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Wrestling Observer Rewind ★ Sept. 25, 2000

Going through old issues of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter and posting highlights in my own words. For anyone interested, I highly recommend signing up for the actual site at f4wonline and checking out the full archives.
1-3-2000 1-10-2000 1-17-2000 1-24-2000
1-31-2000 2-7-2000 2-14-2000 2-21-2000
2-28-2000 3-6-2000 3-13-2000 3-20-2000
3-27-2000 4-3-2000 4-10-2000 4-17-2000
4-24-2000 5-1-2000 5-8-2000 5-15-2000
5-22-2000 5-29-2000 6-5-2000 6-12-2000
6-19-2000 6-26-2000 7-3-2000 7-10-2000
7-17-2000 7-24-2000 7-31-2000 8-7-2000
8-14-2000 8-21-2000 8-28-2000 9-4-2000
9-11-2000 9-18-2000
  • The Delaware Supreme Court ruled against the USA Network in their appeal to prevent WWF from accepting the Viacom deal. The decision makes it official that WWF is moving to TNN next week and ends the 17-year WWF/USA relationship. The appeal process has been lingering for over a month and because of it, USA, Viacom, WWF and ECW were all pretty much paralyzed and waiting to see how things turn out. But now that it's all finalized, ECW's final TNN show will air on 9/22 and the first Raw on TNN will air on 9/25. It doesn't give Viacom much of an opportunity to promote the move. They had set aside $7 million to promote Raw's TNN debut but because of the lingering court proceedings, they kept having to delay it and now there's almost no time. On Raw's final show on USA, Jim Ross mentioned repeatedly that this was the last episode on the network and plugged the move to TNN (and hyping that Austin will be there live). But that's pretty much it so far. During the next few days, you can expect Viacom to bombard all media outlets with as much promotion as they can cram into the short amount of time, but it's going to be impossible to promote it as much as they'd hoped to. And considering they're moving from the #1 rated network to the #15 rated network, they need all the promotion they can get.
  • Needless to say, this all gives WCW a golden opportunity to put their best foot forward for Nitro on 9/25 and hopefully gain some much-needed ground (in case you're want spoilers for next week, Russo uses this opportunity to make himself the WCW champion). In the short run, Raw's ratings will almost certainly fall, but in the long-run, being with Viacom is going to be hugely beneficial to WWF. As for ECW, this opens the door for them to continue negotiations with USA. They desperately need a TV deal, on a strong network, and most importantly, they need outside financial support if they are going to survive. Having a TV deal is useless if you can't afford the production costs. As mentioned last week, ECW missed payroll and has had to cancel several house shows due to the financial crunch they're under.
  • Also this week, TNN announced that it's renaming itself The National Network (instead of The Nashville Network) and will be moving its base of operations from Nashville to New York. They're planning to debut a new logo and target their programming to a more diverse audience. Dave recaps the history of WWF on the USA Network, dating back to 1982 when they aired monthly WWF MSG shows. Then WWF got a weekly show called All-American Wrestling on the network in 1983, which then became Prime Time Wrestling and Tuesday Night Titans, the creation of Raw in 1993, the Monday night wars, and now to this.
  • There was a frightening moment at WCW's Fall Brawl PPV with Paul Orndorff suffering a stinger that left him motionless in the ring. The good news is that it was only temporary paralysis. He was treated and released from the hospital that same night. It was reminiscent of the injuries suffered by Droz and Buff Bagwell in recent years, but fortunately for Orndorff, it didn't end up being as bad. There was immediate suspicion that the whole thing was a work, which Dave thinks is a pretty sad reflection of WCW these days. When Orndorff went down, everyone else in the match basically panicked and continued working the match on the other side of the ring, taking bumps that kept jarring the ring, all while the EMTs and trainer were trying to tend to Orndorff. Finally, almost 2 minutes after he collapsed, referee Charles Robinson finally took charge and ordered the match stopped. The match was scheduled to go several more minutes and run-ins were scheduled, but it all got scrapped when Robinson ended it. The injury happened when Orndorff tried to piledrive Mark Jindrak but Jindrak didn't go up correctly for the move. Orndorff had to deadweight lift him and when he did so, his hamstring went out. He completed the piledriver but landed awkwardly, causing something with his neck and spine to jam up and that was it. Dave talks about Orndorff's health problems over the year, specifically his arm injury that caused his right arm to atrophy severely and never recover. He retired twice before due to health issues (87 and 94) only to return both times when he probably shouldn't have. (This was his final match for 17 years. But it looks like he came out of retirement last year and worked a 6-man tag match at an indie show in Canada. But otherwise, this Fall Brawl match was the end of the road for Orndorff).
WATCH: Paul Orndorff injury at Fall Brawl 2000
  • This whole thing brings up questions about Nitro this week, which has a match scheduled between Booker T and Vince Russo. Just a few weeks ago, Russo suffered a concussion during an angle and has been dealing with headaches and such ever since, and it's probably not a good idea for him to be in the ring. They could probably work around it, but Dave thinks it's bad enough to have untrained people in there doing moves anyway, much less ones who are already injured. Dave notes the recent example of Kurt Angle wrestling on Smackdown 2 days after getting severely concussed at Summerslam, which he never should have done and led to him getting another concussion because you're always more susceptible to further concussions during the period after suffering one. Russo has openly claimed to have had 3 concussions in the last year and has only worked about 6 matches. If that's true, he probably shouldn't be in there taking bumps again. But maybe they'll book something safe that doesn't require it. Either way, Dave is just concerned about the overall safety of all these guys.
  • Oh yeah, other notes from Fall Brawl: crowd was 8,600 although only about half of that (4,311) was paid, the rest were freebies. Dave notes all the excitement people in WCW had last week when the Nitro rating was higher than usual, and points out how it obviously didn't mean dick when it comes to ticket sales. TV ratings are nice but it's a vanity metric. The real numbers that matter are the ones that make money. Ticket sales and PPV buys. And, well, those are still horrible. There was a guy in the crowd facing the hard cam who was seen constantly throughout the show wearing a Destroyer mask. Destroyer was a famous wrestler back in 60s and 70s who wore a red and white mask. Anyway....turns out that was the real Destroyer (real name Dick Beyer), just sitting in the crowd at a WCW PPV at 70 years old, still doing his old gimmick. Kevin Nash cut a promo earlier on the pre-show claiming he was hungover from hanging out at the bar last night and essentially telegraphing that he was going to lose his match (he did). Right after the Orndorff match, Shane Douglas cut a pre-match promo saying Kidman would be joining Paul Orndorff at the hospital. Even his partner Torrie Wilson seemed to drop her TV smile and give him a "what an asshole" look for that one. The scaffold for the scaffold match was way wider than any other ones before and the area underneath was padded and safe, but Torrie still seemed legitimately terrified up there. After Madusa took a bump off the scaffold (which the crowd booed because it was clearly gimmicked for safety), the announcers also tried to compare her injuries to Orndorff's injury earlier in the night. Dave is just disgusted. Torrie never took a bump off the scaffold, which was the original plan but she refused, and good for her Dave says. It would have meant nothing for the match anyway. Negative 1 star. They did a segment with David Flair beating up a mailman in his yard and Dave says the whole segment was actually hilarious and more interestingly, it was all David Flair's idea. ICP did commentary on Vampiro's match again, which once again was funny. Mike Awesome came out with former child actor Gary Coleman. There's been a lot of news stories lately about Coleman working as a security guard for $6 an hour these days, so at least WCW probably didn't have to spend a lot to get him. Naturally, he got involved in the match and it was hilarious because he knew he was going to take a guitar shot from Jarrett. So he had a hat on with a towel folded up in it to cushion the blow. But during the chaos, his hat got knocked off. So just before the guitar shot, he picked up his hat, calmly put the towel back in, put it back on, and took the hit. Goldberg vs. Scott Steiner was a shockingly good match and Dave gives it 4.25 stars. And of course, Booker T won the title from Nash in the main event.
WATCH: Fall Brawl 2000 highlights
  • We get the usual long obituary for Professor Toru Tanaka, one of the biggest heels of the 60s and 70s, who died at age 70 in California. Dave recaps his career and of course, he was a Hawaiian who got booked as a typical salt throwing Japanese heel. Worked for WWWF feuding with Sammartino, won titles in all the territories, etc. He also tells an interesting story from 1977 when Pat Patterson returned to the San Francisco territory after being gone for 8 months and was supposed to face Mr. Fuji in a show that ended up drawing 12,000 people. But Fuji had a falling out with promoter Roy Shire and left the territory 2 weeks before the match. So Shire brought in Tanaka and put him under a mask and tried to pass him off as the real Fuji. The crowd didn't buy it and the media got ahold of the story and started claiming fraud and the athletic commission got involved. Shire nearly lost his promoter's license but he claimed he didn't know and thought it was the real Fuji under the mask. Tanaka and Shire were both fined but the commission seemed to buy the story (others backed it up to protect Shire) and let them off with just the fine. The real Fuji caught all the heat and was legitimately banned by the commission for life from wrestling in California, but that was overturned in 1984.
  • The current plan for AJPW's Triple Crown title is to hold a tournament soon, which is expected to be won by Toshiaki Kawada, who will then defend the title against NJPW champion Sasaki in a title vs. title match at the Jan. 4th Tokyo Dome show. And the plan from there is for Kawada to get the surprising win, since most people don't expect NJPW to book their champion to lose to AJPW's champion. But the way Riki Choshu (NJPW booker) sees it, AJPW is pretty much doomed and he's not too concerned about them as competition anymore, and he's well aware that this inter-promotional feud is the only thing keeping AJPW alive right now. But there's still money in an AJPW/NJPW feud and they want to prolong it, so Kawada will have to win. The idea is to keep Kawada strong because NJPW loves the gimmick of a strongly booked outsider coming in and shaking things up. In the past, that person has been Naoya Ogawa but Choshu is tired of the headache that comes with dealing with Antonio Inoki and Ogawa because Inoki is intent on making Ogawa an unbeatable superman and NJPW can never get him to put anyone over. Choshu is pretty much trying to do anything he can to get Inoki's influence as far away from the company as possible. So the idea is to keep Kawada strong and milk this angle for all it's worth.
  • New Jersey Governor Christine Todd Whitman officially signed into law the bill to regulate so-called "extreme wrestling." The bill bans children under 18 from attending extreme wrestling shows. It also adds an athletic commission tax to promotions running extreme shows, mandates an ambulance and 2 doctors must be on hand at every event, and even though it's a state law, the city officials where the show is to be held must specifically give permission for the event. This bill doesn't affect ECW, which was categorized as one of the 3 major companies which are exempt from the law. The bill is a not-so-subtle effort to drive Jersey All Pro Wrestling and Combat Zone Wrestling specifically out of the state, JAPW in particular. They're planning to still run shows but will be forced to get rid of bladejobs, no more light tubes or thumb tacks or barbed wire, etc. JAPW owner Frank Iadeavia has said they are considering legal action. But at this point, if they want to continue to run shows as they have, they're going to be forced to leave the state of New Jersey to do so.
  • Raw did well in the ratings again, facing stiff competition from the Olympics and Monday Night Football. But they had one segment that was a major bomb. Mick Foley came out, cutting a promo once again trying to get George W. Bush and Al Gore to appear on Smackdown for a debate. The segment was right before the main event and caused a full 700,000 homes to change the channel, which is an unheard of drop for a Raw episode. That led to the Rock/Undertaker main event that followed to be the lowest rated Raw main event of the year.
  • The Wrestling Observer Hotline has been officially killed off. 1-900 hotline numbers have been dying anyway and the numbers were down and Dave says more importantly, he needed to stop because he's so busy with the newsletter and the Eyada online radio show and wants to concentrate fully on those and the daily hotline stuff took up too much time.
  • Motoko Baba threatened a lawsuit against Nippon TV over their decision to drop AJPW and start airing NOAH instead, and due to the lawsuit, NOAH currently isn't airing on NTV, which is a major blow for the fledgling new company. In the meantime, Misawa has started negotiations with TV Tokyo, which is another one of the major networks in Japan.
  • Former WWF and ECW wrestler Nicole Bass made headlines after being arrested in New York after getting into an argument with someone on a street corner. It turned into a fight and when the police tried to break it up, she allegedly bit one of the cops. Bass was one of several people arrested.
  • Notes from OVW: Jim Ross did announcing on some of the shows there this week, because he was down there scouting talent. Shelton Benjamin is showing a lot of promise and Jim Cornette says Benjamin is progressing even faster than Kurt Angle and believes he's guaranteed to be a big star. Brock Lesnar still hasn't debuted on TV there yet but Bob Orton's son Randy Orton recently did. They're also strongly pushing Leviathan (real name Dave Bautista) and Jim Cornette predicts he will headline Wrestlemania within the next 5 years. (yup, exactly 5 years later in fact)
  • Ed Farhat, better known as The Sheik, is said to be in very grave condition. He's down to 150 pounds and can only communicate through blinking his eyes or lightly squeezing if you hold his hand (he ended up living another 2+ years after this. His Wikipedia page says he was working with a biographer and did extensive interviews before he died, with plans to have a book on his life released. But it says the interviews "provided a highly explosive look" into the business and as a result, the interviews and draft of the book were sealed at the time of his death and to this day it's never been released. Interesting. When I originally wrote this up a few months ago, I tweeted Dave about this and he responded saying he didn't know anything about it either. I'd love to find out more.)
  • The latest revival of Stampede Wrestling is in bad shape. They have no more shows scheduled and have only done 10 shows in the last few months. Their TV show has been airing old tapes rather than new episodes lately.
