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The time I climbed the highest freestanding mountain in the world, sparked up 33 people with Africas finest, made a ton of locals very rich, helped fund 6 hospice nurses and made friends for life all due to grass

Sorry if its a bit long but worth the read.

also sorry in advance, typed by a dyslexic lol

a few years ago I was part of a British team that climed Mt. Kilimanjaro for a charity called Marie Curie Cancer Care UK which provides nurses to cancer hospices here in the UK. I was 23 and joined a team of 33 along with 2 of my friends. I was the most ill prepared dickhead who could do it, I hadn't trained for it other than a small bit of walking back home and was working solid in my business at the time so hadn't had much chance to train like the others. (of the 2 friends that I went with, one was a gym fanatic, the other was a professional cage fighter and there were others in the group that were unbelievably fit, it turned out Rihannas personal bodyguard was in our group, the legend that was BigBen, we all thought it was cool asf that he was in nearly every single papparazzi photo there is of Rihanna and she was without a doubt the biggest star of the day in the world so I was out of my depth here)
I love my smoke and firstly had a dilemna of having to go for nearly 2 weeks without any grass. I had no idea how I would do it having been a seasoned toker already for years and enjoying daily tokage.
We flew from Heathrow to Nairobi and then from Nairobi, Kenya to Arusha, Tanzania to begin our quest. I can remember the entire travel time thinking that I must be the only person in the world who needs to smuggle grass into Africa but lo and behold there I was 10 hours into a long haul flight with a few grams shoved up my ass inside one of them little capsules that you get from toy vending machines, the type that would have little plastic rings in them.
Well this little supply was gone inside 2 days and I was left with nothing but Marlboro lights (costing only 1.80 Dollars for a 20 deck) so I started smoking them like a train to compensate for my lack of grass.
Well by day 2 we had started our expedition and were well under way trekking through the jungle and making headway climbing the mountain. We were setting up camp every night and I would be waking up at sunrise every day because of the morning light in the land of the Lion King. By the 3rd morning I noticed a faint whiff in the air whenever I opened my tent, the spidey senses were well heightened due to teh lack of tokage I had available. I did a quick reconnaisance of our camp that morning but couldn't find the source of the smell. For the entire 3rd day every few hours I kept getting massive whiffs of the nicest smell in the world and was constantly on the lookout and scouring teh surroundings as I was hoping I might find some wild grass as we were trekking because the smell was that strong. To no avail I couldn't for teh life of me find the source so I was just having to make do with my cigarettes.
Come the 4th morning Im unzipping my tent at sunrise and again I got a really vivid smell of it so decided enough was enough and I was going to find out where it was coming from. I spent a good hour discreelty investigating and then I noticed one of the shirpas/porters smoking behind a tent so I took a wee dander over to lookylook. There was a bit of a small language barrier but grass as you all know is something that can bring even the two most distant strangers together with something in common. he noticed me near drooling and laughed and handed me a little matchbox with a few small prerolled smokes in them, no filters, no tobacco just pure homegrown grass. It was an absolute godsend to find a little bit to be able to smoke while I trekked and made the next few days much more enjoyable, I ended up splitting up the little roll ups and rerolling into spliffs to push it to last longer. I got 2 days out of it so that was just an epic bonus.
Now for the entire trip you can imagine climbing a mountain in Africa there weren't too many toilets available and the ones that were dotted every once in a while were literally a hole in the ground that brought unbelievable smells to a point you would gag if you were within 20ft of them. by teh end of day 1 of teh trek I had thought fuck this and banged in 2 full packs of immodium into me to try and stop me needing a shit. yes probably not te best idea but meh I had already swallowed them all so I thought fuck it.
By day 6 I hadnt shit in near a week and after having trekked all day across a ridge from Mt Mawenzi to the base camp of Kilimanjaro called base camp Kibo. This base camp was at an altitude of 17,000ft and by this point we had been prescribed a drug called diamox by our teams british doctor to combat altitude sickness.
So we arrived at Kibo in the late afternoon and we were told to prepare for our final cimb to be a night summit and that we really needed to get our heads down for a few hours to ty and sleep for a bit once we got some food in us.
Happy days thought Con, a chance to recharge a bit and to get prepared. We had about 4 or 5 hours spare to nod off and get some energy together to summit Kili.
So im just about to get into my tent to put the head down for a few hours when I look around and see a massive rock literally the size of a 5 storey building about 150 metres away from base camp and it dawned on me, there was an ideal spot I could take a roll of toilet paper and evacuate my system with the time I've got available.
