilean in his climb he played mostly Karthus, together with another top support player. What makes Karthus so good in the bottom lane? Namely the fact that he has utter insane damage, global presence with his ultimate, out ranges most ADCs, scales incredibly hard, and isn’t super hard to play. Midbeast made a good video breaking down Pornstar zileans playstyle and how he succeeds with Karthus bot: Some of the things that make Karthus weak is that he’s very prone to ganks, he has no escape if he’s caught and you’ll die most of the time.
Veigar. He reminds me a bit of Cassiopeia, in the way that he scales well, he’s very safe thanks to his Cage. I’ve found most success with going a glacial augment build into GLP > Twin Shadows. It works well, because you’ll be able to hit your skillshots more consistently. Your W is difficult to land, because of glacial and GLP you slow them so they can’t really dodge your W. Veigar, has a lot of hard counters. Not in the bottomlane, but assassin’s that are able to get over his cage. Namely Fizz, Katarina, Zed, Sett is also a very hard match up, he’s always able to face tank your damage and dish it back at you. Mages that outrange you also counter you, but you do outscale them all.
Ziggs. He has been a consistent pick the last seasons in the bottomlane, thanks to his insane range. He outranges every ADC in the game, and is continuously able to pressure the enemy ADC even under tower. He’s an excellent pusher, thanks to his W. The only thing he lacks is mobility and he doesn’t scale as well as some other mages. But he’s a very safe champion, not super hard to play you just need to be able to hit your abilities consistently.
A tier. Syndra, Heimerdinger, Swain, Taliyah, Neeko.
Pros: insane burst, good laning phase, has true damage in her kit, safe from ganks, lots of CC. Scales quite well. Works well with any support.
Cons: Hard to play, squishy, has a lot of heavy counters, very game-knowledge oriented. Can’t hard carry.
Pros: Consistent damage, has crowd control, absolutely cancerous to deal with, synergieses well with any support. Easy to CS with, OK burst thanks to ultimate. Easy to learn hard to master.
Cons: Doesn’t scale very well, not very mobile, prone to ganks, gets absolutely demolished by counter picks, Short range except W.
Pros: Flexible between APC and Support, has a very safe kit, lots of CC, a lot of map pressure, easy to play, has quite good scaling. Tanky.
Cons: Grevious wounds fucks you over ten fold, doesn’t have very long range, more prone to ganks than some other picks. Loses in shorter trades.
Pros: Very safe, easy to CS with, scales well, amazing map pressure, has CC, quite mobile, safe pick into any match up really.
Cons: Not very long range, extremely hard to play, nerf after nerf have left her in quite a sorry state. She’s amazing in the right hands that’s why she’s in the A-tier, if you don’t know how to play her, don’t pick her.
Pros: Easy to land CC, insane burst, good wave clear, annoying to deal with, quite safe, scales very well thanks to her ultimate. Easy to learn hard to master. Can carry. When she works, she works extremely well.
Cons: Short range, gets absolutely demolished by counter picks, not a very consistent pick, mostly situational.
I‘ll add the rest later.
submitted by golden-Guru to summonerschool [link] [comments]

[Master] Deathblade Caitlyn (+ Neeko!), A guide to an alternative Hyperroll comp. Had a very easy climb with this so far.

**LAST EDIT: As of a couple of days into patch 10.11, this comp is not good anymore. Only some slight things changed in the meta, but they seemed to have had a big effect. The Asian Cait comp is really good now. Same concept: Cait 3, J4 3, TF (3), Rakan, Ashe, Lux, Karma, Soraka. I still play it with Neeko at lvl 7 though ;D. You either focus stacking J4 with Ionic, Bramble, Trap claw and put any bow/sword on Cait, or you focus on stacking Cait with Deathblade Hurricane QSS.
Edit 5: Thanks for playing the comp. My build has changed in the past days to one where I replace Jhin with Ashe and Karma with Lulu. Rakan and Kassadin are good units to use before you found Lulu. If hurricane doesn't get bugfixed, this comp will be S-tier next patch.
Also, there's an Asian variant where Jhin becomes Ashe and Neeko becomes Rakan. I think it's worse than the Neeko/Cait/Ashe variant, but playable.
Hello, I’m Docoda (IGN Enforcer Docoda,, an EUW Master (Grandmaster since 27/5) player with a weird obsession for Neeko. In the current set I’ve played Neeko in EVERY single ranked game (refusing to play Prot 4 comps though), most often trying to go for some (weird) “Perfect Synergy” comp (Perfect Neeko comps google doc here), hence the account winrate/games played. I would say I’ve got quite the experience with going OTP on something, as lots of my games in set 1 were Katarina focused (Peak D1) and in set 2 most of my games were Electric focused (Peak Challenger).
While some of the comps I’ve made have been quite successful to some degree, I think that one of my theorycrafted builds reached a very strong state due to some changes.
I am talking about a Caitlyn focused build, in which you abuse the current power level of Deathblade, combined with Hurricane, the sniper trait, J4 and Karma. This build fits very well in most of the current meta, in which not all seven others are contesting you with Shredder or Candyland, Neeko is an open champ, BF Sword isn’t the main first carousel focus for lots of comps and traits like Chrono and Mystic are really good.
In short, your comp will consist of Caitlyn, J4, Zoe, TF, Neeko, Jhin, Karma and Soraka. With your main item carries being Cait (Deathblade, Hurricane, Trap claw), Neeko (GA, sort of defensive) and J4 (defensive). EDIT 26/5: I broke and decided to drop the perfect synergy comp for a better version: Caitlyn, J4, Zoe, TF, Neeko, Ashe, Soraka and Lulu. This does make the comp less volatile, as you'll hit Ashe 2 earlier than Jhin 2 most of the time. It's a way smoother curve on your way to 8. The CC and healing is also pretty good.
Why? I think J4 and Zoe are actually broken 1 cost units, Neeko's ult is also incredibly strong. Chrono is really good. Mystic is really strong this patch in the lategame. Soraka's heal is a good alternative for Celestial. It all just synergizes really well.
I've found this comp to win against most other comps, with proper positioning of course. Mech would be your hardest opponent if he's mostly 3* and has good items. If last man standing, mech becomes easier since you can backline Neeko to stun the infiltrators.
This is a hyperroll comp, so the basics are the same as your usual shredder comps.
In the first carousel you prioritize BF Sword > Cloak > Bow > Gloves > Belt.
You hope you get another BF sword, a cloak or a bow from the first minions, depending on what you’re missing. Getting a glove and belt from them is also decent for the trap claw.
You pick up any Cait, J4, Zoe or TF you see. My goal is to try and have 10+g at the end of 2-3 (2-2 if huge gold start), 20+g at 2-5 and preferably close to 40g at the first minions. That way I'll have close to 50g or more to roll down with.
I try to have a 2* frontliner (Poppy, Leona, Graves, Malphite) as long as I can reach previously said gold values, this is also pretty important in the first minion round to not take risks. I don’t like to lose, but if you decide to lose streak you’ll want to try killing all but one enemy unit before losing the round.
After the minion round you roll down, prioritizing Cait > J4 > Zoe > TF.
If you got no space? Sell a TF1. If you’re close to TF3, sell a zoe. When you get level 5 at 3-2 you just put in any double 2* of a unit you haven’t 3* yet.
Best case scenario is having all 4 at 3 star. This of course a dream scenario and you’ll most likely have one or two 2*. At this point you just want to econ up until 4.1, picking up any unit you still need along the way and any Neeko’s or Jhin’s. If you find a Jhin (or even Ashe), you can replace the double unit you have. If you find a Neeko 2, you’ll replace the double with her instead.
Your main focus is completing all three Caitlyn items. If I have a rod or vest before I find a Neeko 2, I slam that on my J4. If you can’t get anything you need for Cait from the carousel, try to finish a Bramble or Ionic for J4. In worse cases you can finish a FH, Redemption or ZZrot on him. If you have any extra BF’s you want to keep those for GA on Neeko. Once you have a Neeko on the board, you’ll prioritize putting defensive items or morello on her unless it’s bramble, that’s for J4.
If you have found Cait 3 and J4 3 and aren’t even close to Zoe 3 and TF 3, you don’t roll at 4-1 If you are close to one of them or still need Cait 3 or J4 3, you roll down to 10g at most to find them, while picking up any Neeko’s or Jhin’s along the way. (Didn’t find your Cait 3 or J4 3? Tilt and roll to 0.)
Once your comp is set and you have your Cait 3, J4 3, Zoe, TF and either Neeko 2 or Jhin on the board, you level to 6 asap to put whoever is not on the board: Neeko or Jhin. Now you’ll just econ up until 4-6 or 5-1 (whenever you hit 50g), picking up any not completed 1 cost, Neeko, Jhin (if Jhin isn’t 2* yet) and Karma (until 2*) along the way, on which you’ll level to 7 and put the Karma in to connect to Cait. EDIT: If you're healthy you can level at 5-2 to be on curve.
Comp at 5-1 (or 5-2):
Late game
After you’ve got your 7 units in, you’ll just econ up until 6-1, where you want to level to 8 and put in Soraka.
You basically pick up any Jhin’s if he’s still not 2*, same for Karma 2. You always pick up any Neeko you’ll find after 3-1 to try and get her at 3*. If you find Soraka before hitting 6-1, you also buy her. After leveling to 8 you roll for more Neeko’s and Soraka 2. After that it’s up to your intuition on how you manage your gold. Want to deny your opponents their 3* champs? Buy them. Close to Neeko 3? Rollrollroll or econ a tiny bit and roll.
Full comp positioning and possible items:
There’s two main positionings you can take. Left or right sided.
Left: Right:
It’s eventually up to your intuition and evaluation to change positions slightly. You can move Zoe more to the corner, you might have to position vs mech or GP, etc… The general rule of thumb is to have as many champs possible in range of J4 whenever that’s possible AND having J4 not run away from your carries at the start of the fight.
Imortant Notes:
I just hardforce this comp every game, but if you’re flexible you won’t go this comp if you don’t find at least two components of Cait her three items by the end of Stage 1 (minions).
This works on most galaxies.
Arguments for Cait stacking over Jhin:
It's often said that Jhin optimal items are LW+Hurricane with a defensive item. Cait is Deathblade+Hurricane and defensive.
I have done some sloppy math, but in general, once Cait gets any other AS buff than Chrono or Deathblade stacks, she's in a lot of ways stronger than Jhin 2, even without these buffs she's close to the same powerlevel.
Thanks for reading. I find this build a nice alternative for Shredder. If there's any questions, please ask. You can also find me on the subreddit discord.
Feel free to check out my Perfect Neeko comps doc, yes, it's weird.:
EDIT: Generally you want your 3 items on Cait and Defensive/Semi-defensive items on your two frontliners. Bramble, Zzrot and Locket will almost always go on J4, unless you find them after a Neeko 3 hit. Ionic, Morello, GA, Frozen Heart, Extra QSS/Trap Claw, Shroud, Redemption, Claw... goes to Neeko most often. You don't want your frontline to get instantly deleted. Only take pure damage items if there's no other way and put them on Jhin, TF or Neeko. If you have two rods left, Rabaddon J4.
EDIT2: There's a variation I (surprisingly) didn't really think about where you replace TF and Zoe with Wukong and Poppy. That way you only have 3 units to hyperroll for (Cait, J4, Poppy) and a better frontline. I do need to test myself if it has enough damage to get the first kills in a fight.
EDIT3:By the time you'll be able to get Wukongs, people will already be contesting hard over it. Also, Poppy without items is pretty weak. Wukong ult gets online too late, but you kinda want to frontline J4 and Neeko so they can both instantly ult. The lack of Magic damage surprisingly hurts quite a bit since a lot of people play the armor game. For that reason I think that TF+Zoe are better.
EDIT4:Runaan's doesn't scale with Sniper btw. Deathblade's huge AD together with AS buffs just make it really strong. I trolled. Runaans currently benefits from Sniper. I thought they removed it benefiting from traits, but looks like I was wrong after watching closely. This is confirmed as being a bug though.
submitted by Docoda to CompetitiveTFT [link] [comments]