  • Ken Shamrock broke his silence on his recent PRIDE loss to Kazuyuki Fujita. Shamrock pretty much blamed himself and admitted he wasn't in proper shape to fight and said things happened which contributed to him not having time to train properly (he doesn't go into detail but I think Dave mentioned something in an earlier Observer but I can't find it right now. But I think Shamrock was going through some personal shit around this time. Something like a divorce or a custody battle or something. That doesn't get mentioned here, it's just something I vaguely remember reading awhile back, I might be wrong).
  • Nobuhiko Takada has announced he's going to face Igor Vovchanchyn at next month's PRIDE show and that if he doesn't win, he'll retire. Takada had a reputation as a shoot fighter from his years as the founder and star of UWFi, which was a worked shoot promotion. But then he started doing real shoots and it's been bad news ever since, including 2 high profile losses to Rickson Gracie. He's had a couple of wins, but they were worked matches. His real MMA fights have all been losses and Dave says the real fighters in PRIDE have pretty much no respect for Takada as an actual fighter. He doesn't like Takada's chances next month (indeed, Takada gets punched into submission in the 2nd round. But he still didn't retire).
  • Notes from Nitro: the building was mostly full, with not that many freebies. But only because it was a small arena that only holds about 5,000 people. It was also in Canada and the crowd was pretty much only there to see Lance Storm (who ended up jobbing to Jim Duggan in an undercard match) and Bret Hart (who wasn't there at all). They hated Goldberg with a passion, probably due to the Hart stuff, and booed him mercilessly.
  • On his personal website, Mark Madden apologized to Lou Thesz for his comment on Nitro last week where he joked that Lou Thesz beats up women. Madden said he was only joking and that he has a ton of respect for Thesz.
  • Pamela Paulshock apparently injured her ankle doing an angle on Thunder last week. Dave thinks it's bad enough when they have untrained wrestlers in there getting hurt, but now untrained ring announcers are getting hurt too.
  • WCW is pitching an angle for Vampiro to team with singer Billy Idol in a feud against Mike Awesome and David Cassidy, of Partridge Family fame (Never happened but.....yeah. That was a thing evidently).
  • Dave only has a couple of thoughts on this week's Thunder: he begs someone in WCW to PLEASE send Major Gunns to get acting lessons. He also wants someone to save Mike Awesome from a gimmick worse than the Red Rooster. And finally, I guess there's been a lot of commercials for the new Meet The Parents movie and Dave thinks it looks funny.
  • Various WCW notes: DDP is likely being brought back soon, though Kimberly won't be. Nitro Girl Spice was released. She was being groomed to co-host WCW's Saturday morning show, but then the show got canned and they didn't have anything else for her. And after being world champion for a couple of months, WCW has finally decided to start making some Booker T merch. Seems like a good idea to finally get around to. The Harris Twins taped segments for both the Maury Povich and Jenny Jones shows, no word on what they are or when they'll air. Goldberg will be on an episode of The Daily Show this week. Gene Okerlund is expected to be given a grumpy old man gimmick where he swears a lot.
  • Next month might be a surprisingly good month for WCW ticket wise. They have shows in Australia that are expected to do big numbers because Australia is so starved for wrestling that even WCW can do big business there. And they have a PPV in Las Vegas which will do good because the casinos are buying up a lot of tickets to give away.
  • Kevin Nash and Scott Steiner are reportedly being total team players right now, because there's concern that a regime change could come at any time (a lot of people are pushing for Johnny Ace to replace Vince Russo) and they're basically being on their best behavior until they see who their next new boss might be. The only person right now who's really stirring up shit is Goldberg, who is said to be openly pissed about pretty much everything and isn't shy about expressing it (yeah, even Goldberg has since admitted that he was frustrated and probably wasn't very pleasant to be around back then).
  • Scott Hall is expected to return to Nitro next week. Brad Siegel reportedly gave up on fighting with Nash about it and is willing to bring Hall back. Siegel and Hall spoke last week and Hall was basically told this is his last chance and if he fucks up one time, he's gone for good. Of course, Scott Steiner has been told that a dozen times in the past, so you know how that goes (Hall doesn't end up coming back. Not sure if it fell through or Dave got bad info or what, but it never happens).
  • They held a Miss WCW Pageant in Las Vegas last week with Carrot Top as one of the judges and of course there was a bikini contest. Nitro Girl Chae ended up winning over Torrie Wilson, Major Gunns, Baby, Chiquita, Midajah and Stacy Keibler. Pamela Paulshock was supposed to be in it but no-showed due to her ankle injury (there's some good catty drama coming out of this in the next week or two).
  • So the deal with Konnan is....pretty messed up, actually. He had tricep surgery a few months ago and has no business back in the ring yet. But WCW cut his paycheck in half so....he came back and he's wrestling. But here's the problem. The doctors still haven't given him a medical release yet because, well, they're doctors and he's still fucked up. They're like, "Dude...no." Anyway, because he doesn't have his medical release, WCW is still only giving him half his pay. But they're still allowing him to wrestle. He's hoping to get a medical release this week so he can start getting full checks again. Dave just thinks this whole policy is so screwed up on so many ways.
  • Disqo Inferno has been bringing out some plastic duck to the ring called the Disqo Duck. (I should stop for a second and explain something for the younger readers. R&B singer Sisqo had a HUGE hit called "Thong Song" around this time and WCW, in their infinite wisdom, capitalized by changing the spelling of Disco to Disqo.) Anyway, the duck is fucking stupid and apparently at Nitro this week, Konnan literally handcuffed himself to the duck backstage to try and keep Disqo Inferno from taking it out to the ring. Someone had to try to save him from himself.
  • Jeremy Borash will be doing announcing at this week's Thunder tapings. Dave says there's a lot of heat here because Borash is close to Vince Russo, so he's getting a lot of chances to do things like commentary even though he hasn't really earned it yet and hasn't shown any real aptitude for it. Dave says if Borash ends up replacing one of the main announcers on Nitro, there'll probably be a meltdown.
  • Steve Austin and Debra got married last week in Las Vegas (fun fact: same wedding chapel Triple H and a drugged out Stephanie McMahon got married in. Funner fact: also the same wedding chapel I got married in).
  • The plan for Sunday Night Heat, now that it's moving to MTV, is for it to be more of a humor and skit type show, with a lot of Tom Green-style humor (oh man, 2000 was such a weird time). They want to bring in musical guests and celebrities for it and will do a lot of the stuff from the WWF New York restaurant as well as at MTV's Times Square headquarters.
  • Notes from Raw: a lot of the show was built around trying to seemingly bury Kurt Angle, by turning him into a goofy heel character and implying that he's gay. They showed a lot of footage of him crying at the Olympics and had Triple H make fun of him and all that stuff. Dave thinks it's a pretty weird thing to do one week before the biggest match of Angle's career (he's got a No DQ match with Triple H at next week's PPV) and sure didn't do him any favors for people taking him seriously. Hugh Hefner was on to plug Chyna's upcoming Playboy appearance and Dave thinks it's nice that Playboy and WWF could come together again in the interest of making money after all the nasty legal issues they had with the Sable fallout. And finally, Steve Regal debuted.
  • Since we were talking about WCW's injury policy, Dave decides to let us know what WWF's policy is. A WWF wrestler that is out with an injury receives their downside guarantee. WWF contracts give you a guarantee (say, $300,000 per year for example) but you can make a lot more money on the road because everyone gets a cut of house show gates and PPV revenue and whatnot. So if you're injured and not on the road, you won't get all that extra money, but you still make the $300,000 guarantee. Of course, that leads to the same incentive for guys to sometimes come back before they're ready, because they're losing money by being at home, but from everyone who talks to Dave, there's not nearly as much pressure from the WWF to hurry up and come back as there is in WCW.
  • Various WWF notes: Big Boss Man will be out for a few weeks after having his knee scoped. Grand Master Sexay needed 14 stitches in his ear after getting legit cut from the belt shot on Raw. Tori should be back in Oct. or early November after shoulder surgery. Billy Gunn should be back in a few weeks. Road Dogg's wife had surgery for a collapsed lung so he's out tending to her. Davey Boy Smith was in a motorcycle accident last week and Dave says if you know how many times Smith has been in and out of the hospital this year, it would scare you to death.
  • Four different wrestling promotions have videos in the Billboard Top 20 charts....and none of them are WCW. Of course, WWF is all over the charts with their various releases taking up 12 of the 20 spots. ECW has videos at #5 and #7. XPW, which currently isn't running new shows and doesn't even have a building to run shows in right now, has videos at #12 and #19. And Insane Clown Posse's JCW promotion has a video at #13. All that, but no WCW.
  • Kurt Angle and Taka Michinoku worked a UPW show in California along with a few other WWF developmental signees who started out at the UPW school (I decided to look it up and see who else of note worked that show: Franie Kazarian, Simon Dean, Rocky Romero, Mike Knox, Vic Grimes, Christopher Daniels, Samoa Joe, and John Cena were all on the card. 2000/2001-era UPW had a ton of future stars come through the doors).
  • One of the XFL teams is already moving before it even starts. The San Jose Demons have now been renamed the San Francisco Demons and will be playing in San Fran after negotiations with Spartan Stadium in San Jose fell apart. Dave thinks it might be a bad move. San Jose is a wealthier community with a large population and their hockey and soccer franchises do huge business. San Francisco already has a major team in every sport and he doesn't know if a B-level football team is going to draw as well there as it would have in San Jose. He also notes that in the spring, the weather is a lot warmer in San Jose at night than it is in San Francisco, and California isn't exactly the type of place where people want to sit out in the cold weather at night and watch football games. This isn't Green Bay or Chicago where freezing to death for football is almost a tradition (the cities are, like, an hour apart so I can't imagine the weather is that much different? Although I guess San Francisco is right there on the bay so maybe wind? I dunno. Anyone from the area care to chime in?)
  • A New York newspaper reported that Vince McMahon tried to stop VH1 from airing an episode of "The List" because the show featured appearances by Kevin Nash, Booker T, Scott Steiner, Sting, and other WCW stars. VH1 is owned by Viacom, which now owns 3% of WWF's stock and McMahon decided to try to throw his weight around and get the episode canned. Didn't work and it actually was one of the highest rated episodes of the show ever. But he did succeed in getting VH1 to agree to not air reruns of that episode. A WWF spokesman responded to the story, saying, "It is highly unlikely that took place. It's not something we would do." But of course, you'll note that they didn't outright deny it and the idea that Vince McMahon wouldn't do something like that is laughable since he has a long history of doing exactly that sort of thing.
  • The Slam! Wrestling website wrote an article criticizing the WWF policy of not allowing wrestlers to do interviews with other websites without company approval because they see all other websites as competition to their own WWF.com site. The article noted they had an interview with Gerald Brisco awhile back and Brisco told them he could talk freely about his pre-WWF years but if it has to do with WWF, he'd have to clear it with the office. Jim Ross responded on his WWF website column, saying not a single interview request has come across their desk from any other wrestling websites. Dave talks about when the policy was put in place and says WWF told him he could still get anyone he wanted to interview on the Observer website, but he would need to go through the office first. Since that time, Dave says he's talked to wrestlers who agreed to appear, but when he tried to get it cleared by the office, it stalled and has been pending approval ever since with no answer sooooooo......
  • WWF is wanting Big Show to drop down to 400 pounds. At his heaviest in WCW he was 505 and currently weighs a legit 480.
  • Someone writes in with a conspiracy theory. He thinks Shane McMahon's death-defying fall from the TitanTron at Summerslam was done to prove a point given the upcoming Owen Hart wrongful death lawsuit, with the idea being that the WWF side can point to it as an example that, "See! Even Vince McMahon's son is sometimes asked to perform stunts like this and they're usually done safely." Dave responds, saying that normally he'd think that's reading too much into things. But the day after Summerslam, several people in WWF as well as a couple of legal experts he talked to all had basically the same theory and said they wouldn't be surprised if it gets brought up in the trial. But time will tell, Dave says.
  • Dave Lagana writes in, talking his experience working on "Friends" and talking about how most TV shows are written by writing teams and how stories are crafted in TV writing rooms and so on and so forth. Basically, it leads to the one big question every writer, booker, and performer should ask themselves: how will the audience react to the long-term story? Not how loud the momentary pop is or how much you were able to swerve the audience with a surprise that doesn't make any sense, etc. The point he's trying to make is that Vince Russo is doing literally everything wrong and he has no idea how to write television. He's also pretty fed up with Russo's constant everything-is-a-shoot booking, where they openly acknowledge scripts and bookers and shit in every segment. He's not the only one.
  • Lots of letters talking about what a total trainwreck WCW is. Russo isn't the only problem. From management to marketing, the ball is being dropped everywhere. None of the stories are coherent. Characters change gimmicks or go from face to heel from week-to-week with no explanation, fans have no idea what's happening. Wrestlers themselves are out of control backstage. Merchandising is dead. Basically, the ship is sinking and the worst part is that nobody seems to care. Everyone is just drilling more holes in the ship. Even when they luck into something that works, they always manage to fuck it up immediately. So there's all that. But also, a lot of piling on Russo from a lot of people who think he's killing the company.
MONDAY: Raw debuts on TNN, Steve Austin returns, ECW not yet cancelled on TNN after all, WWF Unforgiven fallout, and more...
submitted by daprice82 to SquaredCircle [link] [comments]