here I am late afternoon, everyone else has fallen asleep and im slinking off to go behind this big massive rock with my toilet roll in one hand and looking forward to feeling a lot less clogged up.
I got to the rock and walked around to the other side thinking it would be a perfect hidden spot to do my business.
I literally walked around the corner of the rock and holy shit there was like 25 or 30 porters ALLLLLLLL smoking up massive reefers. They all looked up and just stared at me at first unsure how to go about it. At this point I was like holy fuck what did I just walk into. A few of them ushered me over and handed me a smoke. How could I decline lol.
I spent the next 5 hours with all the porters sparking up and forgot that I needed to sleep. I ended up absolutely mangled because of the altitude and all the porters just laughed at me looking like a noob unable to handle Africas finest homegrown 'erb.
having spent my entire time behind that rock when I was meant to be sleeping, I staggered back to the base camp as people were starting to wake up, I was soo fucked I was tripping over tent pegs and everything. No one knew but the porters who were all pissing themselves laughing.
I obviously looked like a mess and everyone started wondering if I was going to make it up the final climb.
The entire journey I had been setting a good pace and had been told quite a few times to slow down for others but now it seemed the tables had turned as we were setting off for our last leg of teh journey.
So we are doing this night summit and its getting quite steep, and you can feel the breathes getting deeper to try and get as much oxygen in as possible due to the altitude. At one point I even started hallucinating and watched pebbles on the side of the mountain turning into little robyns and flying off due to the altitude. It was cool so I didn't mind and we had been told that hallucinations can happen because of the lack of oxygen so I didn't worry.
Well we were about 5 hours into the overnight summit and surprisingly I was still leading out of our group which I just couldn't understand considering they had all rested.
out of our team of 33 british climbers I ended up being the first to summit out of our group, I ended up falling asleep at the summit sign of Uhuru peak only to be poked by a porter telling me I needed to wake up and move back downhill as it was too dangerous to stay too long because of the altitude let alone fall asleep.
For some strange reason all the locals that were helping us within an hour of me starting to trek back downhill were all high fiving me and were really happy looking, I just thought they were chuffed that we made it.
It took us 2 days to get back down the mountain and to finish up our trek but for the next 2 days I was treated like absolute royalty. It turned out that in Tanzania the average monthly wage for a full time job is roughly 25USD and we knew that the porters were paid roughly 50-75USD per month so they were considered well off in local standards.
I couldn't understand how I had made soo many friends so quickly until I asked. It turned out that for a form of entertainment while they are helping climbers, the local porters would do horse racing style betting on the westerners as they had a good chunk of disposable income. Apparently it was always a good laugh and I can understand how fun it would be for them tbh lol. It turned out that they all smoked grass on the mountainside because it helps relax your throat muscles making it a lot easier to breathe and making it easier to get more oxygen into your system at altitude. I didnt know this at the time, they all did. I was just getting stoned off increbile African grass which was a double whammy hit because of the altitude so I had been happy as Larry.
They had inetntionally got me really stoned and then wagered all their money on me without telling me lol. It turned out I made them all an absolute ton of monies and they loved me after that as I had been the first of the group to summit
By the time we were getting bussed back to our hotel after the trek I had been handed an ounce of pure African homegrown Ganj which I then used to spark up the entire team of 33 that night in the hotel, Bigben bought us all drinks all night and it went down as one of the best nights of my life everyone partying on the hotel viranda.
I climbed the worlds highest free standing mountain, got absolutely binned at 17,000ft, made a ton of epic friends, made a load of Tanzanians a boatload of cash, got handed free African Ganj and sparked up an entire team of 33 peole with the finest for an entire night at no cost to myself. One of the best nights ever to be had.
There was even an english legend that went by the name of Dave who ended up coming back to the hotel mid morning on the back of a hotel workers scooter having ended up in local nightclub lol soo funny.
I would without a doubt recommend anyone to do it if they ever get a chance.
Our team raised a total of 142,000£ which paid for 6 marie curie hospice nurses for a full year which just made it an unbelievable thing to be apart of. absolutely brilliant memory I'm grateful to have!
submitted by con101smd to uktrees [link] [comments]

The week that I climbed the highest freestanding mountain in the world, sparked up an entire climbing team of 33 and made a ton of locals rich without even realising it.