The Anecdotal Midlane Experience of 'TheDisconnect' [Grandmaster Zilean OTP]

Greetings Zilean Mains Reddit! It's TheDisconnect back with another guide for ALL of the midlane Zilean matchups. Who to dodge? Who to ban? Who is a free win? Let's find out! ^__^
About me: I am a long time Zilean main who has been master+ since season 7 on EUW. I am currently around 400lp Grandmaster. I currently soloqueue as Midlane Primary / Toplane Secondary.
What is this post?: This is a rundown of every midmatchup i've played this season and roughly how I would expect it to go. These are ENTIRELY anecdotal and not based on any statistical evidence.
Ranking System: I will be ranking the matchups from 1 (easiest) to 5 (hardest). Most of this ranking system is based of laning phase. While I may talk about scaling/teamfighting the purpose of this list is to talk about Zileans 1v1 matchup mostly. Note that I always go Ludens first, taking Timewarptonic/Corrupting pot in most matchups with Aery.
  1. [Free] Should always be an easy lane. Always free for ganks and you can out roam them most games.
  2. [Good] Many plays you can make to win the lane and play with your jungler. You can follow them on roams without dying instantly and should not have to concede any cs due to zoning if the lane is even.
  3. [Even] Not always good lanes, but given the right circumstances can be playable or even good.
  4. [Bad, but not unplayable] You cannot realistically 1v1 them and will almost usually get out roamed.
  5. [Unplayable] What I would understand to be unplayable, you get zoned, cannot follow roams and are threatened by 1v1 kills constantly.
1. [Easy]
- Very easy matchup. Realistically he should stand no chance. You have solokill pressure on him due to his lack of range and he has no escape or gank assist. This gives you essentially a free lane with snowball potential. You out roam him.
- Similar to Karthus, Heimerdinger has no mobility. You have some solokill pressure and very good gank assist. Your bombs oneshot his turrets and you completely outrange his impactful spells.
- This champion is a joke early versus Zilean. Your outrange all his abilities with your E, and he has no answer to your E at all. Just E him and bomb him. It's that simple. If you get empowered Q'd it's a disaster but realistically that shouldn't happen. Out lane him, then out roam him.
2. [Even/Good]
- Veigar is just kind of stupid in lane. His whole game plan revolves around ignoring you. Zilean is fine with that. All you need to do is not be in range of his E and the lane is free. Be the better player and you win this one. Cleanse is not crazy in this matchup, consider it. Don't try solokill him it's a waste of time I find. Just try out roam him, Veigar roams are awful.
- If you are having substantial problems with the matchup, it's probably because you are not playing around Zoe's basic combos. Zilean has everything available in his kit to counter Zoe, you just have to use it right. She cannot dodge your bombs with her R. Your E is a death sentence. Your R negates her oneshot and you have about equal pushing power. Cleanse can be taken vs her but it's risky as then she can take your cleanse, which is powerful vs Zilean. While not a problem in general, can be very tricky if you fall behind.
- Cassiopeia is a powerful champion, but fairly slow scaling and lacks waveclear early. Most of your lanes will consist of farming and ignoring each other. Your E has just enough range that any time she engages you can just E her and that's that. Don't let her proc phaserush and you should be able to play around her ranges perfectly, eventually zoning her out of lane with poke or setting up kills for your jungler.
- Not a champion you see mid very often in high elo but I occasionally play against it. She lacks mobility so if her flash is down, she is always a free kill. This is a completely afk lane for the most part but she can be challenging to play vs with good jungle support. Often times you will get poked low enough that a dive is possible and you can end up either conceding farm or having to recall a lot. Not a difficult lane, but can be annoying. Her shield denies most opportunities for kills due to the nature of Zileans damage with bombs.
Twisted Fate
- I don't think i've ever played against a good TF player. I find this lane is always very easy, but I have no idea. Maybe versus a good player it would be challenging but I find his champion does nothing most of the time. Put bombs on his ult and let your team finish him off. Pretty easy lane and don't be afraid to take cleanse in this one.
- Similar to Cassiopeia in a lot of ways. It's difficult to stop the Ryze from scaling and you can sometimes give him a free lane. But Zilean scales great too so a free lane is good for you too. He outpushes you early and has better mana sustain in general. His solokill pressure is very low and his gank assist is medium at best. If his flash is down he is a free kill with your jungler.
- Jayce mid is not something I worry about too much. While he lanes well and he really struggles to deny you early. You are very happy afking the lane out and ignoring him if possible. The problem comes that he will always be able to gain priority against you early and can sometimes lead to early jungle problems. If you land a double bomb on Jayce usually your jungler does enough to kill him after. Jayce has only flash to escape and has no answer to your E. A good lane in general but can go very bad given some unfortunate plays.
- Similar to Lux. She can poke you a lot and setup kills for her jungler that way. Her ultimate can invoke a flash rather than an ult due to her passive and low cooldowns (she does not struggle to kill you again after ulting your). She has low mobility and poor gank assist however. In a 2v1 scenario you should be very happy, 2v2 can be more challenging as Oriannas 2v2 is strong. Just farm it out and attempt to outroam/outteamfight her later. I find getting a solokill to be possible but unlikely.
- I hate Viktor with a burning passion. His E tilts me to no end, but that is about it. Viktor is low mobility and very obvious damage so no problem with ulting versus him. His W doesn't do anything versus you and he cannot stop you farming/roaming. Don't try E him without a reason he will just blast half your Hp instantly if you go to E him.
- Really annoying, but similar to Viktor in that neither of you have a lot to say to each other. Out roam him, Xerath roams are bad. Don't try to 1v1 kill a Xerath, chances are you will lose it his champion is just better equipped and he will 100-0 you after your ult finishes. Play with the jungler and roam about, leaving him to wave clear mid while you win the game.
3. [Even]
- I get nightmares when playing against this champion in toplane, but in midlane it's fine. Just play around his ranges and shove the waves back and ignore him. Not much to say in this lane as ADC are weird to play against. Don't get into an auto attack off with him and you should be fine. E him instantly if he E's at you and often he will not even be able to attack you, resulting in an instant double bomb.
- This champion bores me to death. You have no kill pressure at all but she cannot really do anything either. Any champion with a shield is naturally going to be unkillable for Zilean. She has terrible gank escape so if you have a jungler to play with then you can bully her out of the game. Without a jungler, she will naturally outscale you into the early midgame and outroam you. She is very difficult to follow without vision and if she finds you in the river you can just be dead/ulting. Overall it's not too bad just it can go horrible and you have little way to deal with her on your own. When ahead just E her and let your team do the rest.
Aurelion Sol
- Really annoying champion. Not really possible to 1v1 but his 2v2 is kind of terrible. If you have your jungler with your and kill him, then you can bully him forever. If he gets ahead then he will out roam you completely. This is a purely snowball matchups. Try your best to not get behind. I find he often will buy Swiftness first, ignore you and run about the map, it's difficult to deal with so pay attention. You outrange him with your Q and your E can be a death sentence if his Flash/Nosedive is on cooldown.
- Often cited as the worst champion to play versus as Zilean. While I agree it's not great, you still have a lot of possible plays to make. Zilean has excellent gank assist and does outlane Kassadin pre six with little issue. If you get Kassadins flash solo then the floodgates for ganks open. Freeze your lane and farm him till he is out of the game. The reason I list this matchup as 3 is due to the fact that it's not always possible to pressure him early, and once he gets 6 you no longer have any agency with dealing him as Zilean. Hope your team are competent enough to not feed him after he is strong and always call when he is roaming. Generally I try to roam a lot if I am vs Kassadin with no jungle assistance. Rarely will he follow you as his a somewhat useless in large fights and prefers to farm.