Wrestling Observer Rewind ★ Apr. 3, 2000

Going through old issues of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter and posting highlights in my own words. For anyone interested, I highly recommend signing up for the actual site at f4wonline and checking out the full archives.
1-3-2000 1-10-2000 1-17-2000 1-24-2000
1-31-2000 2-7-2000 2-14-2000 2-21-2000
2-28-2000 3-6-2000 3-13-2000 3-20-2000


★★ Be The Match ★★

  • WCW has made the decision to bring back Eric Bischoff and Vince Russo in a last-ditch effort to save WCW. The decision has been in the works for about a month and people are already doubting whether or not the two can co-exist with each other. Dave recaps what led us to this point. First, the group of Bill Busch, Kevin Sullivan, JJ Dillon, and others pretty much pulled the coup last year that got Bischoff canned and Russo was hired soon after. But once it became clear that Russo desperately needs someone to filter his insane ideas, those people also pretty much forced Russo out in favor of Sullivan as the head booker. But the company continued free-falling under Sullivan. Bischoff and Russo had been in talks with Brad Seigel and pitched an idea where they would lead competing factions of older and younger wrestlers fighting over power for the company. Bischoff tried a similar angle to this last year but it never got off the ground because, aside from Ric Flair, none of the older wrestlers (like Savage, Hogan, Piper, etc.) wanted to be portrayed as "old" and didn't want to be forced to put over younger stars that hadn't established themselves. Bischoff was officially hired back into WCW as the head of creative on 3/22, but due to the company losing so much money on his watch last year, he was not given control over the business end of things. Bill Busch informed Siegel that he would quit if Bischoff was brought back, and he made good on his word and walked out when he was told. Bob Mould, a somewhat famous musician who has also been part of WCW's creative and management team, also quit when he heard the news. Kevin Sullivan has been told he's essentially being sent home to sit out the rest of his contract and he no longer has any power either. Sullivan has argued that he was handicapped after inheriting the mess Russo and Bischoff left behind, plus the injuries to Goldberg and Bret Hart, and while that's true, Sullivan never really made any major changes either and it was clear things weren't going to improve with him booking.
  • The initial idea was to cancel this week's TV tapings and shut down for a week and then return on 4/10 with a fresh start and new storylines. But they ended up not cancelling the tapings and as a result, this week's Nitro is expected to be the lowest rated in the show's history. There was also talk of shutting down for several weeks and cancelling next week's PPV, which Dave thinks might not be the worst idea so they can take the time to slap a fresh coat of paint on the company and basically reboot. But it doesn't look like that will happen either. On Nitro this week, the announcers played it up big, labeling Russo as the man who turned WWF around and Bischoff as the one who turned WCW around several years ago and literally calling them the geniuses responsible for the current pro wrestling boom. Dave says you can't argue with Bischoff's initial success. He took WCW, which was in the red for about $6 million per year and turned it into a $200 million dollar company by 1998. But even at their peak, it was clear WCW had no future because they built around stars who were past their prime and never had a focus on creating future stars to sustain that success. WWF capitalized on that failure and by the end of 1999, WCW was back in the red again, way worse than they were before Bischoff took over. After a series of dumb, expensive investments (KISS, Master P, Megadeth, Dennis Rodman the 2nd time, etc.), losing stars like Chris Jericho, and continuing to rely on old 80s relics, and blowing through millions of Turner's dollars with nothing to show for it, the company lost faith in Bischoff's business judgement. At one point, Bischoff just turned the whole thing over to Kevin Nash as the new booker, who seemingly had no interest in doing anything other than pushing himself and his friends, which sunk the company to even further lows.
  • As for Russo, it's true that WWF did pretty huge numbers during the time he became more involved in creative and when he left the company, he did a good job of convincing everyone that he was the genius behind WWF's turnaround. But within a few months of his departure, it became clear just which Vince deserved the credit for WWF's success. WWF never missed a beat when Russo left and TV ratings and house show business continued to increase (and keep in mind, WWF hasn't had Austin or Undertaker for the last 6 months either, plus McMahon has kept himself off TV until recently also). Meanwhile, in WCW, when Russo took over, the company just skidded further off the rails. Russo did play a major part in pushing WWF to move away from the failing family-friendly approach. But really, they pretty much just copied Paul Heyman's formula so...ya know. To be fair to Russo, he seemed to be the only person in WCW who realized how badly the company needed a drastic change and he really did try to push new people like Benoit, Bagwell, and Jarrett to the top. But then he brought back Piper, brought in George Steele and Jimmy Snuka, and booked dangerous angles like the one that got Goldberg injured. He came in with a lot of hype and ratings initially went up a bit out of curiosity, but they quickly plummeted again. He booked a tired rehash of the Montreal Screwjob finish at Starrcade, rendered all the belts meaningless, booked absurd screwjob endings to nearly every match on TV and PPV, and essentially booked the company like a monkey throwing his poop at random. As a result, WCW has now fallen behind ECW in both PPV buyrates and live show attendance and TV ratings have continued to plummet.
  • Here's some cold hard numbers for those Russo supporters out there who still, somehow, defend this guy 20 years later: when Russo took over WCW in Oct. 99, they were averaging 4,628 people per show. By January (his last month in power), average attendance was down to 3,593. Nitro's ratings in Oct. 99 were averaging 3.08. By January, the average was....3.10. Oh, you say! But that's higher! Yes, on paper, 3.10 looks higher than 3.08. But the reality is, during that time, Nitro went from three hours back down to two. On paper, that should have led to a significant increase in the average. If Nitro was still three hours, that 3.10 would be equivalent to a 2.9. So even though it looks like ratings slightly increased on Russo's watch, they actually went down. The loss of that third hour gives the illusion that they didn't. Oh and in Oct. 99, the Halloween Havoc buyrate was 0.52. In January, the PPV buyrate was 0.26. TL;DR - by literally every single metric, WCW business got worse under Vince Russo. But hey, it got even worse since he left, so...take solace in that?
  • Quick note just at press time, it's been reported that they will announce the XFL will air in prime time on NBC due to a deal between Vince McMahon and Dick Ebersol. The two men were business partners back in the 80s and put together Saturday Night Main Event. If this ends up being true, it would be huge for both the XFL and WWF and is expected to play a part in WWF's new TV deal. More on this next week.
  • With Wrestlemania just around the corner, Dave takes a long in-depth look at the biggest annual show in the business. He starts by talking about the 3 biggest annual events in wrestling. NJPW's Jan. 4th Tokyo Dome show has been the biggest wrestling event in the world for much of the last decade since starting in 1992 because NJPW was the biggest and most successful company. But NJPW is struggling these days and WWF has surpassed them as the top company. WCW has Starrcade, but the only year that show was ever the biggest was in 1997 (Sting/Hogan) and never really reached the heights of Wrestlemania or the Tokyo Dome show. From here, Dave recaps the entire history of Wrestlemania. Risking it all on WM1, the Mr. T and Cyndi LaupeMTV crossover promotion, the 3-arena debacle of WM2 (where 2 of the 3 arenas weren't even sold out), WM3 which is the most historically famous wrestling event ever and all the folklore surrounding that ("While the 93,173 number is a work repeated so often even those who should know better believe it's the truth. According to Zane Bresloff, who promoted the event, the actual number in the building was 78,000, but the event did sellout weeks in advance and it is realistic to believe the potential if the building was larger could have been 100,000 tickets," Dave says and I'm sure that won't lead to a tired ass discussion in the comments.) The next 2 WM events at Trump Plaza, which were held because Trump paid for them, hoping to do the same kind of business that major boxing events usually do. But the crowds sucked because they mostly weren't wrestling fans, they were high rolling casino comps. Dave also takes a moment here to detail the history of WWF and Jim Crockett running shows against each other's major events to attempt to hurt them, like Vince creating Survivor Series solely to try to hurt the 1987 Starrcade buyrate, and how Crockett retaliated by airing Clash of the Champions on free TV against WM4 and so on and so forth for the next couple of years. Then there's WM6 with Hogan/Warrior, the WM7 drama with the venue being changed due to low ticket sales and turned out to be a huge flop on PPV. WM8 with over 60,000 fans except a LOT of them were papered and it flopped on PPV. WM9 with Hogan returning to win the title, but it didn't help business and he refused to put Bret over later that year. WM10 with 2 of the greatest WM matches in history, WM11 with Lawrence Taylor, WM12 with the ironman match, WM13 which had the Bret/Austin classic but was the moment WWF hit the bottom of the barrel with the lowest WM buyrate ever, WM14 with Mike Tyson and the crowning of Austin as the new top star which did record business, and finally WM15 which mostly sucked but ended up being the biggest money show in wrestling history...until next week when WM16 inevitably breaks that record. Anyway, Dave goes into more in-depth recap of each Wrestlemania here, but you already know the stories on most of this so I...actually have no idea why I just wrote this big ass paragraph.
  • Last year's Wrestlemania featured Austin/Rock main eventing and broke a bazillion records. This year's plan was originally to do a rematch, with the roles reversed (Austin as heel) but Austin getting injured screwed that up. This year's WM is still expected to become the biggest money grossing event in the history of professional wrestling. As for this year's plans, it's still up in the air. As of a few weeks ago, the plan has always been for Rock to win the title, essentially his coronation as the new top star and face of the company. But that may not happen anymore because Rock is scheduled to film The Mummy 2 movie and will be out for a couple of months soon after Wrestlemania. It's not in the company's best interest to build toward Rock's big moment for an entire year, only to have him win the title and then have to lose it again a month later. The company is pushing the idea that Foley will win and that's what they want everyone to believe, for the big feel good story. Dave thinks the only chance of Triple H retaining will be if Foley turns heel and helps cost Rock the match. Usually a heel retaining the title at Wrestlemania seems like something they'd never do, but Triple H (who was only supposed to be a transitional champion to begin with) has been a huge success as champion and has become a legit main eventer and top star. And Big Show pretty much isn't even in the discussion. Though for what it's worth, Dave says Big Show will probably become the tallest wrestler to ever headline a Wrestlemania, so hey, that's something! Of course, in kayfabe, Andre The Giant was billed at 7'4 (he wasn't) so even though Big Show is legitimately slightly taller than Andre was, they can't admit that without breaking the Andre mystique.
  • Despite all the huge paragraphs above, they're really only 2 stories. I guess this is a slow week because Dave writes huge pieces about a former WCW jobber turned boxer who was exposed for fixing his matches and all the legal issues with that. And then he writes a big historical piece about Frank Gotch that stems from a letter someone wrote the week before. All really interesting stuff, but none of it newsworthy at all.
  • Ratings news, Monday stuff is still the same. Thunder ratings reached a pretty horrible low and bottomed out with the main event of Hulk Hogan vs. Dustin Rhodes doing a terrible 1.91 rating. WWF Sunday Night Heat did a lower than usual rating because the Oscars were on. ECW did a pretty bad rating for the 2nd week in a row and was actually close to their all-time low, which isn't good news and kinda surprising since just a few weeks back, they were reaching all-time highs on TNN.
  • Dave recently ran a poll on the radio show, asking fans which was better*: Wrestling With Shadows or Beyond The Mat? With 37% of the vote, Wrestling With Shadows wins, compared to 21% for Beyond The Mat. The other percentages were people who haven't seen one or the other. What say we, Wreddit?
  • AJPW pulled a huge surprise in their annual Champion Carnival tournament. Jun Akiyama, who was expected to easily make it to the finals of the tournament, ended up losing to Takao Omori in a 7 second match in the very first round. It's the shortest match in AJPW history. It's a single elimination tournament, which means Akiyama has been eliminated. Dave isn't really sure what the plan is here, but it damn sure makes the tournament hard to predict now. He speculates that this means Steve Williams will probably end up in the finals against either Misawa, Kawada, Kobashi, or maaaaybe Vader (Williams didn't make the finals either. It ended up being Kobashi vs. Omori, because AJPW apparently decided to strap a rocket to Omori and try to make a main eventer out of him. Prior to this, it looks like he was just sort of languishing in the midcard).
WATCH: Jun Akiyama vs. Takao Omori - AJPW 2000
  • Oh hey, in the very next paragraph, Dave breaks down the next tournament matches and wonders whether AJPW may end up pushing Omori to the finals in order to try to make him a star (yup).
  • Speaking of Kobashi, he blew his knee out last week and doctors have told him he needs surgery. As anyone who follows AJPW and Kobashi in particular knows, he's naturally ignoring that advice and continuing to wrestle. Because Kobashi.
  • Shawn Michaels will be returning to the ring next week for his own TWA promotion in Texas. Michaels is billing it as his final match, coming out of retirement to face Venom for the TWA title. The match is said to be a "bunkhouse brawl" instead of a regular wrestling match because Michaels has said his back can't stand up to doing a normal match.
  • A website called TokyoPop.com is going to start airing live matches from FMW online (that seems like it would have sucked with 2000-era internet technology. Anyway, TokyoPop.com still exists. It's an anime/manga site).
  • Dave recently caught up on some Memphis Championship Wrestling and gives his thoughts on some of the people there. K-Krush has good charisma (that would be R-Truth). Bobcat looks like every other blonde valet (she's most famous for being the Godfather's ho that won the hardcore title). Blue Meanie has lost so much weight that he doesn't even look like the same person. Lance Russell is still an incredible announcer. So on and so forth. Anyway, Dustin Diamond (Screech from Saved By The Bell) appeared yet again, continuing his angle of being obsessed with the Kat which once again led to Screech getting beat down and doing a stretcher job.
  • ECW has a PPV scheduled for next month but have not yet picked a location. Heyman wants to run the show in a new market because the first-time crowds are usually the best. Heyman had negotiated with the Mandalay Bay casino and hotel in Las Vegas to do it there, but the talks fell through. Both Jerry Lynn and RVD are expected to be back from their injuries by then.
  • Notes from the most recent ECW TV taping: Dusty Rhodes came out with 2 strippers who flashed the crowd, but of course that won't air on TV. Cyrus made fun of Mick Foley's "retirement." And the show ended strangely. Sandman and Super Crazy were beat down after the main event and left laying. And....that was supposed to be the end of the show. But the crowd was expecting to be sent home happy and didn't leave and kept chanting for Sandman (who was helped out of the ring, selling an injury) and Raven (who was at the show but didn't work due to illness). Heyman called an audible and sent Mikey Whipwreck out to tell the crowd to leave, which led to Raven making an unplanned run-in to give him a DDT, which is about all he could physically do. Then, with Raven in the ring, the crowd began chanting for Sandman to come back out, so Raven went with it and called for him to come out. But by this point, Sandman was already in the showers and thought he was done for the night and he legitimately didn't want to come back out. Ultimately, he did and he caned Raven to send everyone home happy, but he was upset about it and he had words with Heyman and Raven immediately after backstage.
  • New Jack and Tommy Dreamer will be appearing together in a small role in the CBS TV drama Early Edition.
WATCH: New Jack & Tommy Dreamer on Early Edition
  • Every angle done on WCW TV this week was meaningless because the company is starting over with a clean slate in 2 weeks under Bischoff and Russo. Spring Stampede takes place on the 16th and there are no matches planned as of yet and there won't be until 6 days before the show when WCW resets. Word is Russo will be doing most of the writing. In an interview with 1wrestling.com, Russo said he hasn't watched a single second of WCW TV since he was relieved of his duties back in January.
  • Notes from Nitro: it was the spring break show, so the crowd at least seemed to be having fun which is a break from normal WCW shows. Someone in the front row had an "I wish I was at Raw" sign that somehow never got confiscated and was there for the entire show on camera. At the very beginning of the show, a woman in the front row flashed Gene Okerlund, leading to him saying, "Young lady, you're very proud of those, aren't you?" on TV. DDP made his big return and pretty much just plugged the Ready To Rumble movie. Sid Vicious missed the show due to a shoulder injury. Dave can understand not wrestling with an injury but Sid is the WCW champion, and Dave thinks he should at least show up and cut a promo or something. But then again, nothing in WCW matters right now until Russo and Bischoff reboot it anyway. Sting and Luger fought onto the beach all the way to the ocean. And to his credit, Hogan did a promo during the show where he really put over Vampiro as the wrestler of the future and later in the main event, he worked against The Wall and allowed Wall to no-sell the leg drop. So kudos to WCW for finally making an effort to push some new people, even if it all gets wiped away in 2 weeks.
  • Notes from Thunder: the show drew 1,700 paid fans. Literally 24 hours earlier, Raw sold out a different arena in the same city for Raw with over 12,500 paid fans. Lots of rumors were going around saying Bobby Heenan had been fired, but he was doing commentary on this show, so obviously that wasn't true. Chris Candido is already doing jobs to Chavo Guerrero so he clearly isn't getting any sort of push after debuting just a couple weeks ago. And no real storyline progression, just tons of hype about what the future for WCW holds under Bischoff and Russo. WCW is basically in a holding pattern right now and nothing matters until the reboot.
  • Hogan appeared on another radio station doing an interview where he buries everybody. He said Bret Hart is in Canada and "can't remember what WCW is." He said DDP was out injured with a broken fingernail and said WCW needs people who will crawl through broken glass with one arm in a sling to sacrifice and get in the ring. He said Kidman needs to start training like Torrie Wilson. He did praise Vampiro again though, so Hogan seems to like him. Anyway, WCW head Bill Busch was on WCW's live internet show and admitted that Hogan has full creative control in his contract and also said that he still has 6 guaranteed PPV main event matches in his deal.
  • Tammy Sytch is expected to make her WCW debut at the Spring Stampede PPV.
  • Variety ran a big story about some marketing changes that WCW is making. New hires to take over various marketing jobs, new marketing strategies and promotions that the company is planning to run, etc. Dave says that's all well and good, but nowhere in the article did it mention the idea of maybe putting on good shows that people want to see. All the marketing geniuses in the world can't save a product as terrible as WCW is right now.
  • Brad Armstrong will be out of action for several months with a knee injury suffered in the dumbest way possible. For some reason, before a show, Armstrong was goofing around in the parking lot with Juventud Guerrera and Psicosis and they decided--just for shits and giggles--to do the ol' famous wrestling angle of hitting someone with their car. You know, one of those dumb "you drive at me, I'll jump up on the hood like the stuntmen do in the movies" type of things. So.....they did it. And now Armstrong needs knee surgery because of course he does (that was pretty much it for him. He never wrestled in WCW again and in fact, he didn't wrestle anywhere for another 4 years before returning to the ring in 2004 and working indie shows periodically until 2011. Died a year later).
  • Les Thatcher's Heartland Wrestling Association have signed a deal with WCW to act as a developmental territory for them. Power Plant wrestlers will go work shows for him for a little while before debuting on WCW TV.
  • Various WCW notes: Mexican wrestlers Halloween and Damian are joining Sonny Onoo's racial discrimination lawsuit against WCW. Although with Bischoff returning to the company, Dave expects this lawsuit to ultimately disappear. Christopher Daniels starts with WCW next week. Dave thinks he has a ton of potential. Some people within the company are pushing for Shane Douglas to return. Konnan's suspension ends this week so he should be back soon.
  • The legal red tape behind the scenes on WWF's new TV deal is still being sorted out. The FCC is expected to allow the Viacom purchase of UPN to go through, which will mean Viacom will own 2 networks (CBS and UPN) which used to be against the law but that's being changed now. Those in the TV industry pretty much believe this to be a done deal. The news has boosted WWF stock up to $17.31 per share (as I write this, WWF just announced the new FOX deal for Smackdown, which boosted the stock up to damn near $60 per share)(10/24 update: currently $80.64).
  • The Rock was on Jay Leno's Tonight Show recently and movie critic Roger Ebert appeared also. Ebert told Rock that he has talent and told him to get into acting and get as far away from wrestling as he can. Rock laughed it off and said he was working on it.
  • Notes from Smackdown: it was in San Antonio and a tag team called American Force 2000 worked a dark match. The team consists of two trainees from Shawn Michaels' wrestling school, Spanky and American Dragon. Lots of cool high spots but they weren't very fluid and screwed some stuff up. They also hyped up the Shawn Michaels vs. Venom match next week in TWA for the live crowd.
  • A lot of the WWF wrestlers are using new entrance music right now to promote the new WWF Aggression CD. It's basically rap remixes of everyone's theme music and Dave thinks it sucks because the fans don't know these songs. So now even when the Rock is making his entrance, the crowd doesn't pop because it's an unfamiliar. Luckily it's temporary and they'll go back to the real versions eventually. Speaking of, WWF The Music Vol. 4, which was released 6 months ago, is still hanging on in the top 200 charts. It's at #152 this week and sold over 10,000 copies. In 2018, any album that is still moving 10k copies six months after it came out would be the best selling album of the year.
  • WWF claims they have enough money set aside to fund the XFL for at least 3 seasons. They're hoping to expand to 16 teams by 2005. WWF has once again emphasized that they will own all the teams and aren't interested in outside investors. They also again promised that this is going to be legit and the games won't be fixed. Advertisers are said to be hesitant, because they don't have a lot of hope that this whole XFL thing is going to succeed.
  • Shawn Michaels is said to be itching to get back on television in the WWF, but right now, they have no interest. Business is booming so much these days and they've attracted so many new fans in just the last year or two alone that Michaels isn't considered a top star anymore and WWF doesn't feel the need to use him in any way.
  • USA Today ran a story about Mick Foley's alleged last match coming up at Wrestlemania. Foley was quoted as saying, "I was much more successful and, going over my taxes now, obviously a lot more profitable being more of a comedy character in 1999 than I ever was being the King of Hardcore. If I'd known I could make more money making people laugh than making people wince, I'd have done it a long time ago." He also said that if it hadn't been for Austin getting injured, he would have retired last year. He said he hated going back on his word so soon after he retired and says he spent 20 minutes trying to talk Vince McMahon out of bringing him back for the match. But ultimately, he admitted that the money was too much to turn down. "It may take some people a while to forgive me, but not as long as it would take me to forgive myself if I didn't do this. Realistically, it's probably going to be the most money that I've ever made. So 15 years from now, when everyone has forgiven me, my kids' college will be taken care of." But Foley super duper swears this time that Wrestlemania will be his final match. "By leaving now, I'm probably giving up on the most profitable year in my career. But I was named after Mickey Mantle. I grew up hearing about how Mickey Mantle stuck around one season too long. I didn't want people to make the same comments about Mickey Foley."
FRIDAY: Wrestlemania 16 fallout, XFL/NBC partnership, Vince Russo gives interview full of bullshit, New Jersey attempting to ban extreme wrestling, and more...
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What's happening around town (Wed, Feb 12th - Tue, Feb 18th)