Sorry if its a bit long but worth the read. sorry in advance im dyslexic and tried proof reading it all but theres prob still mistakes

a few years ago I was part of a British team that climed Mt. Kilimanjaro for a charity called Marie Curie Cancer Care UK which provides nurses to cancer hospices here in the UK. I was 23 and joined a team of 33 along with 2 of my friends. I was the most ill prepared dickhead who could do it, I hadn't trained for it other than a small bit of walking back home and was working solid in my business at the time so hadn't had much chance to train like the others. (of the 2 friends that I went with, one was a gym fanatic, the other was a professional cage fighter and there were others in the group that were unbelievably fit, it turned out Rihannas personal bodyguard was in our group, the legend that was BigBen, we all thought it was cool asf that he was in nearly every single papparazzi photo there is of Rihanna and she was without a doubt the biggest star of the day in the world so I was out of my depth here)
I love my smoke and firstly had a dilemna of having to go for nearly 2 weeks without any grass. I had no idea how I would do it having been a seasoned toker already for years and enjoying daily tokage.
We flew from Heathrow to Nairobi and then from Nairobi, Kenya to Arusha, Tanzania to begin our quest. I can remember the entire travel time thinking that I must be the only person in the world who needs to smuggle grass into Africa but lo and behold there I was 10 hours into a long haul flight with a few grams shoved up my ass inside one of them little capsules that you get from toy vending machines, the type that would have little plastic rings in them.
Well this little supply was gone inside 2 days and I was left with nothing but Marlboro lights (costing only 1.80 Dollars for a 20 deck) so I started smoking them like a train to compensate for my lack of grass.
Well by day 2 we had started our expedition and were well under way trekking through the jungle and making headway climbing the mountain. We were setting up camp every night and I would be waking up at sunrise every day because of the morning light in the land of the Lion King. By the 3rd morning I noticed a faint whiff in the air whenever I opened my tent, the spidey senses were well heightened due to teh lack of tokage I had available. I did a quick reconnaisance of our camp that morning but couldn't find the source of the smell. For the entire 3rd day every few hours I kept getting massive whiffs of the nicest smell in the world and was constantly on the lookout and scouring teh surroundings as I was hoping I might find some wild grass as we were trekking because the smell was that strong. To no avail I couldn't for teh life of me find the source so I was just having to make do with my cigarettes.
Come the 4th morning Im unzipping my tent at sunrise and again I got a really vivid smell of it so decided enough was enough and I was going to find out where it was coming from. I spent a good hour discreelty investigating and then I noticed one of the shirpas/porters smoking behind a tent so I took a wee dander over to lookylook. There was a bit of a small language barrier but grass as you all know is something that can bring even the two most distant strangers together with something in common. he noticed me near drooling and laughed and handed me a little matchbox with a few small prerolled smokes in them, no filters, no tobacco just pure homegrown grass. It was an absolute godsend to find a little bit to be able to smoke while I trekked and made the next few days much more enjoyable, I ended up splitting up the little roll ups and rerolling into spliffs to push it to last longer. I got 2 days out of it so that was just an epic bonus.
Now for the entire trip you can imagine climbing a mountain in Africa there weren't too many toilets available and the ones that were dotted every once in a while were literally a hole in the ground that brought unbelievable smells to a point you would gag if you were within 20ft of them. by teh end of day 1 of teh trek I had thought fuck this and banged in 2 full packs of immodium into me to try and stop me needing a shit. yes probably not te best idea but meh I had already swallowed them all so I thought fuck it.
By day 6 I hadnt shit in near a week and after having trekked all day across a ridge from Mt Mawenzi to the base camp of Kilimanjaro called base camp Kibo. This base camp was at an altitude of 17,000ft and by this point we had been prescribed a drug called diamox by our teams british doctor to combat altitude sickness.
So we arrived at Kibo in the late afternoon and we were told to prepare for our final cimb to be a night summit and that we really needed to get our heads down for a few hours to ty and sleep for a bit once we got some food in us.
Happy days thought Con, a chance to recharge a bit and to get prepared. We had about 4 or 5 hours spare to nod off and get some energy together to summit Kili.
So im just about to get into my tent to put the head down for a few hours when I look around and see a massive rock literally the size of a 5 storey building about 150 metres away from base camp and it dawned on me, there was an ideal spot I could take a roll of toilet paper and evacuate my system with the time I've got available.