- Given a purely 1v1 scenario, you should have no problem ignoring her entirely and never dying. Your E denies her to pick up daggers quickly and your range allows your to stay safe. Unfortunately League of Legends is a team game. The problem comes when Katarina roams after clearing every single wave. You can spam ping and hope your team moves and shove her in. Or follow her. Zilean can actually 1v1 Katarina with fairly consistent results (if you have problems with this try to learn exactly what she does, you can play around her cooldowns pretty easily with Zilean). Your E is supprisingly good vs Katarina and your ultimate completely denies her cooldown resets. So long as she is not 10/0 you should be in a great spot vs her. You need to pay attention to her roams at all times, and counter roam whenever possible. If you do not this is not a playable lane in any sense.
- A personal tilt champion of mine. I really cannot stand this champion. He out-ranges you in lane with his soldier pokes and his ultimate is an excellent counter to yours. If he ults you, and the impact damage doesn't kill you, then you are completely screwed. He is completely unkillable solo due to his escape and shield. He can have priority if he wants and his slow on his Q is enough to force a flash in a gank. All that being said, he has no kill pressure solo at all and it's very easy to afk versus him. Azir needs a lot of time to be relevant, and you can often support your team to a winning position before he comes online.
- Unkillable, massive ammounts of CC and damage. In general not a good champion to go against as Zilean, but given the right circumstances is very playable. If he has a lot of jungle support there is nothing you can do. If your flash is down playing vs him, even undertower can be very challenging. Try your best to play to your jungler and scale into midgame. Once in midgame you can mostly ignore him. Your E is useless vs Galio early as he will almost always go mercs vs you. Double bomb - E + E with your jungler is the best way to kill him. Galio as no way to escape once he is in meaning your E in a 2v2 is brutal for him to deal with and you can make him stuck with your jungler for a long time.
- Don't get hit by her E and your are perfectly fine. You out 2v2 her and given a nice double bomb you can send her right back to base. She has 0 mobility so if you land your E on her she is flashing or dead to a gank instantly. Don't be afraid to spam E on yourself in 1v1s versus her dodging is key here. Often times I will ult myself on literally 100% hp and just run at her to E her. She oneshots me in her combo, I die in my R and my team kill her due to the 99% slow. While a bit wacky she either procs your ult or you cc her to death. Try to out roam her, she is kind of slow and clunky and you can roam faster with your E.
4. [Bad, but not unplayable]
- Very annoying champion with very fast and unpredictable damage. Her R, Gunblade and the very fast nature of her combos make ulting vs her very difficult. Naturally, she outdamages and has very high mobility so landing bombs is only possible if she misses it all. Zileans E is very good at just speeding yourself, doding her E, then you can do the classic Zilean perma CC/auto attack to death. You can play outside the range of her first R and just bomb her out. You cannot go anywhere near her in the river. You need to pay attention to her roams at all times, countering is really hard and often will result in you dying.
- Very frustrating matchup. Be prepared to miss a million CS undertower early. His Q spam push early is literally impossible to deal with as Zilean and fighting him is a waste of time. Impossible to hit with bombs and outdamages you. If you do magically find yourself able to kill him he will just ult your bombs every single time with no problem. Ekko has a slow, a stun and high mobility. None of these equate to a good 1v1 for Zilean. You must shove him in and ward the river as much as possible as Ekko likes to roam. The best way to fight Ekko is when his E is down, that is your only opening, see if he wastes it and go for an E into double bomb. You need to pay attention to his roams at all times, countering is really hard and often will result in you dying.
- Given the right wave management and jungle pressure, Irelia can make the game unplayable for you. She is highly mobile and can kill you in CC or force your R with her E. Her R makes your R very easy for her to play around, as if you ult she will just wait for it to run out and if you run away you get slowed by her R, resulting in death. However, on a positive note, if you have jungle support she is very free kills. So long as you don't get 2v1'd it should be very easy as your E destroys her completely. Once you get ahead, I find this to be one of the easiest matchups in League for Zilean. You can just E double bomb her with 0 counterplay. The problem is getting to that point. Play very safe, concede cs early and try counter roam if possible.
- On paper, this matchup should be impossible, but I find more often than not it's actually pretty playable. The glaring elephant in the room is the fact he can take your ult. This is not something you can play around. Your ultimate is overpowered and giving it to sylas is a disaster. During the laning phase all you need to do is dodge his E, once you do that make sure you punish him instantly. E him and auto him down the lane. Bombs, auto attacks and corrupting pot can do a serious trade-back versus him.
- Yeah yeah, Zilean R counters Zed R it's the classic meme. It's not about Zeds R, it's about the laning phase versus him. Zilean is just so slow and clunky when dealing with Zeds blinks and instant damage. Zed will do half your HP in a combo and you can throw some bombs about randomly only to have him W it or just not W, leaving your bombs on his clone. Realistically Zed only loses this if he is an idiot. If you get ahead in this matchups it's hilariously free, but doing that without jungle support is a challenge. level 1-6 are all that matter here. If you can just survive and not die, you should be good. Try your best to not fight 2v2 as you should lose most matchups. Don't fight in river versus Zed either. Outscale him and be happy late game.
- Borderline unplayable but there are things you can do here. My secret tech is the frozen heart second item versus him. It gives enough armour to remove all his lethality and make his combo nonlethal, allowing you to ultimate anyone on your team. No matter how tempting it is, do NOT 1v1 him, it's impossible. The level of play you need to have versus him is immense. If he ints you can kill him, no other way. Your E outranges his Q so just E him if he walks at you in lane, you should not die to him in lane ever. You need to pay attention to his roams at all times, countering is really hard if he turns on you, you WILL die.
5. [Unplayable]
- This matchup is horrible. Unkillable, oneshots in CC, out roams, can freeze if he wants, impossible to gank. Really this is just not something I enjoy playing vs. I would dodge this if possible, otherwise goodluck. Your E is useless vs him during laningphase. He can always E your bombs and his ultimate is an instant death sentence. You cannot contest his roams at all. If he is fed you have most likely lost, your champion is absolutely useless versus him at all stages of the game. You need to pay attention to his roams at all times, countering is really hard if he turns on you, you WILL die.
- I refuse to play this lane. I'd rather 2 man toplane than versus this horrible champion. I don't know what to say other than ban this champion or dodge it. She out roams, out damages, out lanes and out 2v2's you. Your jungler can do nothing to help you and you can only start playing the game if you build a banshees second item. Horrendous lane and I don't think I have ever won it.
Most Champions you play against have weaknesses against Zilean, just figure out the way in which to abuse them. Remember that these are simply my understanding of the matchup and could hugely differ by elo. I will always assume the person Iam against is good at their champion. If you play versus a first time Irelia then you should have no problem, an experience Irelia will grind you into meat however. Don't underestimate the power of looking up the enemies stats before the game to see what you can expect.
submitted by TheDisconnect_EUW to ZileanMains [link] [comments]

It took me 841 games to reach Gold as ADC main (story, what I learned, what you need to do)


I started playing League of Legends in Season 10 on EUW because of the lockdown as friends started playing again and invited me. It took me 841 games (660 solo queue ranked games) to go from complete newbie to Gold 4 as ADC main.


I played another MOBA 10 years ago called Heroes of Newerth (HoN) for 6 years, where I reached 1800 MMR (top 0.1%). So I started LoL knowing the basics of MOBAs (importance of income, experience, kills, deaths, vison and how different roles should play in a teamfight), but HoN is more similar to DotA and DotA2 in the sense that you lose gold on death, you can pull neutral camps to manage your lane, you can deny creeps and it has different mechanics in general. Therefore, League of Legends was very new to me as I didn't know any heroes, wave management or jungle clearing strategies.
By the way I'm 27 years old, so maybe I'm not as sharp as when I was 20.