Tulsa's event list.


Wednesday, Feb 12th

  • Be My Valentine (Jenks, OK - Jenks) Start Time: 12:00am Stop by and make a valentine to keep or give away. Supplies are provided. For all ages.
  • 🎭 Brother Moses (The Vanguard - Tulsa) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • Build a Reader Storytime: Preschool (Owasso Library - Owasso) Start Time: 10:00am The best in children's literature, songs, games, finger plays, rhymes and other reading-related activities are shared with your preschooler. For ages 3-5.
  • 🎓 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood Live! Neighbor Day (Brady Theater - Tulsa) Start Time: 6:00pm Tickets are $20, $30, $40, $50 & $75* | $5 increase day of show VIP tickets include the best seats in the house and a post-show meet and greet with the characters. *Ages 1 & up require a ticket Tickets are available by calling 800-514-3849 or in person at the Brady Box Office To RSVP to the official Facebook event and for special pre-sale…
  • In Search of Solace (Blackbird On Pearl - Tulsa) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • 😂 Jersey (Loony Bin - Tulsa) Thru Sat, Feb 15th
  • Mardi Gras Masks (Nathan Hale Library - Tulsa) Start Time: 3:30pm Get ready for Mardi Gras by decorating your own mask. Supplies are limited and are on a first-come-first-serve basis, so get here early! For ages 9-17.
  • 🎓 ONE TICKET LEFT-Valentine's Pie Making Class for Two! (Mother Road Market - Tulsa) Start Time: 7:00pm Join our hands-on lesson in making a classic buttery pie crust with a delicious apple filling. In this two-hour class we will cover the how-to’s as well as what pitfalls to avoid and the tricks to making a flaky, perfect crust. Along with eating some delicious pie, provided by us! You and your companion, will make your own dough,…
  • Paws for Reading (Owasso Library - Owasso) Start Time: 4:00pm Registered therapy dogs are excellent listeners. Kids ages 5-12 are invited to read their favorite books to a furry, four-pawed friend. Registration is required. Each reader will receive a free book provided by the Raymond and Bessie Kravis Foundation through the Tulsa Library Trust. Register online at…
  • Travels With Tulsans: Surprising Pakistan (Tulsa Central Library - Zink Study Room - Tulsa) Start Time: 12:10pm Take a trip with us and enjoy travelogues from fascinating locales both near and far.

Thursday, Feb 13th

  • Ben Miller Band (The Shrine - Tulsa) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • Dorothy and the Prince of Oz (Tulsa Performing Art Center - Tulsa) Thru Sun, Feb 16th Follow the yellow brick road to the Tulsa Performing Arts Center to experience the Tulsa Ballet's "Dorothy and the…
  • 🍴 In the Middle Book Club (Owasso Library - Owasso) Start Time: 6:00pm Join us as we discuss "A Snicker of Magic" by Natalie Lloyd and enjoy snacks and an activity. For ages 9-12.
  • Iration | Heatseekers Winter Tour (Cain's Ballroom - Tulsa) Start Time: 6:30pm IRATION’s Heatseekers Winter Tour 2020 February 13th, 2020 Cain’s Ballroom - Tulsa, OK With special guests Iya Terra, Ballyhoo!, and The Ries Brothers All Ages ~~~ Heatseekers Winter Tour 2020 VIP Packages ~~~ Each package includes:
    • One general admission standing ticket
    • Early entry to the GA floor prior to doors
    • VIP soundcheck session…
  • 😂 Jersey (Loony Bin - Tulsa) Thru Sat, Feb 15th
  • 🏃 LOVE the RUN you're with! (RunnersWorld Tulsa - Tulsa) Spend an evening at RunnersWorld Tulsa to celebrate Valentines and all things running on Thursday, February 13! We are excited for the month of hearts and chocolate! Enjoy a Valentines date with RunnersWorld Tulsa! Join us Thursday, February 13th starting at 5:30PM and ending at 7:30PM at RunnersWorld Tulsa. We will have sales and giveaways to…
  • 🎨 William Shatner - Screening of Wrath of Khan (Brady Theater - Tulsa) Start Time: 7:30pm DCF Concerts PresentsWILLIAM SHATNER LIVE with a screening of Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan All tickets are Reserved Seats. This is an all-ages event
  • 🎨 William Shatner - Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (Brady Theater - Tulsa) Start Time: 6:30pm Set your phasers to fun! Prepare to be beamed up for an unforgettable night with the original ‘Captain James T. Kirk’, award-winning actor William Shatner. Following a screening of the classic film Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, William Shatner takes to the stage to share fascinating and humorous behind-the-scenes stories from his storied…

Friday, Feb 14th

  • Broncho (The Vanguard - Tulsa) Start Time: 7:45pm
  • Cold War Kids with special guest Overcoats (Cain's Ballroom - Tulsa) Start Time: 6:30pm Cain's Ballroom welcomes Cold War Kids back to Tulsa, OK on February 14, 2020 Advance - $26 + fees Day of Show - $28 + fees Door - $28 Mezzanine (21+) - $41 + fees No re-entry! No smoking! No refunds! Support acts are subject to change without notice! COLD WAR KIDS BIO For nearly 15 years, Nathan Willett and Cold War Kids have fielded the shifts…
  • DJ Demko (Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Tulsa - Catoosa) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 6:00pm
  • DJ Mib (Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Tulsa - Catoosa) Start Time: 7:00pm
  • Dorothy and the Prince of Oz (Tulsa Performing Art Center - Tulsa) Thru Sun, Feb 16th Follow the yellow brick road to the Tulsa Performing Arts Center to experience the Tulsa Ballet's "Dorothy and the…
  • 😂 Jersey (Loony Bin - Tulsa) 1 day left
  • 🎓 Tulsa Regional Science Fair (University of Tulsa - Tulsa) Start Time: 9:00am The Tulsa Regional Science Fair (TRSF) is open to public, private and homeschool students from seventh through twelfth grades who reside in Tulsa and Creek Counties. There are two divisions: Junior Division (Grades 7-9) and Senior Division (Grades 10-12). Registration is "open", meaning that students wishing to enter do not have to participate…
  • Wavy 80s Valentine’s Dance (Oklahoma Aquarium - Jenks) Start Time: 7:00pm FEBRUARY 14, 2020 | 7 P.M. - 11 P.M. Break out the leg warmers and hairspray—the 80s are back at the Oklahoma Aquarium’s Wavy 80s Valentine’s Day Dance! Dress up in your most neon spandex for a radical night under the sea. This magical evening will include a live DJ playing the best hits from Generation X, a photo booth to capture the…

Saturday, Feb 15th

  • 🎭 August: Osage County (Theatre Tulsa - Tulsa) Thru Wed, Feb 19th Start Time: 8:00pm Presented By: Theatre Tulsa Tulsa playwright Tracy Letts’ Pulitzer Prize-winning triumph. Following their patriarch’s suicide, the Weston family comes together in Osage County, Oklahoma. Buried secrets are revealed and the bonds of family are tested in this frighteningly poignant show that proves the deepest scars come from the ones you love…
  • Bernesto Birthday Bash (The Shrine - Tulsa) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • Clark Beckham: Light Year Tour (The Vanguard - Tulsa) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • DJ Demko (Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Tulsa - Catoosa) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 6:00pm
  • Dorothy and the Prince of Oz (Tulsa Performing Art Center - Tulsa) 1 day left Follow the yellow brick road to the Tulsa Performing Arts Center to experience the Tulsa Ballet's "Dorothy and the…
  • Double Slice of Tulsa Flea Market (Expo Square - Tulsa) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 8:00am Enjoy a double slice of Tulsa Flea Market the weekend of February 15 & 16! Shop an eclectic array of antiques, collectibles, vintage items, memorabilia, records, books, jewelry, crafts, and more. Located on Expo a square since 1972. We're open Saturday 8 to 4 and Sunday 11 to 4. Admission is FREE!
  • 🎨 Drawing Rally 2020 (Philbrook Downtown - Tulsa) Start Time: 6:00pm 75 artists work side-by-side to create original pieces of art. Finished work will be available for purchase on the spot on a first come, first served basis for a ridiculously affordable price. Proceeds support Philbrook arts and education programming. Free Entrance Drop-In
  • 🎭 The Drunkard and the Olio (Tulsa Spotlight Theatre - Tulsa) Start Time: 7:30pm
  • 😂 Jersey (Loony Bin - Tulsa) Last Day
  • 🎨 Kelli O'Hara in Concert (Broken Arrow Performing Arts Center - Broken Arrow) Start Time: 7:30pm KELLI O'HARA: FEBRUARY 15, 2020 And Oklahoma native with world-class resume, Kelli O’Hara is making her Broken Arrow PAC debut! On Broadway, Kelli’s portrayal of Anna Leonowens in the revival of “The King and I” garnered her the 2015 Tony Award for Best Leading Actress in a Musical. Other stage credits include “The Pajama Game,”…
  • Lil Tjay - True 2 Myself Tour (Cain's Ballroom - Tulsa) Start Time: 6:00pm Cain's Ballroom welcomes Lil Tjay to Tulsa, OK on February 15, 2020 Advance - $27 + fees Day of Show - $29 + fees Door - $33 Mezzanine (21+) - $42 + fees VIP Meet & Greet - $125 + fees (ONLINE ONLY) No re-entry! No smoking! No refunds! Support acts are subject to change without notice! Lil Tjay Bio Before Lil TJay became the Internet heartthrob…
  • 🎭 Luchatines (624 Catering - Tulsa) Start Time: 9:00pm Join us for our monthly Luchador match! Masked wrestlers duke it out in the ring in a battle of good vs evil. Plus we serve up tacos, margaritas and beers!
  • 🏆 Tulsa Oilers vs. Wichita Thunder (BOK Center - Tulsa) Start Time: 7:05pm CALL or Text: 918-632-7825 Download 2019-20 Season Schedule https://tulsaoilers.com/schedule
  • 🏃 Sweetheart Run (Blue Dome District - Tulsa) Grab your sweetheart (or meet one at the race) and bring them to Fleet Feet Blue Dome (2nd and Frankfort) in Downtown Tulsa on Saturday, February 15, 2020 for the Sweetheart Run! Three distance options (5km, 10km, and Fun Run) plus the Double (5K+10K) make this a great race for everyone!
    When registering you have the opportunity to register as…
  • 🎓 The Total Health & Fitness Expo (Expo Square - Tulsa) Day 1 of 2 The global fitness & health club industry generates more than $80 billion in revenue per year. Americans spend north of $60 billion annually to try to lose pounds, on everything from paying for gym memberships and joining weight-loss programs to drinking diet soda. This event will serve t