here I am late afternoon, everyone else has fallen asleep and im slinking off to go behind this big massive rock with my toilet roll in one hand and looking forward to feeling a lot less clogged up.
I got to the rock and walked around to the other side thinking it would be a perfect hidden spot to do my business.
I literally walked around the corner of the rock and holy shit there was like 25 or 30 porters ALLLLLLLL smoking up massive reefers. They all looked up and just stared at me at first unsure how to go about it. At this point I was like holy fuck what did I just walk into. A few of them ushered me over and handed me a smoke. How could I decline lol.
I spent the next 5 hours with all the porters sparking up and forgot that I needed to sleep. I ended up absolutely mangled because of the altitude and all the porters just laughed at me looking like a noob unable to handle Africas finest homegrown 'erb.
having spent my entire time behind that rock when I was meant to be sleeping, I staggered back to the base camp as people were starting to wake up, I was soo fucked I was tripping over tent pegs and everything. No one knew but the porters who were all pissing themselves laughing.
I obviously looked like a mess and everyone started wondering if I was going to make it up the final climb.
The entire journey I had been setting a good pace and had been told quite a few times to slow down for others but now it seemed the tables had turned as we were setting off for our last leg of teh journey.
So we are doing this night summit and its getting quite steep, and you can feel the breathes getting deeper to try and get as much oxygen in as possible due to the altitude. At one point I even started hallucinating and watched pebbles on the side of the mountain turning into little robyns and flying off due to the altitude. It was cool so I didn't mind and we had been told that hallucinations can happen because of the lack of oxygen so I didn't worry.
Well we were about 5 hours into the overnight summit and surprisingly I was still leading out of our group which I just couldn't understand considering they had all rested.
out of our team of 33 british climbers I ended up being the first to summit out of our group, I ended up falling asleep at the summit sign of Uhuru peak only to be poked by a porter telling me I needed to wake up and move back downhill as it was too dangerous to stay too long because of the altitude let alone fall asleep.
For some strange reason all the locals that were helping us within an hour of me starting to trek back downhill were all high fiving me and were really happy looking, I just thought they were chuffed that we made it.
It took us 2 days to get back down the mountain and to finish up our trek but for the next 2 days I was treated like absolute royalty. It turned out that in Tanzania the average monthly wage for a full time job is roughly 25USD and we knew that the porters were paid roughly 50-75USD per month so they were considered well off in local standards.
I couldn't understand how I had made soo many friends so quickly until I asked. It turned out that for a form of entertainment while they are helping climbers, the local porters would do horse racing style betting on the westerners as they had a good chunk of disposable income. Apparently it was always a good laugh and I can understand how fun it would be for them tbh lol. It turned out that they all smoked grass on the mountainside because it helps relax your throat muscles making it a lot easier to breathe and making it easier to get more oxygen into your system at altitude. I didnt know this at the time, they all did. I was just getting stoned off increbile African grass which was a double whammy hit because of the altitude so I had been happy as Larry.
They had inetntionally got me really stoned and then wagered all their money on me without telling me lol. It turned out I made them all an absolute ton of monies and they loved me after that as I had been the first of the group to summit
By the time we were getting bussed back to our hotel after the trek I had been handed an ounce of pure African homegrown Ganj which I then used to spark up the entire team of 33 that night in the hotel, Bigben bought us all drinks all night and it went down as one of the best nights of my life everyone partying on teh hotel viranda.
I climbed the worlds highest free standing mountain, got absolutely binned at 17,000ft, made a ton of epic friends, made a load of Tanzanians a boatload of cash, got handed free African Ganj and sparked up an entire team of 33 peole with the finest for an entire night at no cost to myself. One of the best nights ever to be had.
There was even an english legend that went by the name of Dave who ended up coming back to the hotel mid morning on the back of a hotel workers scooter having ended up in local nightclub lol soo funny.
I would without a doubt recommend anyone to do it if they ever get a chance.

Our team raised a total of 142,000£ which paid for 6 marie curie hospice nurses for a full year which just made it an unbelievable thing to be apart of. absolutely brilliant memory I'm grateful to have!
submitted by con101smd to weed [link] [comments]

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