How I started in ranked games

Getting to level 30 was enough to have a feeling of how most common heroes behaved. I didn't know much about runes and items, so I followed what was recommended. I already knew the basics like last hitting as much as possible, not dying, placing wards whenever possible, be present in teamfights. In lane I wasn't trading heavily nor was I completely passive, but I didn't have a sense of the difference between short trades, extended trades and all in. I didn't know either which heroes were strong at all-in or which were strong at poking, so I could often lose by not reacting properly. I didn't know powerspikes either so I had very bad recall timings. Finally, I didn't realize the importance of drakes and herald, so I would give it enough attention and presence.
If I remember correctly, this was enough for me to be placed around Bronze 3. With a bit more practice (learning more about the heroes, items, runes, the importance or drakes) I reached Silver 4 probably around 150 to 200 games. And then, I was hardstuck between Silver 4 and Silver 2.

What you need to get out of Bronze as ADC

How I got out of Silver as ADC

What I still lack as a low Gold player

General tips


It was a big objective for me to get Gold and I played way too much to get it (18 days and 7 hours in-game time over 4 months). I think League of Legends can be very addictive and I know I have an addictive personality. I sometimes prioritized playing LoL over social life and spending time with my girlfriend. I've decided to stop here (obviously I can't make a career of this game), maybe I'll play again but only with IRL friends with voice chat (because it's way funnier) or limit myself to a maximum of 2 games in a day to take a break. This game was very fun but also very frustrating.
When I used to play HoN (DotA2 equivalent) I thought LoL was less skill intensive because there is no creep denying. In fact it's just a different game with different mechanics, even if there are many similarities.
In the end, now that I'm Gold nothing has changed much. I told my friends I hit Gold and was congratulated. I'm still less experienced than some other players so I still get flamed (and I suppose even Diamond players get flamed by Master players). The game is a bit different because you play with more experienced players. There are still trolls, inting teammates and AFK. It's just harder to win.
Thank you for reading this far ! My IGN is Goursorama on EUW, here are my stats. If you're high Gold or above, I would be really nice of you to correct me in the comments or give advice on how to get higher than Gold.
English is not my primary language so sorry for the many mistakes there must be.
submitted by Cyfar to summonerschool [link] [comments]

VanTong's Kassadin Guide Patch 10.9

Kassadin Guide 10.9

1. Champselect
Once you hit a certain rank where you start seeing the same players from previous games again, you want to wait for roughly 2 minutes before queueing up again. This also applies when people dodged in champion select, in order to avoid all the Kassadin bans that might come your way.
If you are among the first players to pick a champion, ask a teammate if you can pick for them. This way you might be able to get a better matchup.

2. General Game Plan
The general game plan with Kassadin is always the same. Don’t die early and try to support your team as much as possible whilst still trying to maximize gold and experience. This is the core principle that you should always follow, no matter what. Naturally, you have to come up with a more indepth approach for each game, for example by analysing each teams’ strengths and weaknesses and each lanes’ match ups. Explaining all of this in detail here would go beyond the scope of this guide though. Try to build up as much knowledge of the game as you can.

3. Runes
I’d recommend taking Fleet Footwork, Presence of Mind, Legend Tenacity, Coup de Grace, Taste of Blood and Ravenous Hunter for 90% of your games. The higher you get in Ranked, the more you will get bullied in lane. Fleet Footwork helps you more than any other rune in that regard. The only exception to this would be when you play against a very squishy champion that wants to all-in you, like Katarina or Yasuo for example. For those matchups I take Electrocute with Taste of Blood, Eyeball Collection, Ravenous Hunter, Presence of Mind and Legend Tenacity.
Because many players like to take Conqueror, I’ll briefly share my thoughts on it and why I think it’s not the ideal choice. First off, it’s obviously worse than Fleet Footwork as an early sustain tool, so it doesn’t help Kassadin as much. Statswise it is stronger than Fleet Footwork in late game, but in my opinion you don’t need the extra 50 AP to carry, and you also heal for more than enough with Fleet Footwork and Ravenous Hunter. The late game bonuses are therefore overkill and do not make up for the much worse early game.
Another aspect is the way how fights play out: In order to activate your Conqueror, you need to use your Q, W, E, R and autoattack once. Now you sit on your cooldowns and don’t get to use all the AP you just got. Unless fights get really drawn out, which is unlikely in most instances due to the current meta, you don’t get to use Conqueror effectively. Also, try to think of a time when you as Kassadin were actually able to turn around a 2v2 with the bonus 20 AP you got from Conqueror, I can’t think of a single matchup where it would make a significant difference.
Do not take the 10% scaling CDR in your runes. There are two simple reasons for this, firstly, the main purpose of your runes is to improve your early game as much as possible, whilst still being able to 1v9 games during late game. Secondly, you don’t need the full 40% CDR on Kassadin, it’s simply not as important as some players make it out to be. Always take both runes of Adaptive Damage and then resistance depending on what you will lane against – Armor (eg. Yasuo, Zed, Talon) or Magic Resist (eg. Syndra, Vel’Koz, Ahri).

4. Summoner Spells
I always take Flash and Teleport on Kassadin. Teleport helps me to keep up in CS and be more active on the map as it opens up a lot of possibilities, for example a counter gank in top or bot lane. It will also be crucial in late game once you start split pushing. Ignite is a good choice in lower ELO, potentially even superior to Teleport, as it allows you to solokill inexperienced players much more easily.

5. First Item
In most games I start with Dark Seal and Refillable Potion. This way I am minimizing the amount of gold I waste on potions, which in turn allows me to buy Rod of Ages much faster. Dark Seal also opens up the door for a potential Mejai’s Soulstealer-game, when things are going extremely well. Dorans Shield is a good choice for really tough matchups like Tristana, Jayce or Lucian. I don’t like starting Dorans Ring because it basically wastes 100 gold on potions, even if you decide to buy a Refillable Potion after your first back. Wasting that gold delays your Rod of Ages and also the stacking of your Tear of the Goddess. Besides, our goal is not to kill our opponent in lane, but simply to survive laning phase and maximize our gold income.

6. Itembuild
The core item build on Kassadin is Rod of Ages, Archangels Staff, Sorcerers Boots and Lich Bane. After that you should decide whether you need more survivability (Zhonya’s Hourglass) or more damage (Rabadons Deathcap, Void Staff).Rush Rod of Ages every game, most matchups already become significantly easier once you have your Catalyst. Don’t prioritize Tear of the Goddess early on, as it makes you even weaker for the first couple of minutes of the game. 10 Minutes into the game is roughly the time when you want Rod of Ages completed. After that, go for Archangels Staff. When you have a hard time against a lane opponent with physical damage, Zed or Qiyana for example, look to buy Seeker’s Armguard. The extra armor makes a huge difference.

7. Skillorder
The standard skill order on Kassadin is R > Q > E > W. The only exception is when you come up against champions that like to spam their abilities (eg. Yasuo, Karthus, Cassiopeia), in those games your skillorder is R > E > Q > W.

8. Mechanics
Mechanically, Kassadin is not very demanding to play. There are two core mechanics that you have to understand and utilize well though. Firstly, casting flash right after R allows you to combine the range of the flash and R, whilst still applying the damage of the ultimate. Secondly, your W can be used as an autoattack reset, which is especially useful in the early game when csing and trading.

9. Macro Game
Once the first towers are falling and both teams start rotating towards mid lane, go to a side lane and farm there. You want to reach level 16 as fast as possible, so never be in the same lane as your ADC because this forces you to share farm and experience with him. Keep track of all enemy champions and play it slowly, there is no reason for you to get involved in 1v1s if you don’t know exactly where everyone on the other team is. If you do know, you can try to solokill the enemy champion that came to your lane, or you can try to take advantage of your high mobility and make a play with your team by flanking the enemy team. Because of your kit, you will almost always be faster than the champion that came to match your split push, creating a numbers advantage and therefore an advantageous position for a teamfight. In most instances, this will either force a Teleport from the enemy team, or result in a won teamfight.

10. Matchups
Note: Many of Kassadins matchups are highly jungle dependent and this list is for high ELO. Many champions listed as Even or Bad, can be quite good matchups for Kassadin, if those champions aren't played well.