Sunday, Feb 16th

  • 🎭 August: Osage County (Theatre Tulsa - Tulsa) Thru Wed, Feb 19th Start Time: 8:00pm Presented By: Theatre Tulsa Tulsa playwright Tracy Letts’ Pulitzer Prize-winning triumph. Following their patriarch’s suicide, the Weston family comes together in Osage County, Oklahoma. Buried secrets are revealed and the bonds of family are tested in this frighteningly poignant show that proves the deepest scars come from the ones you love…
  • BJB ( Grateful Dead Tribute ) (The Shrine - Tulsa) Start Time: 4:00pm
  • Dorothy and the Prince of Oz (Tulsa Performing Art Center - Tulsa) Last Day Follow the yellow brick road to the Tulsa Performing Arts Center to experience the Tulsa Ballet's "Dorothy and the…
  • Double Slice of Tulsa Flea Market (Expo Square - Tulsa) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 8:00am Enjoy a double slice of Tulsa Flea Market the weekend of February 15 & 16! Shop an eclectic array of antiques, collectibles, vintage items, memorabilia, records, books, jewelry, crafts, and more. Located on Expo a square since 1972. We're open Saturday 8 to 4 and Sunday 11 to 4. Admission is FREE!
  • 🏆 Tulsa Oilers vs. Kansas City Mavericks (BOK Center - Tulsa) Start Time: 4:05pm
  • 🎭 Silversun Pickups / Tulsa, OK / Cain's Ballroom (Cain's Ballroom - Tulsa) Start Time: 7:00pm Silversun Pickups will be performing at Cain's Ballroom in Tulsa, OK on February 16. Special guests: Eliza & The Delusionals Pre-sale tickets available Tuesday, December 10 at 10 a.m. local time. Presale password = DONTKNOWYET Tickets on sale Friday, December 13 at 10 a.m. local time. New album Widow’s Weeds out now! Grab your copy on vinyl…
  • 😂 Spitball Standup (Loony Bin - Tulsa)
  • 🎓 The Total Health & Fitness Expo (Expo Square - Tulsa) Day 2 of 2 The global fitness & health club industry generates more than $80 billion in revenue per year. Americans spend north of $60 billion annually to try to lose pounds, on everything from paying for gym memberships and joining weight-loss programs to drinking diet soda. This event will serve t

Monday, Feb 17th

  • 🎭 August: Osage County (Theatre Tulsa - Tulsa) Thru Wed, Feb 19th Start Time: 8:00pm Presented By: Theatre Tulsa Tulsa playwright Tracy Letts’ Pulitzer Prize-winning triumph. Following their patriarch’s suicide, the Weston family comes together in Osage County, Oklahoma. Buried secrets are revealed and the bonds of family are tested in this frighteningly poignant show that proves the deepest scars come from the ones you love…
  • Open Mic W/ Zac Wenzel (Blackbird On Pearl - Tulsa) Start Time: 7:30pm

Tuesday, Feb 18th

  • 🎭 August: Osage County (Theatre Tulsa - Tulsa) 1 day left Start Time: 8:00pm Presented By: Theatre Tulsa Tulsa playwright Tracy Letts’ Pulitzer Prize-winning triumph. Following their patriarch’s suicide, the Weston family comes together in Osage County, Oklahoma. Buried secrets are revealed and the bonds of family are tested in this frighteningly poignant show that proves the deepest scars come from the ones you love…
  • Build A Reader: Stay and Play (Broken Arrow - Broken Arrow) Start Time: 11:00am For preschoolers, playing is learning! Join us for games, toys and activities that foster critical early literacy skills.
  • Build A Reader: Stay and Play (Helmerich Library - Tulsa) Start Time: 11:00am For babies, toddlers and preschoolers, playing is learning! Join us for games, toys and activities that foster critical early literacy skills.
  • Build A Reader Storytime: Family (Helmerich Library - Tulsa) Start Time: 10:30am Bring the whole family for this 0-to-5 storytime! There’s something for everyone – simple songs and books for the little ones, more interactive stories and activities for your older children.
  • Build A Reader Storytime: Family - Second Saturday Edition! (Tulsa City County Library - Tulsa) Start Time: 3:00pm Bring the whole family for this 0-to-5 storytime! There’s something for everyone – simple songs and books for the little ones, more interactive stories and activities for your older children.
  • Build A Reader Storytime: Preschool (Rudisill Reginal Library - Tulsa) Start Time: 5:00pm The best in children's literature, songs, games, finger plays, rhymes and other reading-related activities are shared with your preschooler.
  • Eric Johnson Classics: Present & Past (Cain's Ballroom - Tulsa) Start Time: 6:30pm Cain's Ballroom welcomes Eric Johnson back to Tulsa, OK on February 18, 2020 This event has reserved seating! Advance - $30 + fees Day of Show - $33 + fees Door - $33 No re-entry! No smoking! No refunds!
  • 🎓 Kiowa Language Class (Zarrow Regional Library - Tulsa) Start Time: 6:30pm This class is presented by the Kiowa Nation's Tulsa Kiowa Language and Cultural Revitalization Program and sponsored by the American Indian Resource Center. For adults and teens.
  • Michael Angelo Batio ( speed kills tour ) (The Shrine - Tulsa) Start Time: 7:30pm
  • STEM Games and Activities (Hardesty Library - Tulsa) Start Time: 4:30pm Drop in and try out a new game, craft or puzzle. Come and meet other curious kids and strengthen your STEM-associated skills. For ages 7-12.
  • Tween Game Night (Nathan Hale Library - Tulsa) Start Time: 3:30pm Join us for friendly Xbox One and PS4 competitions for ages 9-14.

See Also

submitted by tulsanewsbot to tulsa [link] [comments]

Unibet getting a Midwestern foothold

Unibet is coming to Indiana and Iowa. And in effect, it’s coming to the state wedged between them: Illinois.
Kindred Group on Tuesday announced a 10-year agreement with Caesars Entertainment to gain market access into Indiana and Iowa – and “potentially other states,” according to a news release – to operate both online sports betting and gaming through its Unibet brand.
Kindred, through Unibet, can immediately begin seeking licenses in both states, which would double its footprint in the United States. Unibet currently operates in New Jersey and Pennsylvania sportsbooks. Its online Pennsylvania sportsbook is operated in partnership with Mohegan Sun.
Unibet’s New Jersey sportsbook is through a deal with Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Atlantic City.
In Indiana, Unibet will ally with a Caesar’s Horsehoe Hammond property less than 30 miles from Chicago, giving it a key outpost to tap into an Illinois market left fallow because of regulatory delays.
Most important, the deal will bring mobile and online betting options to a property battling to compete financially without it.

Unibet Can Tap Into Chicago Market

Sports betting was legalized in Illinois in June, but a launch date remains nebulous and seemingly far-off. So Illinois bettors continue to pour over the Indiana border from the city of 2.7 million to patronize the likes of Horseshoe Hammond and DraftKings-affiliated Ameristar East Chicago.
Ameristar’s January sports betting handle of $73,037,356 led all 13 Indiana providers – $170,813,254 was collected in the state – with $65,993,539 coming from that sportsbook via mobile. Caesars never launched a mobile product for Horseshoe Hammond, negating its proximity as the nearest Indiana sportsbook to the Chicago metropolitan area.
Unibet’s Iowa peg will be at Harrah’s Council Bluffs, which is just across the Missouri River from Omaha, Nebraska, and nestled in the metropolitan statistical area of nearly a million. Mobile betting accounted for about 59% of Iowa sports betting handle in January. Ten of 19 Iowa sportsbooks offer mobile or online sports betting.
Kindred US senior vice president Manuel Stan said he was “thrilled” to expand the company’s American presence with Caesars.
submitted by brantjames to SportsBettingBiz [link] [comments]

Rumnchess's Guide to Live Poker. A.K.A Alex Livingston Main Event FT 2019

This is taken from his guide on the forum. Highly recommend for anyone who's new to live/casino poker. He and the other 2 players at this year Main Event Final Table are the ambassador that we need to make poker fun again.

I'm crossposting this from the HUNL forum, but I wrote a brief summary of live poker; some of you may find it interesting and/or (in)accurate.
Rumnchess's Guide to Live Poker
PART VIII - IntroductionPART XI - Attitude & EtiquettePART XIII - General StrategyPART XV - Bankroll Guidelines (an extremely short section)PART XVII - Player Profiles (quite long by contrast)PART XXIII - Conclusion
PART VIII: Introduction
Live poker is my bread and butter. It has been one of my favorite pasttimes for the last five years of my life, and will always remain so. Along with golf, fine dining, and women, live poker constitutes one of the four core pillars of my life. Over the past few months, I have experienced a period of extraordinarily erratic, and for the most part tumultuous, results in online poker. The advent of heads up superturbos has been particularly disruptive to my confidence, state of mind, and bankroll. Nonetheless, my live results have remained consistently good. I consider live poker my best form of poker, not only relative to the respective fields, but in absolute level of skill. Perhaps just as important as my results, I love everything that live poker has to offer: easily attainable food and beverages, chip shuffling tricks, and an incredibly social and lively atmosphere. Through live poker I have attained an internship with a day trading firm in New York, and free business class flights for the next year. The opportunities for conversation and networking are plentiful, and the live poker world encompasses a fascinating crossection of society. Rarely do such a diverse group of individuals come together. Everyone from min-buying truck drivers to lawyers to wealthy Middle East businessmen can be found at the poker table. To my knowledge, the plethora of people you meet in a cardroom have only one thing in common: they are all notoriously poor players.
PART XI: Attitude & Etiquette
It is extremely important to approach a casino poker game with the correct attitude. Often I see online players who are new to live cardrooms walk into a game with an attitude that is not only harmful to themselves, but to the overall quality of the game. Berating poor card players is not only disrespectful, but is extremely harmful to your bottom line. It is imperative to treat your opponents with respect, and in particular, you should often make an effort to befriend the poor players. Of course if a guy at the table is acting like a complete *******, I will make no effort to be friendly towards him, but at the same time, I will typically avoid being rude towards him, unless absolutely necessary. It is important, however, to make a distinction between your conduct as a person and your conduct as a competitor.
Conduct as a person: Your conduct as a person is the way you act in conversation, your demeanor towards others, and also the way you respect the ettiqute of the game. If I see somebody slow roll another player or try to angleshoot, in my eyes this speaks towards their character as a person, and not their character as a card player or a competitor. There are some exceptions: sometimes a guy who is clearly a novice will take a long time to roll his hand on the river, or make a string bet. Here he is just inexperienced and unfamiliar with the code of the game. It should be fairly obvious to you who is simply new to the sport, and who is deliberately trying to take advantage of their opponents by use of non-poker tactics.
Conduct as a competitor: While I am extremely friendly to my opponents in conversation, etc., I am a ruthless beast as a poker player. If I think a guy wants to avoid playing big pots, I will relentlessly three-bet him in position. Sometimes I will reraise him on each of his first three opens while we are both at the table. This often frustrates and even angers your opponents, but its completely within the ettiquette of the game, and says nothing about your character as a person. Ideally, I want my opponents to like me as a person, but fear me, or dislike me as a card player.
  1. If the dealer asks you to go to the cage to buy your chips, comply. Every card room has a different process (and in most you can buy chips right at the table), and the last thing you want to do is get off to a bad start with the dealer. Bad karma.2. If a dealer makes a ruling that you disagree with in a hand that you are involved in, do not be silent. Ask to speak to a supervisor, and explain your case clearly and concisely. Be as polite as possible, but be firm.3. Always make your big chips visible. Nothing irks me more than when I think a guy has a $500 stack and he is hiding a tower of black chips behind his red chips.4. String betting is not allowed in any casino I’ve been to. Either announce the amount of your bet or raise, or make sure you bet in one clear motion.5. Tip the dealers when you win a pot of any decent size. My rule of thumb would be that a tip is not necessary for a pot of $40 or less, but for anything beyond that $1 will suffice. I typically tip $2 when I win a pot of $400 or more, and $5 when I win a really huge pot.6. Tip the cocktail waitress $1 when you get a drink.
PART XIII: General Strategy
Before I get into specific player types, I’ll list of general adjustments to make when transitioning from internet poker to the live arena.
  1. Raise bigger preflop. You can get away with raising to 5x or 6x (sometimes even more, depending on the table), because people will call you with the same or greater frequency that they would call a 3x raise online.2. 3bet less frequently. Your edge on the table should be so big that you want to play large pots with deep stack to pot ratios. You also typically want to keep the bigger fish in the pot. Obviously if you are playing at a table of loose fish who will call very wide, it is okay to three bet a reasonably wide value range, but generally, I try to avoid 3betting trash, except against the nitty guys who want to avoid playing big pots.3. Overbet more often. Live players are notoriously unaware of the size of the pot, and of the correct sizings of bets in relation to the size of the pot. A player will typically think more about the actual dollar amount you’re betting than the amount relative to the pot. You will often see opponents make absurd bets like $50 into a $500 pot. As a good player, born and bred on the internet, you should be able to control the size of the pot and determine the correct betting amount in a given situation. Do not be afraid to bet $600 into $400 if you have a big hand, believe your opponent to be reasonably strong, and perceive him as the type who doesn’t care too much about money.4. Play suited junk. As heads up players, most of you should feel in your element here. I advocate playing hands like K4s and Q7s in a live game, particularly if the pots are multi-way. Stacks tend to be deeper in a live game, so your implied odds are greater. Most pots in a live game will be multiway, with poor players who allow you to dictate the size of the pot post flop. Flushes and straights are like jackpots in a live game.
Part XV: Bankroll Guidelines:
I tend to not worry too much about my bankroll because I consider my winrate to be extremely high in these games, and am just a general degenerate. But in general, you need far fewer buy ins to be properly rolled for a live game than you would online. I like to buy into a live game for 200 bbs, and I think that having a roll of 10 such buy ins would be plenty. Keep in mind you are only one tabling, and seeing far fewer hands. Not only that but your winrate per hand should be at least triple what it would be online. $10,000 should be plenty to play 2/5 live.
PART XVII: Player Profiles
It would be extremely time consuming to identify and describe each of the many different player types you will encounter at the poker tables. Therefore, I have chosen five different player profiles that I believe will provide a solid framework for the type of creatures we are dealing with. In parentheses, I’ll indicate that player’s corresponding play style.
The Businessman’s Son (LAG)
Description: Usually Lebanese or Middle Eastern (though they can be Greek, or from other parts of the world), the businessman’s son is a party animal with a seemingly limitless budget. Typically single, under the age of thirty, and comes with an air of sheer and utter lack of responsibility.
Plumage: Designer shirts, designer jeans, expensive jewelry, crocodile shoes.
Poker Style / How to Adjust: The BMS is not afraid to put money in the pot. He comes to play, and he doesn’t like folding. Not only that, but he is almost always accompanied by a couple of cronies, and is sure to try to impress them by showing bluffs, scooping large pots, and being the center of action and attention. As such, the BMS is extremely loose both preflop and post flop, and will often employ tactics such as large unnecessary overbets, merely designed to display his true indifference to money.
3bet a reasonably wide value range vs. this player, but never 3bet as a bluff. Don’t worry if your image is rock tight, you will still get action when you 3bet AA vs. this player. BMS’s have a fold to 3bet of about 1.8%, a decision they usually only make when they are receiving an important phone call on their blackberry. If you have a strong hand, and perceive the BMS to be weak, it can often be correct to trap this player. Even a BMS will sometimes throw away their total air to a flop check/raise, but they will rarely slow down if you check/call. While you will get action from the BMS regardless, it can be helpful to build up a slightly looser image, perhaps even attacking them early, as they will develop a need to personally show you up in the future. It is considered advantageous to show a BMS a bluff for this reason.
Old Man Coffee (TP)
Description: If you never play poker between the hours of 7AM and 8PM, don’t bother looking for old man coffee; he’s at his home, likely sleeping. Usually between the ages of 55 and 90, old man coffee shows up to his local poker game on a strict routine. Some OMC’s are daily grinders, others only show up on Tuesday. But every OMC has a strict poker schedule that he follows and incorporates into his weekly routine. The OMC arrives looking fresh and ready for action. He quietly sits into his favorite seat, pulls out a newspaper, and orders a coffee, black. He rarely displays much emotion, and avoids conversation, unless it is about a violation of the rules, in which case he leaps into action and displays his authority on the matter. Every dealer and supervisor in the casino is on a first name basis with the OMC.
Plumage: Weathered flannel shirts, warn out khakis, bland sweaters, goofy straw hats (more successful OMCs, such as Dan Harrington, have even been spotted with baseball caps)
Poker Style / How to Adjust: The OMC is completely positionally unaware and completely unaware of his opponents. He knows that KJ is a limping hand, so he limps it under the gun, and he limps it on the button. OMC’s generally play tight, and when they do raise (even on the button), you can be sure it’s one of seven possible hands (AA,KK,QQ,JJ,TT,AK,AQ). While Some OMC’s protest raising AQ and TT, most have come to understand that these are acceptable raises in today’s poker environment. Postflop, an OMC will rarely slowplay a big hand, and will often even lead into a multiway field when he flops a set. If an OMC comes out firing big, back off. If he comes out firing small, this is often representative of a middling made hand like middle pair or top pair, weak kicker. It’s often a good time to try to get the OMC off his hand. OMC’s pride themselves on being able to fold hands - they consider it a skill they have honed through decades of poker experience. For this reason, you should almost always try to make an OMC fold his hand by the river if you have reason to believe he is not very strong.
OMCs are weak prey that a professional poker player can eat up for consistent small gains. While you will rarely win large pots form an OMC, you can win many small ones. OMCs are easy to manipulate by simply altering your bet sizing. Often you will arrive at the river in a $180 pot vs. an OMC. You know from experience, that he has top pair, weak kicker here. You also know that he will begrudgingly call a $100 bet, and you know that he will fold to a $150 bet. It’s very simple: bet $100 when you have a hand that wants to be called, and bet $150 when you are bluffing. It sounds too good to be true, but with the OMC, that is the beauty of his game. His decisions are mechanical and predictable. Even if he were perceptive enough to alter his decisions based on his opponent type, he is too stubborn. Raised by a strict father in a household where rules were rules, the OMC was never given enough freedom to actively develop an imagination or any sort of creative thought of his own.
The Middle Aged Guy With Everything To Prove (A mix)
Description: Often from New Jersey, the MAGWEP owns a small business, and he can’t wait to tell everyone around him about its success. In reality, MAGWEPs almost always earn between 35 and 100k per year. The MAGWEP is happily married, as you can see by obnoxiously large wedding band displayed around his ring finger. The MAGWEP loves to talk strategy; rather, the MAGWEP loves to tell you how you misplayed a hand. When he gets sucked out on, the MAGWEP always lets out some sort of verbal declaration, and then often bangs the table and gives the dealer some sort of dirty look. MAGWEPs cannot stand young internet poker players; they are subconsciously aware of their own inferiority in skill to these players, and are threatened by the seemingly reckless attitudes of their competitors. When a young internet player sits down at a poker table, a look of concern appears very briefly on the face of a MAGWEP, but not long enough for anybody to notice. This look will disappear quickly, and the MAGWEP will refer to the internet player as “kid” for the rest of the session, announcing his dominance. MAGWEPs always appear to be more interested in sports than they really are (they are interested, but not obsessed, as they try to convey), and often try to converse with the other players about the table about the future of their football team. Generally, but not always, it could be said that MAGWEP’s have some form of need to assert their masculinity, which can often be attributed to physical deficiencies in certain areas.
Plumage: Working man’s jeans, sweatshirts (often emblazoned with the logo of their son’s university), baseball caps.
Poker Style / How to Adjust: MAGWEP’s can range from being reasonably tight to quite loose, but they are almost always aggressive. They understand the basic theory that raising is better than limping in, and have incorporated it into their game. They are even somewhat positionally aware, and would do things like raise 76s on the button, something an OMC would never dream of doing. MAGWEPs tend to get waaaaaaaay too attached to premium starting hands, and are often even guilty of overplaying AK on whiffed flops. Flop a set when a MAGWEP has aces, and the money is all yours, no matter what.
MAGWEPs give away several very obvious tells. The most noticeable one is when a MAGWEP is involved in a hand, and he has check/called a bet on the flop, and then the turn falls. The MAGWEP will look his opponent right in the eyes, and then he will check the table so viciously that it might even startle some of the other players. When the MAGWEP does this, you can be damn sure that he has a marginal to strong, but not super strong, made hand. Occasionally he will have a semi-strong draw in this spot too. The MAGWEP is essentially trying to intimidate his opponent into keeping the pot small by checking behind. He feels that his eye contact and intense slamming of the felt will do so. Sometimes it can be difficult to decide whether or not to continue with a bluff in spots like these. On the one hand, the MAGWEP doesn’t want to fold, but on the other hand, he knows that you know that he is pretending to be committed to showing his hand down, so he may feel that you won’t bluff him here (the MAGWEP does have some poker smarts). My advice would be go with recent history: if you have a crazy animal image, now would be a good spot to cut your losses, but if you’ve been reasonably tight thus far, try to take it away from him.
The Internet Kid (LAG/TAG)
Description: While you will find “internet kids” of all descriptions playing live poker from time to time, the most common one I see is the 1-2 NL grinder. The kind of guy that plays 6-8 tables 15-20 hours a week online, and, when he sits in a live game, thinks he is God’s gift to poker. Often wearing a backwards hat and a smug grin. Typically enters the casino with two or three of his buddies, one of whom is almost certainly a novice poker player. While generally congenial and easy going, the internet kid can get extremely defensive when his poker skills are brought into question.
Plumage: Jeans, polo shirts, Birkenstocks, hooded sweatshirts, watches in the $100-500 price range, sometimes sunglasses.
Poker Style / How to Adjust: The IK tends to be tight aggressive, while some more brazen varieties are loose aggressive. He is positionally aware and willing to mix up his game and play creatively. While the IK will make quite a bit of money from the fish in the game, an experienced and aware opponent can profit quite nicely from the IK by putting him in spots that he is uncomfortable. If you are seated to the left of an IK, both flat and 3bet him relentlessly, and establish your presence as table captain. You want to be the one playing multiway pots against fish, and when he opens the pot, he cuts into your win rate. Figure out what kind of IK he is: some will buy in for 50 or 80 big blinds and play a scared money style, others are overly bold and bluff happy. Focus much of your people reading skills on figuring out exactly how the IK plays (it will be incredibly obvious to obtain this information on the other players at the table). Also try to figure out how the IK perceives you: unlike the other player types, the IK will actually be capable of adjusting his play based on your play and your dynamic with him. Do everything you can to take the IK out of his comfort zone: show him bluffs, own him with overbets for value, etc. etc.
Keep in mind that some more inexperienced IKs can actually be good opponents to have at the table: they will play a straightforward style, and their ranges will be very obvious. Study the IK at great length, and even go out of your way to make eye contact when you get involved in pots with him - this will often make him uneasy and you will be able to pick up physical tells. Remember, the IK is used to hiding behind a computer screen, and is not necessarily socially adjusted or in solid control of his emotions and body language.
The Friendly Whale (LP)
Description: We save the best for last. The Friendly Whale is an icon in any live poker game - there’s almost certainly sure to be at least one at every table. Some of my best friends in the poker world are friendly whales, and most are between the ages of forty and fifty-five. Not only do FWs consistently give me large sums of money, they also tend to be accomplished, interesting, and conversational people. And the best part about them is that they don’t care when they lose, so there are no hard feelings, or awkward moments when your hour long conversation is interrupted only to have you win $1,000 off them. Friendly whales come in many shapes and sizes, but tend to be middle aged businessmen with successful business ventures or other forms of employment. Despite being the poorest card player I have profiled, the FW is arguably the most life successful type, and is the envy of MAGWEPs worldwide.
Plumage: Business casual: dress shoes, khakis and casual/dress shirts. More conservative FWs may sport a blazer or slacks.
Poker Style / How to Adjust: FWs are the loose passive fish that poker players dream of. Recreational players who enjoy the thrill of the game, FWs rarely miss a flop with any two cards that have even the remotest of similarities to each other. The beauty of the FW is that he is eager and willing to call large bets, but will rarely bet or raise himself without an extremely powerful hand. It is therefore extremely easy to bet/fold extremely strong hands on the river against an FW, as he may well call you with fourth pair but would be unlikely to raise you without the nuts. Value bet, value bet, value bet. Often you can get three streets of value out of 2nd pair, top kicker vs. an FW. If you have a huge hand, consider overbetting for value, and also consider incorporating some overbet bluffs into your arsenal (even an FW can fold a hand to significant pressure, but try to feel the situation out and use this move sparingly). If an FW is in the pot, you should not be looking for an excuse to play a hand, but rather looking for an excuse not to. Mix in some overlimps with your weakest hands, and make small to medium raises with your suited connector type stuff, and bigger raises with your pure value hands. Nobody at the table will notice when you make it 6x with AA and 4x with Jts - remember, you are trying to accomplish two different things with these two hands, and so it would make sense to adjust your raise sizes accordingly. When you make a very strong nut type hand, and believe the FW to be reasonably strong, hammer the pot with large bets and raises. Do not be scared of frightening the FW off, if he likes his hand, he will stay in almost no matter the price. FWs favorite thing to say after making a bad call, usually accompanied by a chuckle and a smile, is “well at least I can sleep at night”. FWs are wonderful people, great for the game, and fantastic for your bottom line.
PART XXIII: Conclusion
Live poker is the nuts. You get to sit at a table with interesting people from around the world, and hear their life stories. You hear married men ***** about their wives, and listen to Norweigan businessmen who have played 100,000 euro pots. You experience a general sense of comraderie that cannot be replicated in the online arena. I advise you this: do not judge a person’s character by the way he plays cards. Even the biggest whales in the world can be fascinating, interesting and successful people. Take time to soak in the atmosphere and enjoy the full experience of playing live: winning money will take care of itself.
submitted by elija_snow to poker [link] [comments]

Sports Betting Revenues Falling Short of States’ Expectations

Legalized sports betting has failed to generate the revenue expected in Rhode Island. The state initially budgeted for $23.5 million in gambling related revenues for the fiscal year ending in June 2019 (began in Nov. ’18). The target was lowered to $11.5 million in January, but R.I. lottery officials are reporting that the state has posted just 1.3% of that total ($150,000) to date. Governor Gina Raimondo attributed the shortfall to “a little bit [of a] later start than we thought”; wagering volume ($250 million anticipated vs. $813 million projected) and gambler performance (better than expected) have also forced the need for a rebalancing of the budget. While it’s all but assured that Rhode Island will fall short of January’s revamped projection, it should experience significant revenue growth in 2020; Raimondo signed a bill last week that will permit online sports betting within the state.
Howie Long-Short: The Patriots Super Bowl win contributed to a tough February for Rhode Island’s sportsbooks – the pair lost a combined $890,000 on $20.7 million in wagers during the month. They’re off to a better start in March, having raked in +/- $1 million over the first weekend of the NCAA tournament. The state is entitled to 51% of sports betting revenues (after expenses).
Rhode Island is certainly not a proxy for the country – it has just 2 licensed casinos – but “most of the states” that have passed legislation since PASPA was struck down have fallen short of projections. It’s certainly no coincidence that like Rhode Island, all but New Jersey (which out-earned Nevada for the 1st time in Jan.) failed to establish mobile/online as an option.
Rhode Island’s 2020 budget assumes sports betting will bring in $30.3 million in revenue, including $3 million in mobile fees. Democratic Senate President Dominick Ruggerio has acknowledged that the financial forecasts will need to be rebalanced (see: lowered) in the wake of fiscal 2019 results, but the nominal revenue Raimondo attributed to mobile – relative to the total income projected – makes me think they’re still getting bad “information” (or that they simply don’t understand the marketplace). New Jersey sportsbooks generated 80% of their January revenue from mobile and online platforms.
Once Twin Rivers begins taking online/mobile bets, business will pick up. It will become easier for residents of the state to place wagers and with Massachusetts yet to legalize sports betting, the Rhode Island licensee should pick up some action from residents of the neighboring state (via the William Hill app). For reference purposes, FanDuel claims 9% of its New Jersey business comes from those living in New York and another 4% from those based in Pennsylvania. The 2020 budget assumes mobile sports betting will be available next winter, but there’s a current push within the Assembly to have it in place by the start of the NFL season.
Rhode Island’s 2 casinos (Lincoln and Tiverton) are owned by Twin River Worldwide Holdings. On Friday, the company (which also owns the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Biloxi, MS) “added to its geographic base” closing on the purchase of Dover Downs Gaming & Entertainment. Shares of Twin River common stock subsequently began trading (at $29) on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol TRWH.
Fan Marino: 75% of those who placed bets (against the spread) on the Super Bowl at Rhode Island’s 2 brick and mortar casinos took the hometown Patriots; as a result, the pair lost $2.3 million on the game. It’s not atypical for a sportsbook to take a loss on a big game – like the Super Bowl – when the hometown team covers. Fans bet with their hearts and the action tends to skew “towards the geographically favored team.” The books don’t move the lines to reflect the heavy action though, because doing so would leave them susceptible to sharp money (going the other way) taking advantage of mispriced odds.
submitted by HowieLongShort to RhodeIsland [link] [comments]

Blog Update: Monday Casino news report - 23 September 2019

From the DirectoryOfSlots.com

In the Casino News this week we’re happy to note that we do not have a murder case to cover. We do, however, have a little more information on the case of the case of the California casino murder accused sister of L.A. Clippers top player Kawhi Leonard, an elderly woman followed home from a California casino and robbed of her winnings, identity theft at a New Jersey Casino, an illegal Florida casino raided, craps table cheaters at a Washington casino, 9 arrests at the Boston Harbor casino in Massachusetts, a cheater caught at a Washington casino, lawmakers in Illinois being pushed to make some casino tax changes, a Massachusetts casino heavily down on first year cash projections, the first Tribal casino in Las Vegas, a California casino reveals expansion plans, an Ohio casino bought out by Hard Rock, a San Francisco casino signs a football sponsorship deal and a lucky lady makes a killing at a Pennsylvania online casino.
At the Directory Of Slots we’ve added a portion of the classic slot reviews to the featured classic slots section, just about 5 lines of the start of the online casino game reviews to help readers make a quick decision about which game they’d like to sign up for.
A few more video slots have been reviewed, such as Bubble Bubble and Cleopatra's Gold online video slots. These two are by no means new video slots, but they’re quite feature filled and easy to play - as RTG online slots tend to be
Friend speaks out about California murder accused
A friend of Williams and Townsel has spoken out about her disbelief of the two women’s charges.
Williams and Townsel were arrested after allegedly robbing and killing an elderly Long Beach...see more
submitted by RyanDennet to BestOnlineCasinos [link] [comments]