11. General Advice

Validation: >! !<

I hope you liked it and learned something new, share your thoughts in the comments and I will do my best to answer any open questions.
submitted by VanTong777 to KassadinMains [link] [comments]

My early game walkthrough guide that has helped me on my climb to GM :)

Hey all!
Note: This is just how I think about the game, to build your own view I'd recommend looking at lots of guides/content creators and formulate your own opinion on how best to play each stage of the game.
My name is Excoundrel, you may know me from my lil' YouTube channel but I also enjoy doing written content where I can! I've recently climbed to GM level on the EUW server after being more deliberate about my play and I wanted to share my thought process that I go through every time I go into game.
I may extend a guide to mid-game at some point if people enjoyed this one but I didn't want to overload in one guide as this is already quite long.
I won't cover late game in this guide as this is mostly positioning and comp dependent on whether you go to 9. Just pay attention to zephyr locations, blitz locations, infiltrator positioning and think about who you want your ranged to focus at the start of the fight.
First I'll start with the PRE GAME
Before you even get into the game it's a good idea to have at least 4-5 comps you feel comfortable with - itemisation wise, positioning, and how to build them (+variations). You can easily get to diamond by 1-tricking a comp (I did this initially with celestial/protectors and mech'/infs) however I feel to really improve your game it's important to be comfortable with as many builds as possible. I suggest the following builds for this current meta (10.11 - obviously this goes down the drain next week)
There are a lot of hyper roll builds too like Shredder, Candyland, Ziggs etc. I find that playing around 4-cost carries is a better learning experience than spamming re-roll comps. The reason I liked to go for Jinx/Kayle comps is that (Jinx especially) is super flexible with items and I feel they teach you the most about the mid-game and transitioning - which is typically the issue most diamond players have and until about a week ago I still struggled with a lot.
Also, it's worth noting you shouldn't assess your performance on one game unless you're reviewing a recording. TFT is always about ebb and flow, it's about your LP gain/loss over a longer period of times + games played. Don't tilt if you lose 1 or 2 in a row - it's just as likely you go on to win two in a row after.
Early game my objective is to winstreak (no shit sherlock). It's either winstreak or preserve HP. If I can get a controlled loss streak that's fine but it often requires certain units and I'd much rather win a few rounds and keep my HP in a good place going into stage 3/4.
How do I aim to winstreak? By buying good units. Most of which I will end up selling/dumping later on. One of the biggest mistakes new players make is buying units they intend use in their late game comp from the very start. You often see "me mech" players do this with annie/rumble in stage 2 as they want to establish their dominance as the most mechy of players. Don't keep useless units on your bench - they're denting your economy and doing nothing for you. THE EXCEPTION TO THE RULE IS HYPER-ROLLING - I always keep units I need to 3* on my bench regardless of how they hit my economy or if I use them. I would only end up spending 2G to re-roll for one of them later so the loss of 1G economy here or there isn't really so bad.
I like to aim for these units:
This might seem like a long list but they all have conditions based on other units that I find. Here is a list of early game synergies that are good:
The main takeaway is that I PLAY FOR EARLY GAME STRENGTH WITH LITTLE TO NO REGARD ABOUT WHETHER I WILL USE THESE UNITS LATER ON. I collect as many pairs as possible from PVE -> 2-3 with the aim to field the strongest 2*s and synergies I find.
What about items? A good rule of thumb is always slam an item by stage 2-5. You usually have at least 3 components and you will have chosen something from the carousel. If you're playing cybers you can sometimes get away with components on units but realistically you should be looking to combine /something/ in the early game. Often it's good to aim for generic items such as:
other items I would slam if I needed to would be:
There are also items I would slam if I had a set-up or if my items were strong enough to make me think about committing to a comp from stage 2 onwards:
Items I avoid combining and just live with the components if I have to:
I always tell myself "you need a reason to hit that level button". Leveling in the early game can make a huge difference to how your game will play out. Here are some generic rules:
Again, generic rule is 10G by 2-3 and 30G by the PVE round (Terrabusters/Krugs)
This is generally all I think about in the early game - it's mostly about managing the strength of your board vs. building the strongest start to your economy possible. I usually /always/ try to play to preserve hp/winstreak although I do loss-streak if the game is really intent on screwing me.
I hope this helps people who may have been struggling with the early game :)
submitted by Exc0undr3l to TeamfightTactics [link] [comments]

IncelSlay3r's Master Yi Mid

Hello Guys! Incel Slay3r is the name I'm going with, I used to be a relatively High Elo Player, and I am currently a Master Yi Mid Onetrick.
I play Yi exclusevely mid because I really like both the champ and the solo lane and I honestly see a lot of potencial.
So here's the deal, are you tired of starting the game with a Hunter's Machete? Do you think its silly to waste 1.1k gold for an item with no stats? Would you like to run a summoner spell of your choosing? Do you profoundly crave 1v1 duels from the very start of the game? Perhaps facing a proper oponent to use meditate auto reset onto?
Well then look no further, Master Yi Mid is for you! The champ is surprisingly strong early game, speacially level 1, 2, 3 and 6 and you all know how well he scales into latter stages of the game. We are talking about a champion who is a beast at perma diving and at the very least can go even in lane.
Also Mid lane gives you more gold, more XP, a summoner spell and a starting item (both of your choosing) and also opens up the possibility of having up to 3 tanks on your team (top, jung, support), and the bot lane mage meta makes up for some spicy comps.
UuUrRr DhUrRrRr bUt mAsTeR yI iS WeAk LaNnEr WiTh nO eSCaPes... I think you are confusing Yi with Kassadin... Also I think he has some really good matchups... Look I am not saying Yi is an S tier midlanner, however I do think its not that bad and I have seen Koreans play it in Master and Even Challenger Tier.
I am Currently Playing it on Stream here from Monday to Friday. I also upload the best games onto Youtube
I Play on EUW and this is the account I'm Currently Levelling from Iron to Diamond This is the account where I got to Master Elo During Pre-season 10 (don't judge me too hard, I have a 40h a week job). And I also have my own personal retirement account at Diamond 4 where I currently have a 68% Win Rate on Yi Mid which I plan to reveal later down the line
Yes, this is a self promotion post. No, I dont think I am that nice or pleasant to watch. Yes, I do believe I have some good gameplay where you may or may not learn something from.

If you made it all this way you have my thank you and I hope you got something out of it for yourself.
TLDR: Follow me for some Master Yi Mid or out of pitty.
Also I'm new to reddit
submitted by Incelslay3r to YIMO [link] [comments]

Kassadin Guide

Hello my name is VanTong, I am playing under the name PauIo Dybala on EUW. I am currently ranked as the second best Kassadin Player in EUW (Grandmaster with 69% wr on Kassadin). If enough people are interested in me writing a guide on how I play Kassadin, I am going to write one for this subreddit. Thank you for voting and good luck in your games.
View Poll
submitted by VanTong777 to KassadinMains [link] [comments]

Beginner FAQ and Discussions Megathread

This FAQ isn't a comprehensive guide. If you want a more detailed guide on playing Akali PLEASE join the Discord Server and read the channel #Akali-FAQ. I will be updating this FAQ soon to match the one in Discord.
Hi. This thread will provide as much information for those who are wanting to learn Akali or need more resources into improving Akali gameplays. I'll try to provide as much resource I can find around to help out here. Any newer threads that has similar questions already answered in this post will be removed and redirected with a link to here. You may ask questions in here and hope for someone to answer you. Before I get started, the builds and itemizations were taken from my own analysis from multiple statistical websites such as,, Leagueofgraphs, and Lolalytics.
If there is a content creator out there that would love to plug-in their guide or other additional resources then please DM me. I will add it under Resources section, it will be greatly appreciated.
Information before the FAQ
Akali's winrate % data from statistical sites: (Data strictly from KR region only)
The most commonly asked question right now from this sub. I'd say she is definitely difficult and there are way better choices to pick other than Akali. But I've seen multiple success from one tricks. So, if you really want to play Akali, go for it. It will take a lot of losses and time to get better with this champion after multiple nerfs. Remember to always bring Presence Of Mind. She is definitely a really fun champion and that matters more than anything! As for climbing, you can climb with any champions below Diamond elo. But Akali will make it harder to climb with her current state.
Akali benefits off better from AP than AD. The stereotypical "Irelia build" is more of a bruiser play but rarely does much compared to AP. So I am only going to give the typical AP build rather than the AD build.
  • Starting Items: Doran's Ring or Doran's Shield
Starting items depends on matchup. I advise new players learning Akali to grab Doran's Shield instead of Doran's Ring. The item provides great sustain against ranged matchups and overall a safer starting item to learn Akali with. Doran's Ring is for confident Akali players that are already experienced with the champion and the matchups Dark seal and Long swords are fine to start out but this is more of a preference.
  • Why Doran's ring?
It's a very good early game Item giving a lot of HP and AP so your trades are much stronger. As of our recent nerfs to our Q gut where it's 120 energy cost, I find this a lackluster start and that Doran's Shield should be your primary start to sustain and farm.
  • Core Items: Gunblade, Liandrys/Morellos (explanations below), Zhonyas
  • Situational items: Void staff, Morellos, Banshees, Deathcap
  • Build Path
Gunblade is your primary first item, nothing else. This item gives you the biggest power spike early game. After grabbing Gunblade, go for the component buy of Morellonomicon's Oblivion Orb and hold onto it rather than finishing it, complete it whenever it is necessary (if enemy has champions such as Vladimir, Soraka, Sona, etc.) I will explain why not finish the Orb later in this thread. Zhonyas is a great item giving resistance and a active providing potential outplays and preventing yourself getting caught in crowd control or other threats. Build Liandrys most of the time when enemy team are filled with high health champions. Morellos only when you need it for the Grevious Wound effect. Otherwise, sell the Oblivion Orb and grab Liandrys late game. Oblivion Orb becomes worthless later on in the game cause you need more damage and penetration %
  • Do I build Cutlass or Revolver first?
Revolver is the priority item here. If you're unable to buy the item as a whole it's best to go 2 Long Swords and then proceed to build for Revolver. You benefit off AD better in early game rather than AP. So before lvl 6 = 2 Long Swords, Near or post 6 = Revolver.
  • Why just Oblivion Orb?
The item is cost efficient because of what it gives for what you're paying for. Some AP and that juicy flat pen. Pairs insanely well with Sorc's shoes so you're dealing a lot of damage to non magic resistance builders early game. I highly advise you to finish the item ASAP when you're against hard healing champions. If the enemy rushes early Magic Resist, skip the item for Liandry's or Rabadons.
  • What about building Lich Bane?
As of recently discussing with a EUW Challenger OTP Wahid 3251, he mentioned the item is pretty good once you have built the previous necessity items. The moment you get Deathcap, the item is usable. Sell the Sorcs Shoes late game for Lich Bane if you like.
CONQUEROR SETUP (Recommended) The main Keystone you should be using. The entire rune path provides the best for Akali's current state. It provides AP bonus before 10 stacks so you benefit off it from her trades.
FLEET SETUP (Recommended, matchup dependent) Another popular choice. A lot of high elo players and pro players take this for sustain in lane. Giving movement speed boost from the proc allows her to easily land her passive against your opponent. Take this against heavy poking champion or a champion you need to kite around.
ELECTROCUTE SETUP (Not recommended but is still viable) This setup is probably her best burst setup, but not really recommended considering her recent nerfs, ConqueroFleet is overall better. Runes you can alternate: Taste of Blood -> Sudden Impact, Presence of Mind -> Triumph. Ravenous Hunter is just overall better than Ultimate Hunter for her hard healings later. Not a optimal setup no more due to Q nerf, Presence Of Mind is a necessity.
SUMMONER SPELLS: Teleport/Flash for Top Lane. Ignite/Flash for Mid Lane. You can swap TP with Ignite at top lane but you're crippling yourself for mid-late game rotations.
  • What about Dark Harvest?
The rune isn't just efficient compared to taking Electrocute or Conqueror. You'll be able to get some stacks but you're losing huge advantage early from taking this rune. You'll need A LOT of stacks for it to compete with Electrocute's number.
  • What about Grasp?
  • What is my skill order? What do I max?
Start with Q, level E second. Level W second if you're not having a good time in lane, W gives you breathing room to farm safer. Max Q>R>E>W.
  • What lane do I go?
Akali fits very well in both Mid and Top lane. A lot prefers top more due to melee matchups but downside would be tanks rushing resistance builds against you. Mid lane impacts the game more since you're able to roam side lanes for kills and helping around jungler for objectives, this lane is much harder than top because of ranged matchups.
  • How do I trade my opponent?
Your passive is where you'll be playing around the most for damage output. Simply Q>Auto attack (Passive) rinse and repeat. Add E whenever the opportunity is given and you'll be able to murder your opponent in one full trade. Utilize your W to maneuver around towards your opponent for either dodging their skills or to reach them for harass. You can also use E as a gap closing method to reach your opponent and harass from there. E->Q->W->AA rinse and repeat.
  • What do I do in teamfights?
Set yourself up by positioning correctly where you're able to flank the backline and murder the prime targets. Akali is amazing at murdering squishies from 100-0 and if you haven't wasted all her abilities you can be able to escape from the frontline safely. Don't forget to use your Gunblade active as it gives bonus damage for your all-in and Zhonyas to dodge CC.
  • What should I be doing in lane?
Ever since the Q nerfs, your early laning is much harder. I advise you to farm more than you harass. Harass when the opponent is in your Q range, but do so at same time of landing those Qs to last hit minions. Rush for Gunblade. This is vital and super important item for your power spike. With this item you're able to one shot and skirmish greatly mid game.
Top Lane: Harass your opponent whenever you can, unless it is a ranged matchup. This lane is purely solo and requires wave management skills to win here.
  • What are the hardest matchups for Akali?
Most ranged matchups she will have difficulty with until you're level 6. Any champions that can reveal you in shroud such as Kled, Lee Sin, Twisted Fate, etc. The champs you'll most likely struggle in mid lane would be Kassadin, Galio, Malzahar.
Professor Akali's Ultimate S10 Guide (involves every matchups info)
Akali Mains Discord:
Akali Clubs (some may be outdated):
High Elo Matchup VODs:
Akali Combos:
Matchups difficulty stats:
Lictwit's matchup spreadsheet:
TakuyaDJ's Hybrid Bruiser Guide:
submitted by Azelkaria to akalimains [link] [comments]

Evelyyn Carry is getting HOT in Korea. Here is how they play it!