Blog Update: Monday Casino news report - 02 September 2019

From the DirectoryOfSlots.com

In the new this week: Hooters Casino is leaving Las Vegas, a 20c fight at the Las Vegas slots, an Ohio casino winner robbed, a big bust at an underground New Jersey casino, the new Arkansas casino trying to bend the rules, sentencing on a fatal assault case at a California casino, a Las Vegas casino kidnapping and sexual assault, a poker player in a lot of hot water in Las Vegas, a South Dakota casino robbery, an Iowa casino penny slot winner that cannot collect and a Hard Rock casino winner that definitely can.
Here, at the Directory of Slots, we’ve had what would look like a slow week, especially in comparison to the casino news, as we wrapped up a busy August and started to prepare for September and the fall. There’s been a little change to the Video Slots page to bring in big news in the form of a new game: Storm Lords. Read our online video slot review of RTG’s newest release: Storm Lords Video Slot here.
Hooters Casino leaving Las Vegas
Hooters Casino Hotel in the gambling hub of Las Vegas has been bought out by OYO, the Indian hotel startup company. Hooters will be rebranded to the OYO Hotel & Casino Las Vegas, part of a complete makeover that is expected to be completed by the end of the year...see more
submitted by RyanDennet to BestOnlineCasinos [link] [comments]

Hard Rock launches GiG-powered sportsbook in New Jersey

Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Atlantic City has launched its land-based and online sportsbook in New Jersey. Both HardRockSports.com and HardRockCasino.com will be powered by Gaming Innovation Group (GiG). The supplier initially secured a US sports betting agreement with Hard Rock in October 2018. Hard Rock has also previously signed partnerships with operators Bet365 and Kindred Group. Joe Lupo, President of Hard Rock Hotel & Casino, said: "We couldn’t be more excited to launch our online and land-based sportsbook. "Players will be able to enjoy a full range of bets, as well as all other major sporting events across the calendar, with exciting promotions and events coming soon." Robin Reed, GiG CEO, said: "Hard Rock has global recognition, unparalleled reach and the same high ambitions as us. We look forward to continuing to support Hard Rock’s growth in New Jersey." Source: Gamblinginsider.com
submitted by dota2robot to BestCasinoReview [link] [comments]

Seminole Tribe of Florida (with an Assist from Disney) Protects Florida Gambling Monopoly

The Walt Disney Company spent $20 million in support of a ballot initiative that would give Florida voters the right to prevent the expansion of casino gambling within the state, a measure designed to protect their tourism interests and the state’s brand as a “family friendly” destination. Amendment 3 of the Florida Constitution passed on Tuesday evening, with more than 70% of the state’s voters backing the law that will require new casino projects to gain the support (60% must vote in favor) of the state-wide voting public prior to breaking ground; few (if any) projects are likely to meet the 60% benchmark. MGM Resorts International (seeks licensure in state), the Miami Dolphins and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers (both NFL teams are hoping to profit on sports betting) were among those that publicly opposed the measure; each of the 3 entities spent $500K on the proposed amendment’s “no” campaign.
Howie Long-Short: Disney (DIS) was invested in the amendment passing for its own selfish reasons, but there’s no bigger beneficiary to the “Voter Control of Gambling” amendment passing than the Seminole Tribe of Florida (spent $16 million on “yes” campaign). The Tribe dominates the Florida gaming landscape, operating in the state under a Federal gaming exemption afforded to Native Americans with little competition; the amendment’s passage ensures the moat remains around their business.
The long and costly battle for gaming company expansion into the state just became infinitely more difficult, but don’t expect casino operators to give up on Florida. Dan Alkins (Chairman of the committee opposing the ballot initiative) said should the measure pass “there’s going to be litigation just continuing on forever.” The state’s size/population, reputation as a tourism destination and abundance of retirees makes it a highly desirable locale for casinos to take up residence.
It’s worth pointing out the irony in the Miami Dolphins opposition of the amendment, while playing their home games at Hard Rock Stadium; a chain owned by the Seminole Tribe and the one that will pay the franchise $250 million over the next 18 years for naming rights.
Speaking of MGM Resorts International (MGM), the company is reportedly exploring a potential merger with Caesar’s Entertainment (CZR) to form a gaming behemoth (think: +/- 50% of all hotel rooms in Las Vegas and Atlantic City). While there’s no offer on the table (and it’s possible regulators could determine a merger would create “undue economic concentration), it’s known that “without a CEO, Caesar’s is in play” and that it’s CZR’s activist investors (own +/- 25%) driving the tie-up talk; a merger would allow the combined companies to eliminate redundant “overhead and marketing” expenditures. Wynn Resorts (WYNN) and the Genting Group (OTC: GEBHY) have also been names as companies that could have interest in a CZR (-25% YTD) take-over. With licenses in 13 states (49 casinos), the company is well positioned to benefit from wide-spread sports betting legalization.
Fan Marino: Howie mentioned Las Vegas and Atlantic City, so it seems like an opportune time to note that Eilers & Krejcik is projecting New Jersey sportsbooks will generate more sports betting revenue than those in the gambling mecca, as soon as 2021 ($442 million vs. $410 million). The boutique research firm (with a focus on the gaming industry) supported their thesis by pointing out NJ gamblers can make “sports betting transactions” on credit card (as opposed to being forced to make a deposit in a casino), that the state’s sportsbooks have created a highly competitive online/mobile market (think: pricing/promotions) and that state’s licensees have had “very high rates of black market recapture.”
Interested in Sports Business? Sign-up for our free daily email newsletter list, here!
submitted by HowieLongShort to florida [link] [comments]

RunGoodGear Poker Series announced for early October

Earlier this month, the first edition of the RunGoodGear Poker Series was held at Downstream Casino and it attracted a total of 344 participants. It is quite an impressive field for a new tournament and the interest for the competition was generated by the novelty but also by the big payouts. It was Bernard Lee who emerged victorious and for his accomplishment, he took home in excess of $47,000, insuring the fact that the next series will be equally popular. As expected, the organizers have recently announced the date for the next competition and it is bound to start on October 1 and conclude five days later. Once again, the Downstream Casino will be the gracious host for the competition, which is quite convenient for American players. They will have two big tournaments to attend without traveling abroad, as the main event at the Hard Rock in Tulsa, Oklahoma is scheduled for early September. The buy-in is set for $675 and the guaranteed prize pool of $100,000 is very likely to be exceeded once again. American players don't have too many options and under normal circumstances, they would trade the live action for online poker. Unfortunately, there are only a couple of states where it is legal to play poker over the Internet and residents of New Jersey, Delaware and Nevada are the ones enjoying their favorite game online. Ladbrokes Poker is trying to enter this lucrative market and with several new states being on the verge of passing favorable legislation, by the end of 2015, more Americans could play poker online without feeling the law. Meanwhile, they have to settle for live events, with the RunGoodGear Poker Series being the most important one in October. This is a great way of competing for a nice paycheck, while gearing up for the final stage of the World Series of Poker 2014, as the final table is scheduled for early November. It will be a pleasure to watch the best poker players compete for the coveted bracelets and millions of dollars, but it doesn't hurt winning a slice of $100,000 while waiting for the big show. Participants will have to pay $675 out-of-pocket to play in the main event, but the investment is definitely worth making. On the off-chance that you can't afford the buy-in but still hope to be a part of the RunGoodGear series, check out the complete schedule below: Date Time Event Buy-In Wednesday, Oct. 1 5 p.m. RunGood Happy Hour Social --Wednesday, Oct. 1 7 p.m. RunGood Pro Bounty $125Thursday, Oct. 2 1 p.m. All-In-or-Fold Rebuy Tournament $40 ($20 rebuys)Thursday, Oct. 2 4 p.m. Main Event Qualifier (Five seats guaranteed) $150Thursday, Oct. 2 7 p.m. Six-Handed NLH $230Friday, Oct. 3 1 p.m. Main Event Day 1a $675Friday, Oct. 3 4 p.m. Main Event Qualifier (10 seats guaranteed) $150Friday, Oct. 3 7 p.m. Main Event Qualifier (10 seats guaranteed) $150Saturday, Oct. 4 11 a.m. Brunch w/ the RunGood Pros --Saturday, Oct. 4 1 p.m. Main Event Day 1b…
via Casinoreviews
submitted by Casinobonuscode to CasinoNewsDaily [link] [comments]