Hey everyone.
I'm back with a new guide with a build inspired by the Koreans. Thanks for all the feedback so far by the way so far on my other guides, overall it has been very good.
Here are the recent guides I wrote that are still relevant in the meta (although they are unupdated, and maybe I would change a couple of minor details):
Korean Rangers:
The Void Game Tree:
6 Nobles:
In this new guide I will talk about the new flavor of the week over in Korea, this is Evelynn. I have been spending many hours analyzing top Korean streamers. Most recently I have been checking out SCSC95 as he is the one that has been streaming the most recently out of him, Jinsoo, and Portialyn. And over the past few days, I have been surprised to see Evelynn get more and more popular on the Korean server, to the point where now, she is in fact the most contested 3 cost unit in the entire game. Everyone is picking her up and fitting her into various comps. Although there is one comp in particular that the Koreans seem to prefer the most if possible. This guide is going to try and cover that particular build.
20 min video guide with timestamps in description:
The concept behind this build composition
There was a build in Reddit earlier that had similar concepts, which was to try and get 6 knights and fit in Evelynn with another carry. This is quite similar, but a bit optimized as it is easier to reach since you won't need to pick up Kayle. Also some of the 1 cost knights such as Garen, Darius, Mordekaiser, simply lose value the longer the game goes on as units. Instead of getting 6 knights, we want to get guardians, and at least 2 knights.
The lategame team composition will be consisted of 6 core units then:
Evelynn: She will be our main carry who we want to prioritize getting items onto.
Brand: This is the preferred second demon and partner to evelynn. Not only is Brand simply an amazing unit right now, but also Brand synergizes very well with Evelynn, since Eve deals burst damage but might not finish targets off. Brand helps Eve a lot, his ult will either bring a target down low enough for Eve to execute the target, or Evelynn will ult first leaving targets low while Brand cleans up. Though we can use Varus (preferably) or another demon as a filler until we find Brand.
Sejuani: The best knight in the game after Kayle with a game breaking ultimate. Bring tankiness, frontline, and AOE CC.
Poppy: Another very good knight, though Kayle would be preferred in the lategame.
Braum and Leona: Guardians to buff up our most important units. But Braum + Sejuani does also offer Glacial synergy which is not insignificant.
With this build, you will find that Evellyn will be extremely tanky and protected by the knights + guardians. The demon proc allows her to ult more frequently and she will often be the last person standing in your team but still be able to single handedly take down entire teams. Brand is going to be Evelynn's partner, who either finishes off any low health champs for Evelynn, or damages them, allowing evelynn to execute.
Early game
Pick up as many knights and demons as you can. In the lategame, your comp will usually have either have 4 knights or 4 demons along with those 6 core units. Also make sure to pick up Braum and Leona. Regarding levelling and eco, quite standard and depends game to game how strong you are. Usually level up to 6 after krugs and 7 after wolves. This is a build guide that isn't focused on levelling/eco so we won't cover that much here.
Ideally you will have Evelynn + at least one other demon and 2 knights. Varus is a great early demon to pick up as he can hold Brand items really well, and then later once we find Brand 2 we can put in Brand and transfer items. Although if we find Aatrox and Morgana earlygame, they should also be used in general with Evelynn. Including some demons overall, seem very popular now in Korea in many different comps.
Ideally we would put 3 exact items onto Evelynn. These 3 items are:
Dragons Claw: Makes Evelynn take extremely little damage from any magic damage or abilities. I would say this is the number 1 most important item as since Evelynn is no longer targetted after an ult, she needs to worry about magic damage more than consistent damage.
Guardian Angel: Evelynn already is one of the only units in the game who can stop being focused after each ult (the other one is Rengar). GA also does this. GA also helps to clean up fights as the last person standing in the team.
Hextech Gunblade: If there is no anti heal, then she can pretty much get back all her health from one execution. This also helps her to deal some extra damage.
Other items that can work for her are tanky items. Items such as Warmogs or Phantom Dancer can work. As for damage items, Koreans prefer not to put too much extra damage on her as her ult already deals more than enough damage. Mana items such as seraphs or Ludens are not bad though. But defensive items such as those mentioned above are the prefered 3.
Since stacking Evelynn with items is so important. I would suggest to try pick up a sword early game as we can build GA and Hextech Gunblade with it. Although Rod or Negatron Cloak are not bad either.
Other general items that are always good:
More Guardians Angels: Can work well on champions such as Sejuani or Aatrox or Swain.
Morellonomicon: Great item for both Sejuani or Brand. Right now, Koreans prefer to put it on Brand.
Those would be the main items. After this, Koreans prefer to put items onto Brand. Other than Morellos on Brand, Brand really excels with attack speed items as he is an elemental and elementals gain double mana from autoattacks. This means items such as Shojins Spear, Guinsoo's Rageblade, Statikk Shiv, RFC, Runaans Hurricane, all work great with Brand.
Lategame end builds
At level 7 there isn't usually much you can add if you already got the 6 core units. However a lot of times, you won't have the 6 core units at level 6, and still have some unupgraded units or transitional units. In this case, you want to complete that 6 man core squad at level 7, whilst preparing for level 8.
That being said, if you do pick up an early spatula. There are very good uses for it, to give you an earlier power spike at level 7. You will be able to pick up 4 of a kind at level 7 already. The preferred use of spatula right now by the Koreans is Darkin > Knights Vow > Frozen Mallet.
Level 7 Darkin:
You can also replace Aatrox for Morgana or Swain. But basically you got 4 demons.
Level 7 Knights Vow:
Here I replaced GA on Eve for Knights Vow. Not sure if maybe it is better to put it on Brand or a Guardian in this situation. But you get 4 knights.
Level 7 frozen mallet:
Glacial isn't super highly valued, but this allows us to get elementals at level 8.
Now if we don't have a spatula item, we generally just collect units on our bench that we could potentially put in at level 8 to get 4 demons or 4 knights, whilst having a 3rd demon or knight out in the arena.
Level 8 4 demons example:
Here I stacked items onto our 3 strongest demons in this comp. Very strong lategame. With a GA+Redemption on Aatrox, which is a great combo, and stacking Brand also allowed him to do tons of damage, where in this stage in the game we should definitely have him 2* by now.
Level 8 4 knights example:
In general I think 4 demons is the better version, as with 4 knights we won't have much use for a 1 cost unit. Though if we find Kayle, she is amazing and this is where she can very well fit in certainly. Also if we use Mordekaiser or Darius, then if we level up to 9, we could get 2 imperials or phantom, which will be a good upgrade in the hyper lategame.
Similar to my last guide. I'll be doing a F.A.Q here. Where any good and relevant questions will get answered in this F.A.Q. I will constantly update this F.A.Q. for the next couple days. If I decided not to reply to you personally it is probably because the answer will already be in the F.A.Q. or the question/answer is not relevant to this build guide.
Q: Can I force this build every game.
A: The higher ELO you get the less I would advise to force a comp. I would recommend to have some comps in mind before the game, and then depending on which key pieces you pick up go into that comp (I listed key pieces earlier in the guide for this comp). But I would think that since this is currently not so meta in EU or NA, that it can be forced quite easily right now and get consistent top 4.
Q: How would you rate the build?
A: I have limited experience and am currently testing this out a lot/trying to abuse it for a bit before it maybe gets meta in the west. Though I did beat a lategame nobles team with it that had 3 item 2* yasuo, and 3 item 2* GP and 3 items 1* kayle. So I definitely think it is viable, I'm not sure how I would rate it yet. Though judging by how contested Evelynn is, they would rate her as S tier.
Q: Top 4 comp or Top 1?
A: Seems like a comp that has a good early spike and can power through to lategame and keep being strong in lategame to get top 1. Though definitely lategame, you might run into a situation where Evelynn can no longer 1v9 so you need to have other strong units around her and ramp up the rest of your team. Overall I'd say a very smooth powercurve but not especially strong in any single part of the game, probably there are comps that are better at a certain point of the game such as earlygame, midgame or lategame. But this comp feels very smooth even if not super strong at any point (such as nobles that everyone knows is super strong lategame, but can struggle a bit earlier). In the lategame though, the carry role transfers from Evelynn a bit, onto Brand+Sejuani and other lategame champs you may pick up such as Swain/Kayle/Karthus/Yasuo etc.
Q: What counters this?
A: Put Dragons Claw on your carries, especially your backline carries such as Ashe/Draven/Jinx want a Dragons Claw vs Evelynn otherwise she will just oneshot them. Healing reduction such as Red buff/Morellos is good vs Evelynn also. Hush is also good. Kassadin can be a big pain if he attacks Eve.
Q: Any VoDs or streams to see this in action?
A: I would suggest to check out any of the top Korean Streamers. Recently, I have mostly been watching SCSC95 as he has been streaming the most the past few days. (
Other Korean streamers I would suggest to check out would be Jinsoo:
You can also see this on Keane's stream when he plays in Korea:
They may not play the comp themselves in that game, but you will certainly see at least one other person in the lobby pick up Evelynn and use this comp, if not multiple.
As for a VoD, here is a VoD where I beat 6 nobles (I was basically forcing the comp from the very start since I picked up an early hextech gunblade and Evelynn), I wouldn't recommend such an early force.
Q: Is this comp proven to work?
A: It is the new FOTW comp in Korea. Not proven yet on NA or EU, but Evelynn is now the most contested champion in korea as she is used not only in this comp that focuses on her, but also she is used in other comps such as demon comps or assassin comps. Maybe there could be some more optimization to this comp. Although this seems to me like a more optimized version of the previous 6 knights + eve carry earlier that was used a bit in NA. I'm currently testing it out to see how it works on NA and EU meta. So far so good.
Q: How to position vs hextech + blitzcrank?
A: You could try positioning something like this, here I used 4 demon version at level 8. Standard pyramid position, but Eve and someone else on the other side (here aatrox). And then Morgana + Poppy around Brand.
Q: Doesn't this build get rekt by brawlers+assassins/sorc, or by 6 Nobles? Why is this working in Korea, do Koreans not play nobles or brawlers?
A: A lot of people say this. A lot of people seem to believe that Korea is behind in the meta and they are worse, I believe the opposite, I believe Korea is ahead of the meta. Not only because of their history and culture and success in LoL, Starcraft, Warcraft 3, autochess, etc (yes maybe now others have caught up a lot and even some top players/teams are the best, but still as an entire region they are the strongest in respective games). But also because they were the first to use some of the OP popular comps such as Brawler+Sorc with Ahri carry and then the West copied them. Nobles and brawlers are still very meta in Korea. I just think that Korea has innovated and found some solutions to the brawlers + sorc/assassins or nobles with builds that can at least beat those builds sometimes, and for that reason the Korean meta is simply a lot more diverse and interesting. Of course, this is my opinion, and I could be totally wrong and Korea is in fact worse than EU/NA, however the Korean Rangers build seems to be working quite well according to many now after having tried it. Obviously if you get to hyper lategame and face a player who has Kayle 2 + Yasuo 2 + Draven 3 with items on all of them, yeah you lose, but that is normal.
This part is quite irrelevant to the guide. But here is the key point, even if Korea are significantly worse than NA and EU, surely we can learn from their top players no? I am not crediting Korea for this build because I think they are the best, I am crediting them because this is the most contested build in Korea right now in their interesting meta.
The Eve carry build is now the most meta in build in KR maybe after nobles, and Eve is the most contested unit in KR. This was never the case in NA. The Void sorc build was the most meta build in KR earlier in 9.14 even before the void buffs, and has been slowly getting less popular to demons. This is why I cannot give credit to NA for eve carry when I made my guide and video as it is based off the metas not some niche build comps, hope that makes more sense. I am trying to be as unbiased as possible here. If a meta build is created by a person or a region, then I credit them. For example, if I was to do a guide on Keane build Ele+sorcs+yorldes, I would give him full credits.
20 min video guide with timestamps in description:
About me:
Thank you for reading and watching the guide and all the great feedback you have given me for all of these in general! I hope this one was also enjoyable for you
I'm a double challenger player with an account on EUW and NA.
I stream almost daily on
I am an analyst for proguides where I do regular VoD reviews.
submitted by SlCKXpT to TeamfightTactics [link] [comments]

10 things that ruin the pleasure of the game in ranked

Hi ! I'm a master elo ADC / toplaner who play since LoL beta on the EUW server. I just want to talk about some boring things in the game that tend to anchor in the game. And i want to know if that's just my feeling or if we are more to share the same issues. My english is not very good so don't hesitate to ask me if their is something that you don't understand, thanks ^^ !

Did we really imagine Malphite competing Ornn as a Tank ?
Did you expect Wukong to be as effective and polyvalent as Akali ?
Did you remember a period where Vlad was a bad toplaner ?
At the opposite, the worst champions tend to be the worst ... forever. Did you remember that Trundle exist ?

So you play only safe picks + ranged. Despite her winrate, Akali is probably the best toplaner in the game because she is both very effective vs melees and squishy ranged (+ she have more tools than them).

Yasuo, Qiyana, Akali, Fizz, Ekko, Diana, Kassadin are everywhere.
Traditionnal mages are absent. Sometimes maybe we can see a Xerath, most of the time we can see some of them played support instead (wtf).

It is almost never needed for the most played ADCs to take armor pen, even very lategame because the damages are extreme now (Caitlyn, Tristana, Jhin, Kai'sa, Aphelios, Vayne of course, etc ...).
Stormrazor looks to be too strong for champions who use it well, the slow is very strong and the potential snowball is massive. I don't consider normal that the best build when you are ahead (or everytime if you play Jhin) is to take Stormrazor + 3 cloak for 100% crit. Melee champions who are not assassins should not have to fear you so much even when you are at close range.
Also, i note that their is far, far far more games than before with 2 or even 3 adcs.

Having junglers who can easily solo the drake is a priority because they are very easy to kill (don't expect to compete with Yvern). At the opposite, Herald take a LOT more time to get killed and his impact is most of the time worst than the ancient, even if you take it 2 times. Toplaners and junglers don't consider it as a priority.

2 years ago, it was rare to have champions over 54% and below 46%. Maybe sometimes you can find ONE with 40% but not 15 under 46% ... Also note that before, a very low winrate was truly synonym to being a bad champion (with few exceptions) when now it just show that your kit is not balanceable and that you are probably still a top-tier champion to main (Akali, etc ...).

Remember when Ryze and Azir only was unbalancable ?
Now you can add Akali, Aatrox, Qiyana, Irelia, Aphelios, Sylas, Tahm Kench, Kassadin, Yuumi, etc ... These champions will always be ultra-dominant (like Akali) or very bad (like Aatrox) until Riot accept to reduce their options, instead of their numbers (you can reduce Akali damages, or up her Q cooldown, she will remain the same cancer).

Did you see a lot of patches without the name of Akali, Sylas or Ryze ? Why the hell can we not focus more on others ?

Is Conqueror OP ? No. Is it boring to see the 3/4 of melee champion with Conqueror + Domination with the exact same choice ? Yes.

I can't remember a period where picking the best picks make so much differences. I'm not talking about something that last one or 2 weeks and get nerfed.
submitted by VeryEvilWizard to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

The state of ADC´s/Marksman [ SoloQ ] change my mind.

Hey !
Its this time of the year again, where i have to cry about the current state of ADC.
A little about me ( my english isnt the best, so bare with me ), im a Dia 3 ADC on EUW and i put all my hope into the preseason Patch, so i can maybe have some fun with the game again but quickly realized that pretty much nothing in terms of the game flow changed. Pretty much the same like Season 8 which for the most part was not fun to play for ADC ( for me ).
ADC remains in the worst state since i play the game ( S2 ).
And i get it ! This is your payback for the Ardent meta and tbh? we kinda deserved it and thats why i was okay with S8 at the beginning... where everything got played on botlane besides Marksman´s. So i kept my frustration to me , played other roles for fun, took a long break just to come back every other month to see if something changed. That wasnt the case and i put all my hope into S9.
Which got crushed just after playing a handfull of games on the new Patch.
So what is my problem here?
Well, maybe im just really bad and got carryed to Dia3 ( which at this point, i think is possible ) by luck. But unless you arent playing Lucian your impact in the game as an ADC is so low its most of the time non existing... unless i crush them 10/0 before the turret is down. Which wont happen on a regular basis.
Lucian right now is the only ADC who has the ability to have a real impact in the game. Why? because he isnt building Crit, he is more like a Bruiser while doing good dmg, not sure if he should work like that.
Here are my points I THINK are the most frustrating part:
- Jungle: having way to much impact in the game, rushing through the Jungle while perma ganking lanes are so frustrating to play against, this goes for every lane but the most easiest to gank is botlane (which is okay , it was always like that ) cause of the 3v2.
It got so much harder to predict / know where the enemy Jungler is compared to S7 or every season before because most META jungler are either invic, can jump on you from fog of war or they are so fast you cant even ward for them,back in my days you could play around it by beeing smart. Now Jungler can perma gank a lane while losing close to nothing.
You are forced to play defensiv on botlane and wait for your Jungler, even if you are ahead or better then your enemy. Because once you play Aggro, chance are high you getting oneshotted by a Jungler at any point in the game is super high.
- Damage in the game: Everyone and there Grandmother can 1v1 you unless you are super fed and even then alot of meta Jungler can kill you easy. I could count for DAYS what champions will just appear next to you and kill you without any Counterplay to it. Khazix, Hecarim, Camille, Leblanc are just examples here. Unless you have flash up, they will just run you down and kill you with 1 item on them.
Same goes for Midlaner and most toplaners.
I get it, Assasins are supposed to kill squishys, but god damn its so annoying when you cant outplay them just because of the champions kit ( leblanc, Akali, Kassadin, Irelia etc. )
At this point there is only 1 chance, you are either so fed that you can get some dmg and then rush some tankyness or you hope your team will actually try to protect you / enemy is bad and will ignore you / has to ignore you since one of your other lanes is a bigger threat.
You cant go for tankyness early on as a ADC or you will do no damage when the enemy buys Ninja-tabis ( still not nerfed ). Thats, again, why Lucian is so strong, he gets tanky by building his core items.
- Supports: Yes its more fun to play now, i also get this. But getting 1v1´d by 90% of the supports is soooooooooo annoying. It doesnt matter what support you play, the damage is so high, as an ADC you most of the times cant compete with them early on.
We gonna ignore all the Alistars who can kill you lvl 3+, to realize that every other Support can probably do the same.Supports should not be able to do so much damage, while a bunch of them beeing tanky af and having good roams / engages for the team ( Alistar, Rakan, Pyke, Thresh ) or tons of utility.
Supports needed a buff, i get that. Since before it was a probably 70/30 kinda thing. Where ADC´s had to do the most part in the lane ( 70% ) and Supports( 30% ) where just staying in the back and shielding and warding.
With S8 this shifted to Supports SUPER hard. And in my honest opinion its probably now 80/20 for Supports or even more.
Supports deciding the playstyle/pace of the game so hard to a point where you can only stay in the back, lasthitting and hoping your Support can engage/ open a fight. Because when you are trying to be the one... chances are high you getting outpoked by the enemy Support or you die in a Hook/engage etc.
Its close to impossible to win your lane when your Support isnt doing something.
This needs to get fixed and it blows my mind that Supports are like that since the start of S8 and they got no nerf.
Probably im just frustrated, because in my league peak time, playing smart was a big part of Botlane, knowing when you can fight, playing around cooldowns was super fun. which seems to be gone totaly.
Its a super hard shitfest and controlled by which Support can do more dmg and which Jungler will come bottom first.
Every engage now ends in a kill and winning/losing lane to the point where someone will come down bot, oneshotting you. In most matchups 1 bad trade ends in a losing lane.
There is a reason why you see so many people play Karthus botlane nowadays and Lucian having such a high winrate. Possible the only 2 botlaner where you can still solo Carry even if you are not getting out of lane with 10 kills.
PS: this is soloQ only, in a game where your team protects you... this is totaly different, dont know how to fix it. Maybe voicechat will help, where i can tell my team that they need to peel for me otherwise someone will jump on me and oneshot me.
TL;DR: Was hoping that the preseason patch will maybe help and make playing ADC fun again by adding game knowladge back to botlane, instead its still a shitfest where everyone at any point of the game can 1v1 you unless you are Lucian ( who is more of a bruiser ) or Karthus ( who isnt a real ADC/Marksman). Supports having way to much impact in the lanephase ,80/20 in favor for supports, instead of having it 50/50 or 60/40 in favor for ADC since supports have more utility for the whole team.
Probably cant be fixed anymore and probably wont be fixed since for the most casual players its more fun this way. Maybe voicechat could fix it. Beside that classic ADC´s on botlane are dead and having the least amout of impact in the game.
Hope you guys having a great day ! peace

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best kassadin euw video


Welcome to my Kassadin In-Depth Guide. Hello, my name is JungelJ. I am One of the best Kassadins OTP on EUW and is currently rank 1. I reached Master with a 70% wr on Kassadin, all played SOLOQ. Best Kassadin EU / / Lv. 145. A rating system that measures a users performance within a game by combining stats related to role, laning phase, kills / deaths / damage / wards / damage to objectives etc. Kassadin EUW Club. Club Question. Close. 3. Posted by 2 years ago. Archived. Kassadin EUW Club. Club Question. does someone has a kassadinmain club that i can join on euw? 3 comments. share. save. hide. report. 100% Upvoted. This thread is archived. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Sort by. best Kassadin Club in Euw :) best. level 1. Malzahar's Sugar Daddy 1 point · 2 years ago. Kassadin mains require 50K mastery points to enter the KA55ADIN club (The main euw club for r/Kassadinmains), please add Hassi, Gobelet Festival, or Lord Sideous in game when you get there to be added. level 2 . Eat my Assadin 2 points · 2 years ago. Only 50k? Should be at least (insert exactly how many ورود یا ثبت نام. صفحه نخست. دسته‌بندی‌ها Dominate TFT with all of the information you could even want for Kassadin including the best items, team comps, stats, spatula items and more! 5v5. ARAM. TFT. OFA. OTHER. Nexus Blitz URF Poro King 3v3 Odyssey. Teamfight Tactics Stats and Data Set 3 Patch 10.11. Mathematically Derived • Unbiased Statistics • Updated Often . Guides. Stats. Champions Traits Team Comps. Tier Lists. Champions METAsrc LoL 10.10 Kassadin EUW ARAM Build Guide, best items, mythic items, runes, build order, starting items, summoner spells, boots, trinkets, counters Best Kassadin players EUW How are players ranked? A score is determined for each summoner/champion/role. Summoners are ranked by champion according to their best score for that champion. The score follows these rules: +1 tier ⇒ score * 4 +12% winrate (compared to the average for that champion/role) ⇒ score * 2 +100% KDA (compared to the average for that champion/role) ⇒ score * 1.33 Kassadin Build Guide for League of Legends. Champion guides for the League of Legends champion Kassadin.Find the best Kassadin build guides for S11 Patch 11.3. Our authors will teach you which items to build, runes to select, tips and tricks for how to how to play Kassadin, and of course, win the game! League of Legends Beschwörer Ranglisten, Statistiken, Fähigkeiten, Item-Builds, Champion Stats. Beliebtheit, Winrate, die besten Items und Spells. Team Rankings.

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best kassadin euw

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