Part 25

Sorry for updating a new part so quickly.They come too fast.(Any logos change again I already shared?)
4640.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember there not being photos of people born in the 1700's?(Was there not audio of the National Anthem being sung from the 1800's?)
4641.(Bubble Tea name change.)Do you remember the P in Pom not being broken?(Does the O look off?)(Anything else off?)
4642.(Music Lyrics change.)"I'm slipping into the twilight zone."/"I'm stepping into the twilight zone."(Other lyrics?)("Under moon and stars."/"Under moon and star.")
4643.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember there not being photos of New York from the 1880's?(Any of the other images seem off?)
4644 .(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember there not being photos of soldiers from the Revolutionary War from the 1800's?
4645.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember there not being quality footage of Ireland from 1901?
4646.(Famous Television Presenter name change.)Andy Peters/Andi Peters
4647.(Fictional Character name change.)Ed The Duck/Edd The Duck
4648.(Company name change.)Husqovarna/Husqvarna(Do any of the letters look off?)
4649.(Music Lyrics change.)"If I could put time in a bottle."/"If I could save time in a bottle."
4650.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember there not being a void in the great pyramid?
4651.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember the current upcoming season of Game Of Thrones being the final season?
4652.(Movie name change.)Cabin In The Woods/The Cabin In The Woods
4653.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Kurt Cobain not having a sister?(Did he not have siblings at all?)
4654.(T.V. Show name change.)Seseame Street/Sesame Street
4655.(Music Lyrics change.)"There's gotta a little rain sometimes."/"There's gotta be a little rain sometime."
4656.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember the Medal Of Honor being different?(Is it the Congressional Medal Of Honor or the Medal Of Honor for you?)
4657.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember there not being photos of New York in 1886?
4658.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember the pictures on the wanted posters in The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly being drawings instead of being real?(Video below.)
4659.(Music Lyrics change )"It's not what you take when you leave this world behind you, it's what you leave behind you when you're gone."/"It's not what you take when you leave this world behind you, it's what you leave behind when you go."
4660.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember parrots not living in Alpine mountain regions?
4661.(New species.)Have you heard of the Sea Mouse?
4662.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember the four horsemen of the Apocalypse being Pestilence, War, Famine and Death instead of being War, Famine, Death and Conquest?
4663.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember there not being stone churches buried under hundreds of feet in Ethiopia?
4664.(Music Lyrics change.)"I can hear it calling in the air tonight."/"I can feel it coming in the air tonight."(Was it something else?)
4665.(Song Title change.)Life Is Life/Live Is Life
4666.(Movie name change.)The Ghost In The Darkness/The Ghost And The Darkness(Was there not a "The" in the title?)
4667.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember there not being a silent film from 1910 known as The Wizard Of Oz?
4668.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember mailing children being legal in the 1900's not being a thing?
4669.(Company Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Aramark not being connected?
4670.(Company Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Fastenal not being connected?
4671.(Bank Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Bank Of The West not being connected?(Does the other logo look off?)
4672.(Beer name change.)Mickey's/Mickeys(Do you remember the letters not being connected?)
4673.(Beer Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Carta Blanca not being connected?(Do any of the other logos look off?)
Add-On: Do you remember T.G.I. Friday's instead of T.G.I. Fridays?(Was it T.G.I. instead of TGI?)
4674.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember waiters and waitresses not asking "How's everything tasting"?(Did they only ask "How is everything"?)
Add-On: Do you remember "Terminator" instead of "The Terminator"?
Add-On: Do you remember the & being normal in Darigold Half & Half?
4675.(Soup Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Progresso not being connected?
4676.(White Supremacy Group name change.)Aryan Nation/Aryan Nations
4677.(Fictional Character appearance change.)Do you remember Frankenstein's Monster having bolts in his neck instead of a metal pipe?(Was Frankenstein the monster instead of the creator?)(Were they in his head?)
4678.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember lightning being one mile away if it was one minute before you heard it?(Does it work differently now?)
4679.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember baby horses being called ponies instead of foals?(Anything else off about any of this?)
Add-On: Do you remember vehicles in the 1800's being mainly powered by horses and electricity?(Do the trolleys and cars seem off?)(Video below.)
4680.(Movie Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Independence Day being normal?
4681.(Music Lyrics change.)"Memories of it still keep callin' and callin'."/"Memories of it still keep calling and calling."
4682.(Music Lyrics change.)"I will follow you into the dark."/"I'll follow you into the dark."
4683.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Madness by Muse sounding different in the beginning?
4684.(Music Lyrics change.)"You the hottest ho in this place."/"You the hottest bitch in this place."
4685.(Duo name change.)The Pet Shop Boys/Pet Shop Boys(Do any of the logos look off?)
4686.(Pop Band name change.)The Tears For Fears/Tears For Fears(Do any of the logos look off?)
4687.(Movie Quote change.)"I see white people."/"I see dead people."
4688.(Musical name change.)The Jersey Boys/Jersey Boys
4689.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Nintendo not being founded in 1889?(Was it 1899?)(Was it the 1970's?)(Is anything else about the company off to you?)
4690.(Thrift Store Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Savers not being connected?
4691.(Theme Song Lyrics change.)"Yo Danny Fenton he was just 14."/"Young Danny Fenton he was just 14."
4692.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember the possessed girl in The Exorcist not having a feeding tube?
4693.(Phantom t.v. show quote.)Do you remember the robot in Lost In Space saying "Danger! Will Robinson"?(Did he say it more than once?)(Does the robot look off?)
4694.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember having to boil an egg for only 3 minutes?
4695.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember the Fallen Astronaut not being a thing?
4696.(Phantom t.v. show quote.)Do you remember Mr. T saying "I pity the fool!" on The A-Team?
Add-On: Do you remember The Beastie Boys instead of Beastie Boys?
4697.(Musical Duo name change.)Hall & Oates/Hall And Oates/Daryl Hall & John Oates/Daryl Hall And John Oates
4698.(Company Logo change.)Do you remember there being a dash under the C in Rand McNally instead of a dot?
4699.(Phantom movie.)Do you remember Halloween Is Grinch Night not being a thing?
4700.(Rock Band Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Black Flag not being connected?(Do any of the logos look off?)
4701.(T.V. Show Quote change.)"You bubble-headed ninny!"/"You bubble-headed booby!"(Does the logo look off?)
4702.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Oscar The Grouch not originally being orange?(Did he have arms at the start of the show?)
4703.(Phantom fictional character.)Do you remember Professor not being a McDonald's character?(Was he "The Professor"?)(Did Ronald McDonald have buttons on his shirt instead of a zipper shirt?)
Add-On: Do you remember the R in Rold Gold being different?
4704.(New species.)Have you heard of the white whale?(Have you heard of the white dolphin?)
4705.(Song name change.)Unforgiven/The Unforgiven
4706.(Cologne name change.)Brüt/Brut
4707.(Hair Care Product name change.)Pantene(With accent above first E.)/Pantene
Add-On: Do you remember the Y and Q in Dairy Queen being normal?
4708.(Movie Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in The Devil Wears Prada not being connected?(Any of the letters look off?)
4709.(Movie Logo change.)Do you remember the A in Excalibur being normal?(Any of the other letters look off?)
4710.(Commercial Quote change.)"Pardon me, but do you have any grey Poupon?"/"Pardon me, do you have any grey Poupon?"/"Pardon me, would you have any grey Poupon?"(Was it something else?)
4711.(Celebrity death date change.)Do you remember Malcolm Young dying before November 2017?
4712.(History change.)Do you remember hundreds of prisoners being freed during the Storming of the Bastille instead of only 7?
Add-On: Do you remember the letters in Game Boy Advance not being connected?(Do the letters in Game Boy Player look off?)
4713.(Logo change.)Do you remember the B in Dolby Digital not being broken?
4714.(Celebrity death date change.)Do you remember Charles Manson dying before 2017?(Was it the mid 2000's?)
4715.(Famous Singer name change.)Lisa Gerrald/Lisa Gerrard
Add-On: Do you remember Shaggy saying "Zoiks!" instead of "Zoinks!"?(Was his real name Shaggy instead of Norville?)
Add-On: Do you remember Donald Duck wearing a scarf instead of a bow tie?
4716.(Movie Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Scary Movie not being connected?(Anything else off?)(Do the letters in Scream look off?)
4717.(Album name change.)Tales From The Topographic Ocean/Tales From Topographic Oceans
4718.(Celebrity death that happen.)Do you remember Yoko Ono dying after John Lennon in 1980?
Add-On: Do you remember any of this stuff not being around at the time?(Videos below.)
4719.(Movie name change.)Cats Vs. Dogs/Cat & Dogs(Was it Cats And Dogs?)
4720.(City name change.)Philladelphia, Pennsylvania/Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
4721.(Country name change.)Brazil/Brasil(The latter is the preferred spelling.)
4722.(Country name change.)EquadoEcuador
4723.(Country name change.)Coasta Rica/Costa Rica
4724.(Country name change.)Uraguay/Uruguay
4725.(Rock Band name change.)The Newsboys/Newsboys
4726.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember there not being an American version of The Beatles known as American Beetles?(Was it The American Beetles or American Beetles?)
4727.(Rock Band name change.)Smashing Pumpkins/The Smashing Pumpkins(Do you remember their songs being spelled correctly?)
4728.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember upside down Christmas trees not being a thing?
4729.(Company Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Pioneer being normal?
4730.(Company Logo change.)Do you remember the R in Sharp having a closed line?
4731.(Company Logo change.)Do you remember the R in Brinks Home Security having a closed line?(Did the B have a closed line?)
4732.(Music Lyrics change.)"Open up your eyes."/"Open up your eye."
4733.(Music Lyrics change.)"Been spending most their lives living in a gangster's paradise."/"Been standing most their lives living in the gangster's paradise."
4734.(Music Lyrics change.)"Oh we, I'mma take you home with me."/"And then, I'mma take you home with me."
4735.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Nitrogen making up 70% of Earth's atmosphere instead of 78%?(Anything else about this off?)
4736.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember water with salt in it boiling quicker than regular water?
4737.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember getting nightmares from eating cheese before bed?
4738.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember inflatable tanks not being used in any war?(Was information from 1896-1901 not found on any camera?)(Videos below.)
4739.(Movie Quote change.)"That's what I love about high school girls. I keep getting older, they stay the same age."/"That's what I love about these high school girls man. I get older, they stay the same age. "
4740.(Music Lyrics change.)"All my friends know the low rider."/"All my friend know the low rider."
4741.(Music Lyrics change.)"Why can't we be friends?"/"Why can't we befriend?"
4742.(Music Lyrics change.)"And pretend that he is Parson Brown."/"And pretend that he's a circus clown."(Any of the other lyrics seem off?)
4743.(Song Title change.)We Wish You A Merry Christmas/I Wish You A Merry Christmas("We won't go until we get some."/"We won't go until we got some.")
4744.(Phantom music lyrics.)Do you remember "Until then, we'll have to muddle through somehow." not being said in Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas by Bing Crosby?
4745.(Music Lyrics change.)"Baby Jesus."/"Baby Jay-Zu."
4746.(Music Lyrics change.)"And they stay there."/"And they say yeah."
4747.(Famous Singer name change.)Ricky Nelson/Rick Nelson(Do any of his logos look off?)
4748.(Rock Band Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Pop Evil not being connected?(Do any of their other logos look off?)("It's a matter of fact, life is moving too fast."/"It's a matter of fact, there's no more life that I have.")
4749.(Pop Group name change.)The Spice Girls/Spice Girls(Do any of their logos look off?)
4750.(Music Lyrics change.)"And we can build this dream together."/"And we can build this thing together."(Do any of their logos look off?)
Add-On: Do you remember John Lennon never being in love with May Pang?(Was he only in love with Yoko Ono?)(Have you heard of May Pang?)
4751.(Candy Bar name change.)Carmello/Caramello(Do any of the logos look off?)
4752.(Celebrity death that didn't happen.)Do you remember Larry Flynt dying?
4753.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember text messaging not being around in 1992?(Was the first text message "Hello world." and not "Merry Christmas."?)
4754.(Spelling change.)Prophecy/Prophesy
4755.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember The Beatles not originally being known as the Silver Beatles?(Were they not known as the Blackjacks, Quarrymen, Johnny And The Moondogs, Silver Beetles, Beatals?)(Did they have a "The" before Blackjacks, Quarrymen, Moondogs, Silver Beetles, Silver Beatles and Beatals?)
4756.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Don't Leave Me This Way being sung by Donna Summer instead of Thelma Houston?
4757.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Bitch being sung by Alanis Morissette instead of Meredith Brooks?
4758.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Creep being sung by Nirvana instead of Stone Temple Pilots?(Was it The Stone Temple Pilots?)
4759.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Teenage Dirtbag being sung by Weezer instead of Wheatus?(Was it "Dirtbag" and not "Dirt bag"?)
4760.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember I Swear being sung by Boyz ll Men instead of All-4-One?
4761.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember A Horse With No Name being sung by Neil Young instead of America?
4762.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember The Warrior being sung by Pat Benator instead of Scandal and Patty Smyth?
4763.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Stuck In The Middle With You being sung by Bob Dylan instead of Stealers Wheel?
4764.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Escape(The Piña Colada Song) being sung by Jimmy Buffett instead of Rupert Holmes?
4765.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember I Write Sins Not Tragedies being sung by Fall Out Boy instead of Panic! At The Disco?(Was it "Panic At The Disco!"?)
4766.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Headstrong being sung by Papa Roach instead of Trapt?
4767.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Uncover being sung by Rihanna instead of Zara Larsson?
4768.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Don't Worry, Be Happy being sung by Bob Marley instead of Bobby McFerrin?
4769.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Cat's In The Cradle being sung by Cat Stevens instead of instead of Harry Chapin?
4770.(Music Lyrics change.)"Heigh-ho, heigh-ho, it's off to work we go."/"Heigh-ho, heigh-ho, it's home from work we go."(Do you remember them saying "It's off to work we go." more frequently?)
4771.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Diego Maradona doing keepie-uppies in the Munich 1989 UEFA semi-final instead of the them in the Stuttgart 1989 UEFA final?
4772.(Rock Band name change.)The Dwarves/Dwarves(Do any of their logos look off?)
4773.(History change.)Do you remember the Hindenburg explosion happening differently?(Is it more clear?)(Does the Led Zeppelin album cover look off?)
4774.(Movie name change.)BeastmasteThe Beastmaster
4775.(Company Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in DTS not being connected?(Do the letters look off?)
4776.(Company Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Crackle not being connected?(Do the letters look off?)
4777.(Bank Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Westamerica Bank not being connected?(Do the letters look off?)(Was it "West America Bank"?)
4778.(Company Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Raven not being connected?(Were the letters not connected and normal in the other companies with the name "Raven"?)
Add-On: Do you remember The Beatles not being known as The Golden Beatles?
4779.(Duo name change.)Neptunes/The Neptunes(Do any of their logos look off?)
4780.(Rock Band name change.)NERD/N.E.R.D/NERD(With asterisks between the letters.)(Do any of their logos look off?)
4781.(Rock Band name change.)The Pixies/Pixies(Do any of their logos look off?)
4782.(Movie Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Dragnet not being connected?
4783.(Casino Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in The Mirage not being connected?
4784.(Car Model Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Hyundai Elantra not being connected?
4785.(Company name change.)Infogames/Infogrames
4786.(Company Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Imagine Entertainment not being connected?
4787.(Movie Logo change.)Do you remember the A in The Da Vinci Code not being an upside down V?(Was it "Da Vinci Code"?)
4788.(Video Game Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Magic The Gathering being normal?
4789.(Movie Quote change.)"I'd rather kiss a wookie."/"I'd just as soon kiss a wookie."
4790.(Celebrity death that didn't happen.)Do you remember Iggy Pop dying in 2016?
4791.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember finna being a slang term instead of a real word?(Have you heard of the word?)
4792.(Company Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Equifax not being cut off?(Were they not connected?)
4793.(Movie Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Full Metal Jacket being normal?
4794.(T.V. Show Logo change.)Do you remember the V in Unsolved Mysteries being normal?
4795.(T.V. Show name change.)Fear Of The Walking Dead/Fear The Walking Dead
4796.(Computer name change.)Macbook/MacBook
4797.(Movie name change.)A Clockwork Orange/Clockwork Orange(Does the logo look off?)
4798.(Famous Rapper Logo change.)Do you remember the D in DMX not being cut?(Anything else off?)
4799.(T.V. Show Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in ALF not being connected?
Add-On: Do you remember the letters in Quiksilver being normal?
4800.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember there only being 5 members in The Jackson 5 instead of 6?(Was it Jackson 5, The Jackson Five, Jackson Five?)
Add-On: Do you remember Chevrolet Camero instead of Chevrolet Camaro?
4801.(Movie Quote change.)"Stella!"/"Hey! Stella!"
4802.(Phantom geography.)Do you remember Victoria Falls not being a thing?
4803.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Uncle Sam's hat being red and white stripes instead of white?
4804.(Association Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in the ADA being normal?(Were they not connected?)(Were they not green?)
4805.(Car Model Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Cadillac Escalade not being connected?(Was "Escalade" a real word?)
4806.(Movie Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Beauty And The Beast not being connected?(Were the letters normal?)
4807.(Sweetener name change.)Carrageean/Carrageenan(Was it Carrageein or Carrageenin?)
4808.(Famous Architect name change.)Buckmeister FulleBuckminister FulleBuckminster Fuller
4809.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember plants being able to convert carbon dioxide into oxygen?(Do you remember the oxygen produced in photosynthesis being derived from carbon dioxide?)
4810.(Song name change.)Sweet Escape/The Sweet Escape(Do any of Gwen Stefani's logos look off?)
4811.(Spelling change.)Enterprize/Enterprise(Does the Enterprise Rent-A-Car logo look off?)
4812.(Candy Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Nerds not having little bumps on them?(Do you remember the letters in Wonka not being connected?)(Anything else in the Wonka logo look off?)
4813.(Famous Singer name change.)Charlie Putt/Charlie Puth(Do any of his logos look off?)(Do you remember him not having a scar on his eyebrow?)
4814.(Board Game Logo change.)Do you remember the Rs in Sorry! not being broken?(Was it "Sorry" instead of "Sorry!"?)
4815.(Toy Logo change.)Do you remember the E in K'Nex not being broken?(Anything else off?)(Was it spelled differently?)
4816.(T.V. Show Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Saved By The Bell not being connected?(Anything else off?)
4817.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember there not being an A Christmas Carol musical called "Scrooge" from 1970?
4818.(New species.)Have you heard of the Dumbo Octopus?
4819.(New species.)Have you heard of the Vampire Squid?
4820.(Cookie Logo change.)Do you remember the letters not being connected in Lorna Doone?(Anything else off?)
4821.(Perfume Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Drakkar Noir not being connected?(Anything else off?)
4822.(Hotel Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Riviera not being connected?(Anything else off?)
4823.(Hotel Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in MGM Grand note being connected?(Anything else off?)
4824.(Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Yogi Bear not being connected?(Anything else off?)
Add-On: Do you remember "Porsche" being spelled "Porche"?
4825.(Movie Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in The Aristocats not being connected?(Anything else off?)
4826.(Movie Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Tarzan not being connected?(Anything else off?)
4827.(Online Game Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in World Of Warcraft not being connected?(Anything else off?)
4828.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Ranikot Fort not being a thing?
4829.(New species.)Have you heard of the Giant South American Grasshopper?
4830.(New species.)Have you heard of Creatonotos Gangis?
4831.(New species.)Have you heard of the Nematomorpha?
4832.(New species.)Have you heard of the Blue Lion?
4833.(New species.)Have you heard of the Blue Rat?
4834.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember lemons with spikes not being a thing?
4835.(Geography change.)Do you remember North America and South America being separate continents?
4836.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember 6x6 cars not being a thing?
4837.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Thundersnow not being a thing?
4838.(Album name change.)Dark Side Of The Moon/The Dark Side Of The Moon
4839.(Music Lyrics change.)"Joy to the world, the Lord is come."/"Joy to the world, the Lord has come."(Which one was it for you?)
Add-On: Do you remember the Wow! Signal coming from Orion instead of Sagittarius?(Was it the "Wow Signal"?)
4840.(Book Title change.)My Pet Goat/The Pet Goat(Was George W. Bush actually holding it upside down in the iconic photo?)(Does the book look off?)
Add-On: Do you remember "Settled down", or "Settled our heads" in Twas The Night Before Christmas instead of "Settled our brains"?(Anything else off?)
Add-On: Do you remember "Old St. Nick" instead of "Good St. Nick" in Up On The Housetop?(Anything else off?)(Did Krampus not exist for you?)(Did Elf On The Shelf not exist for you?)(Was it "Elf On A Shelf" "The Elf On A Shelf" or "The Elf On The Shelf"?)
4841.(Company Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Tractor Supply Company not being connected?(Anything else off?)
4842.(Music Lyrics change.)"Janie's got a gun."/"Janie got a gun."(Does the Aerosmith logo look off?)
4843.(Car Model Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Chevy Silverado being normal?(Were the letters in Chrysler, and GMC Sierra normal?)
4844.(Movie Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Home Alone not being connected?(Was the E in Alone not slanted?)(Were the letters normal in the other Home Alone movie logos?)
Add-On: Do you remember there being only one Large Hadron Collider?
4845.(Ship name change.)Marie Celeste/Mary Celeste(Is anything else surrounding the ship off to you?)
4846.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Khepri not being a thing?(Do you remember it not being spelled other ways?)
4847.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember giraffes being taller than they are now?(Did white giraffes not exist?)
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